Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:39 AM

Chapter 1827

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On that day, Xiao Yunhai had just sent his child back to school when he received a phone call from Chen Qingqing, director of the "Eagle heroes".

"Mr. Chen, would you please let me go? The role of Yin Zhiping is really not suitable for me. "

A week ago, Xiao Yunhai took the time to go to the launch conference.

During the meal, Chen Qingqing once again sent out a guest invitation to Xiao Yunhai. If he was forced to play Yin Zhiping, Xiao Yunhai was extremely miserable.

It's not easy to come back from Xiangshan film and television city. Chen Qingqing doesn't stop, almost two days a phone call, very persistent.

Chen Qingqing said, "Yunhai, you can't choose one from the other. Lao Du and I are directors of Hanhai. You play such a big role in his play, but in "the Condor Heroes", you can't even see a face, which is too unreasonable. "

Xiao Yunhai helplessly said: "director Chen, no matter what you say, anyway, I won't agree to the death of Yin Zhiping."

Chen Qingqing said: "then do not play Yin Zhiping, change a role."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "who is it?"

Chen Qingqing said, "how about huodu or yeluqi?"

Xiao Yunhai pondered for a while and said, "No. These two characters are very important parts, which can't be finished in one day or two days. I told other actors not to play during the filming of power, and it would be inappropriate for me to violate it myself. "

Chen Qingqing said with a smile:" yesterday Lao Du came to visit his class and said that "power" had two weeks to prepare. With the acting skills of your group of people, if the progress is fast, you can kill in three months at most. You're going to shoot part of it first, and then you can make up the other part after power is finished. You know martial arts drama is very troublesome. It's hard to finish without half a year's time. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed, thought for a moment, and said, "OK, I'll play Huo Du, who is casual and elegant. Ha ha, I like acting villains more recently."

Chen Qingqing said happily, "great. It would be better if Wan Qing could be guest cast as a role

Xiao Yun Haydn was speechless.

What Xiao Yunhai didn't expect was that Chen Qingqing didn't just say it, but quickly took action.

"What? You're going to play Cheng Ying. " After returning home, Xiao Yunhai heard Zhao Wanqing's words and couldn't help exclaiming.

Zhao Wanqing was stunned and asked, "Cheng Ying's part is not too much, and will not delay the shooting of" power. ". What are you doing with such a big reaction? "

Xiao Yunhai did not answer, but asked: "wife, what did director Chen say?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "he just wants me to be a guest role, including yeluyan, Gongsun Lvji and Cheng Ying. I like Cheng Ying very much, so I took it. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "he didn't mention my business?"

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "what are you doing?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Wanqing reacted and looked at Xiao Yunhai with a bitter smile on her face and said, "husband, don't tell me that director Chen is looking for you?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded, but said: "half an hour ago, I just promised to play huodu. At this moment, I've lost my wife and lost my soldiers. "

Zhao Wanqing was not angry and said, "isn't it just shooting a play? It's still your original. What's the big deal. Tomorrow morning, I'll go to Xiangshan film and TV city. I'll shoot a play in the afternoon. When will you go there

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am the play of the day after tomorrow. Forget it. Let's go together. "

The next morning at six o'clock, the couple flew to Ningbo Airport by plane.

Out of the airport, Xiao Yunhai saw Chen Qingqing standing there waiting for them.

Xiao Yunhai quickly stepped forward and said, "director Chen, how did you come in person?"

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "I know that you must be very stubborn in your heart. That's why I came to pick you up in person. I'll make amends to you, so that you, the God of wealth, will not deduct my shooting funds."

Zhao Wanqing said, "director Chen, you don't need to be like this. If he really doesn't want to play, let alone you. Even my father can't persuade him

Xiao Yunhai feigned anger and said, "nonsense. My motto in life is to listen to advice, eat enough and never be stubborn. "

Chen Qingqing said with a smile, "as long as you don't get angry. Let's go and have breakfast

Xiao Yunhai said: "on the plane, we all ate. It's getting late. Let's go straight to Xiangshan

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "I just like your attitude of focusing on drama. Let's go. If it goes well, we'll be there in two hours. "

Unfortunately, the day did not follow people's wishes. There was a traffic accident on the highway, which was blocked for two hours before passing.

By the time we arrived at the studio, it was already 12:00 noon.

"Director Chen, brother Xiao and sister Wanqing, you are here at last." In the lobby of the hotel, Bai binglu, dressed in a white costume, welcomed them with a smile.

Chen Xiangyang and Li Xun followed, and they did not take off their costumes.Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "who is this? It's so beautiful. If anyone can marry our little dragon girl home, it is really lucky. Wife, don't you think so

Zhao Wanqing took Bai binglu's hand and looked at Chen Xiangyang, who was giggling. "Yes, I feel the same way."

Bai binglu's face turned red, and she said, "can you stop making fun of me?"

Li Xun said with a smile: "binglu, it's normal for a man to be married and a woman to be married. There's no need to be embarrassed. The two in front of you fell in love in college years earlier than you. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "speaking of it, I'm a half matchmaker. At that time, Mr. Chen asked me for the divine eagle knight errant, and I said you two were quite suitable. Now it seems that I have a good eye

Chen Xiangyang said with gratitude: "brother Xiao, thank you."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "this is your fate. You can treat binglu well in the future."

Chen Qingqing said: "we stand in the hall is not a matter, or hurry to the box."

They agreed.

Walking into the box, more than a dozen of the main creators were chatting with each other. Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, they all stood up in a hurry.

With the status of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing in the entertainment industry, except for some old people, no one dares not to stand up to meet them.

Even if the parties don't think it's a problem, it won't work.

We all stand, you do not stand, it is not in disguise that our status is inferior to you?

As a result, he was unable to move in the crew.

This is the rules of the crew, the hierarchy is extremely strict.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, of course, can't play big names. They said hello to everyone.

Pointing to a middle-aged beautiful woman, Li Xun said with a smile, "this is our Huang Rong, who also graduated from Yanjing Film Academy. She is your senior sister. See, do you know? "

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "elder martial brother, I played an anti Japanese war film with my elder martial sister, OK?"

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Xiao Yunhai immediately thought of her identity.

At the beginning, Zhao Wanqing was injured in Hengdian film and television city. It was in Zhang Tieshan, the husband of Li Yuxia's elder martial sister. It was also at that time that Xiao Yunhai filmed Jingwu hero, which became a hit in the world.

Li Yuxia said with a wry smile, "Wanqing, I feel a little embarrassed when you say that TV play. If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have been hurt. You've been in the hospital for so many days. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "elder martial Sister Li, you still remember these things about Chen sesame and rotten millet."

Li Xun said with a smile: "I remember your mention. It seems that Yunhai's "Jingwu hero" was shot when she was with Wanqing, right? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "elder martial brother, what you said is too much. Elder martial Sister Li, long time no see. In our "Eagle swordsman" crew, I am most worried about the role of Huang Rong. Now Chen Daohui eye, I'm relieved to ask you to act. "

Li Yuxia said with a smile: "you don't think I ruined this classic character."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you can't play well, I really don't know who can do it."

This is not Xiao Yunhai's compliment. Li Yuxia's acting skills are indeed very good, even if not compared with Zhang Hong and Yu Yuexian.

Chen Qingqing said, "well, when the people are here, let's all sit down."

They all agreed and sat down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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