Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:19 AM

Chapter 183

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"Yes. As long as we shoot the romance of the Three Kingdoms, people will only remember the good of the romance of the Three Kingdoms in the future, and the rest will be ignored. Mr. Hong, we have already shot it once, and the scene is almost set up. I think it will be much simpler when we shoot again. "

Xu Ming, deputy director of CCTV.

Hearing Xu Ming's words, Hong Tiancai thought for a moment and said, "among these characters, the other people's plays are not bad. The most difficult one is Lv Bu, and the martial arts are very troublesome. In particular, there are too many actors and actresses playing against Lv Bu, and many of them are Movie Masters. It's hard to say whether you have a schedule or not. "

"Is it stipulated in our contract that the actor must promise to make up the film unconditionally?" Xu Ming asked.

"Xutai, this is not a remake, but a remake. We have to sign a new contract and pay them the corresponding remuneration."

"Then let them make the offer. As long as we don't go too far, we will all agree to him "

Xia Hongda suddenly said:" I remember that Mr. Wang and Mr. song played Cao Cao and Liu Bei, and they played many games against Lv Bu. I don't know what they meant... "

hearing Xia Hongda's words, everyone looked at Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun. As long as they two Movie Masters take the lead to agree, others will be easy to say. After all, no actor dares to challenge CCTV and so many companies.

Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun looked at each other. Wang Guoan said, "I'm fine with sun. As long as the contract is suitable, we will naturally agree. After all, this "Three Kingdoms" has devoted a lot of our efforts

"Good. Dedication. "

"The film emperor is the film emperor, and consciousness is high."

As soon as everyone's eyes lit up, they all sang a hymn. As long as they don't take advantage of the fire, they can sing praises to Wang and sun. In the entertainment industry, the most important thing is that the heart is dark enough and the skin is thick enough.

"But we also have one condition."

As soon as sun Yanjun's words came out, the whole audience immediately became quiet again.

"Mr. Sun, please. As long as it's not too much, we can discuss it. " Xia Hongda said with a forced smile.

"Our requirements are not high, that is, the actor who has come back must be recognized by us. Mr. Xia, to tell you the truth, your company's he Hucheng's acting skills are really clumsy and unbearable. He has just turned a great master of the three kingdoms into a superficial one. Lao Wang and I can't play with such actors again. They are not on the same channel at all. If, this time, we find actors like him, then I will leave immediately

"What Lao Sun said is right. I fully support it."

"I agree. Only when good actors collide with each other can they perform well. If the gap is too big, it is really hard to accept. "

After listening to these actors, Xia Hongda and others were relieved. As long as it is not related to their own interests, these big bosses will not care.

Li Dongfang laughed and said, "I agree with Mr. Sun. But, seriously, there are not many young actors who can play with the two teachers in the entertainment circle. "

"Yes." Wang Guoan immediately thought of Xiao Yunhai, who had been auditioning.


"Xiao Yunhai."

"No way." Wang Guoan's words immediately attracted Xia Hongda's opposition.

"Why not?" Hong Tiancai directly went up and said without any face: "Mr. Xia, at the beginning, we three old guys unanimously agreed that Xiao Yunhai played Lv Bu. You used Xiao Yunhai to be just a newcomer and didn't have the slightest popularity to block back. That's why he Hucheng was chosen. Now, Xiao Yunhai is on the rise, and his fame is no less than that of the film emperor and empress. Moreover, his acting skills are fully recognized by the outside world. Why not? Is it because Xiao Yunhai beat your son on the record, so Xia always takes revenge on himself and doesn't want Xiao Yunhai to come over? "

Hong Tiancai's dissatisfaction with Xia Hongda has reached the limit, and his words are also very explicit.

As one of the most famous directors in the entertainment industry, Hong Tiancai doesn't care whether he offended Xia Hongda.

A flash of anger flashed across Xia Hongda's face. He looked at Hong Tianchi like a knife and said, "Hong Dao, is this questioning me?"

Hong Tianchi said in a tit for tat: "I am a small director, of course, dare not question you, the boss of the entertainment company. However, we have the right to choose our favorite actors. If you don't think it's appropriate, please give me a reason. "

"I also think that Lv Bu must belong to Xiao Yunhai." Wang Guoan strongly supports Hong Tianqiao.

"Yes, I agree 100 percent." Sun Yanjun also said.

"Yunhai is my younger brother, and I always pay close attention to him. Since he entered the entertainment industry, he has been unanimously recognized by director Hong, Mr. Wang, Mr. Sun, Mr. Huang Qiusheng, Mr. Huang Peiqi, Mr. Yu Yuexian, director Wu Zixu and director Chen Qingqing, calling him a film emperor performance. Although I have not seen his play, I believe in the judgment of these teachers. " In the side has been silent Li Xun suddenly opened his mouth said.Li Xun's words shocked everyone. Everyone he said is a big shot at the top of the entertainment industry. He is not the film emperor, the film queen, or the director. Although these entertainment industry bosses don't know Xiao Yunhai very well, Li Xun can't be deceiving if he dares to say these words in public.

Xiao Yunhai, who is powerful, famous and has many fans, is the actor most needed by the Three Kingdoms troupes.

Wu Jun also said with a smile: "listen to Mr. Li said so, I really want to see this talented young man."

Although Zhang Hong didn't speak, he was obviously optimistic.

One director, four film masters, and one film queen are endorsements for Xiao Yunhai at the same time. I'm afraid that if it is put outside, it will cause a great disturbance immediately.

"Xiao Yunhai is too good. Is it possible to dig him up?" Some entertainment industry bosses have already made up their minds.

They know very well that people like Hong Tiancai and Wang Guoan have always had a high regard for their reputation, and would never be sold.

And Xiao Yunhai can get their full support. Obviously, he really has the real talent. Such a quasi film emperor, still so young, is naturally the dream of all entertainment companies.

When Xia Hongda saw this situation, his face was blue and white for a while. Although he was very angry in his heart, he could not do anything about it.

The situation is better than the people. If these people give up the choice and don't want to shoot, they will lose too much.

We should know that Hongda, Dongfang and CCTV account for a quarter of the total investment in the Three Kingdoms, and other companies together account for a quarter.

Because the drug abuse case has already cost him 240 million yuan, plus a huge investment of 400 million yuan. If it is finally wasted, the whole company will be in a very dangerous situation, which he absolutely does not want to see.

Xia Hongda was also a hero like figure. He turned his face and said with a dry smile, "since everyone agrees, I have nothing to say." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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