Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:37 AM

Chapter 1829

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On the same day, Fei Zhan and his uncle flew to the city in person.

On the way, Chen Zhan asked, "aren't you two shooting the Condor? Why did you come to Feicheng all of a sudden

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's been over for a long time. After shooting "power," I'll make up for the rest. This time I came here because Yazhou electronic technology company developed a new mobile phone, so I had to come. Uncle, how's the ratings of our TV station recently

Chen Zhan shook his head and sighed: "the TV market is so competitive that our ratings have dropped a lot in the past two months. The TV drama has never done with each other, and the newly developed variety show has failed to make the first shot, which leads to a big audience rating problem. However, we are still the first in China. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "after the" Condor Heroes "and" power "broadcast, there is no need to worry

Chen Zhan said with a smile, "No. Marvel's second season of superhero "lightning man" and your last animated film "Transformers" will soon be broadcast on TV, and I believe that we will be able to turn defeat into victory. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. By the way, did my cousin graduate this year? What does he want to do? "

Xiao Yunhai's cousin Chen Chao, who failed in the college entrance examination that year, studied again for a year and entered the business administration major of Huaqing University. He graduated with excellent results last month. It is said that his graduation thesis has been recommended to some business journals by the University, which can be regarded as successful learning.

"Don't mention this boy to me, almost didn't make me angry," Chen Zhan said

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "cousin did, let you make such a big fire?"

Chen Zhan said: "this boy looks honest and honest in ordinary days. I didn't expect to find a girlfriend when he was studying."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "uncle, cousins are so old, it's normal to talk about a girlfriend. Yunhai and I came together in school, didn't we have a good time? "

Chen Zhan said helplessly: "you two are talented women. You are in agreement with each other. Naturally, there will be no problem. But what is that girl friend of this boy? A few days ago, he took it home with him. Good guy, with red hair and big earrings, he wore the same clothes as he did not wear. He was not a serious girl. Your grandfather was supposed to have dinner at home, but after sitting for less than two minutes, he left angrily. Your aunt and I saved face for the boy and served him well, but we were not as good as the food in the five-star hotel

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and said, "she said it in front of you? EQ is too low. "

Chen Zhan said:" this is not true. She whispered it to your cousin, and your aunt heard it

Zhao Wanqing asked, "what about now? Are they still living at home? "

Chen Zhan shook his head and said, "No. Our old couple didn't give them good looks. After living for two days, the girl couldn't bear to go back. What's hateful is that your cousin went with him and said he was going to travel to America. I've been pissed off in recent days. Come on, let's go home and give me some advice. "

Soon, the car stopped steadily in my grandfather's villa parking lot. Xiao Yunhai carried a box and walked into the living room.

"Grandfather, are you excited to see me?" Xiao Yunhai put down the box and saw Chen Jiahong sitting on the sofa drinking tea. He said with a smile.

Chen Jiahong took a sip of tea and said, "I'm very happy to have Wanqing here. As for you, love will not come. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said with a face of grievance: "grandfather, this is too sad for me. In order to be filial to you, I tried my best to bring his good wine and smoke from my grandfather. It's very kind of you to say such a thing. Well, I'd better take it back and enjoy it when I leave. "

Chen Jiahong burst out laughing and said, "if there is such a good thing, OK, I just said something wrong. Yunhai, you've done a good job. You'll continue to carry forward and bring me all the good things of old man Xiao. I'm out of breath. By the way, why don't you bring the kids? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "grandfather, we have something to do. We have to leave in the morning the day after tomorrow, and go straight to Xiangshan film and television city. If you want to have a baby, we'll let the plane go back to Yanjing and pick up the mother and the child for a few days. "

Chen Jiahong waved her hand and said, "forget it. It's a lot of trouble to come and go back and forth."

At this time, aunt LV Qingling came out of the kitchen with vegetables and said with a smile, "Yunhai, Wanqing, you are here. Wash your hands and let's have dinner

Zhao Wanqing said, "aunt, I'll go to the kitchen to help you."

"No, it's all done. Wash your hands and eat. "

After a while, people are on the table. Zhao Wanqing opens a bottle of special wine brought by Xiao Yunhai and fills it for the three people. I pour red wine with the lime.

Chen Zhan's drinking capacity is average, and the best wine is half a kilogram. Xiao Yunhai and Chen Jiahong are different. They are not happy without two or three kilograms.

After drinking two bottles of special food, Chen Jiahong felt a little upset, so he asked Zhao Wanqing to leave the other four bottles, and then asked LV Qingling to take out Feicheng's burning knife.Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "grandfather, you are drinking with strength. What's the meaning of changing wine?"

"Fart." Chen Jiahong said with a smile: "a total of only six bottles have been brought. We can drink two bottles. I want to keep the slow products."

Xiao Yun Hai Road: "has the final say. Is your school off? "

Chen Jiahong said: "they are all orphans, and they are young. I can't rest assured of their leave. What if something should happen? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "my grandfather is right. Now there are all kinds of people in the society, we have to guard against them. By the way, aunt, we heard from my uncle on the way that you are not satisfied with your cousin's finding a girlfriend, are you? "

Lu Qingling put down his chopsticks and sighed, "who said it wasn't? That girl is not serious at first, but your cousin likes her very much. The child listened to us very much since childhood, but this time I and your uncle expressed opposition, the reaction was very strong. After a big fight with us, he took the girl to travel. I'm going to die. "

Chen Jiahong snorted and said, "if this boy dares to marry her home, I must break his leg. Our old Chen family can't afford to lose this man. "

Lu Qingling pursed her lips, and when she reached her mouth, she swallowed again.

Chen Zhan patted the back of her hand and said, "Yunhai, Wanqing, give me your advice. What should I do about this kind of thing?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "uncle, aunt, this kind of thing can't be urgent. If you insist, will only aggravate the cousin's rebellious psychology, in addition to hurt each other's feelings, has no effect. Just like someone in those days, didn't he have such a history? "

Xiao Yunhai coughed and said, "wife, can you not mention which pot is not opened?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "what? Step on your tail? OK, don't mention it. Uncle, aunt, what is this girl for? Do you know? "

Lu Qingling said: "the girl's name is Zhang Mengmeng. She came from Yanjing. She worked in her parents' real estate company after graduating from high school. Later, she spent two years studying financial management at TOEFL, and worked for a company on Wall Street in New York for a period of time. She only returned home last year. They got to know each other through one of your cousin's classmates. Who knows that only half a year, they have reached the stage of marriage

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "how old is Zhang Mengmeng? Why is your resume so rich? What's more, did she know the identity of her cousin before

Lu Qingling said: "twenty four, two years older than your cousin. As for whether she knows about your cousin's relationship, I don't know. Yunhai, do you think that the girl approached your cousin for money

Chen Jiahong said coldly, "do you still need to ask? It must be that. "

"Is there a picture of her?" asked Zhao Wanqing

LV Qingling even said, "yes. I took pictures of them. Do you see? "

Lu Qingling said as she got up and brought her mobile phone. She found out the photo and gave it to Zhao Wanqing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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