Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:30 AM

Chapter 1833

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Chen Jiahong said again to Chen Chao. Then he got up and picked up a stick. He was going to hit Chen Chao on the back.

Zhang Mengmeng said, "isn't that 43 million dollars? What's the big deal? My cousin has a huge wealth of US $46 trillion. Can't we even spend $20 million? "

Chen Jiahong ran up in anger and scolded, "you bitch, shut up. There is no place for you to speak in my Chen family. "

Zhao Wanqing said coldly, "43 million is not much for us. If Chen Chao wants to start a business and want to do business, let alone 40 million, even if it is 400 million, 4 billion, 40 billion, I can give it to him without my husband. But who are you? Do you think the Chen family and Xiao family are the ones you want to enter? "

Zhang Mengmeng raised her right hand, lit the diamond ring on her ring finger, and said with pride, "cousin, no matter what you say, I am already the daughter-in-law of the Chen family. As soon as we graduated from University, we went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for marriage. "

As soon as this speech came out, everyone was stunned.

Chen Zhan was so angry that he kicked Chen Chao to the ground and asked, "do you want to tell me if what she said is true?"

Chen Chao didn't dare to lift his head and said, "Dad, we like each other. I was afraid that you would object, so I took the account book to register

Chen Zhan was so angry that he shivered all over and said, "you are a bastard, a villain. We Chen family can't afford this man."

After kicking Chen Chao a few feet, Chen Zhan turned around and knelt down directly in front of Chen Jiahong and said, "Dad, it's OK for my son to teach him. It's my fault to have such a wicked son. Sobbing... "

people in their fifties are crying.

Beside LV Qingling also knelt down.

Chen Jiahong was livid.

Zhang Mengmeng was not happy at once, and said, "although we Zhangjia can't compare with you, we can't let you be so bad. Chen Chao and I really love each other. None of you want to separate us. "

Chen Jiahong said angrily, "shut up. You want me to admit that you are the daughter-in-law of the Chen family, unless I die. "

If Zhang Mengmeng was not a girl, Chen Jiahong would have done it.

Zhao Wanqing said in a hurry: "grandfather, please calm down and let me deal with it. Chen Chao, your cousin and I spent 43 million dollars to save you two from Las Vegas casinos. Do you admit that? "

Chen Chao nodded and said, "admit it. I'll make money and pay it back. "

Zhao Wanqing took out a piece of paper and a pen from her bag and said, "since you admit it, it's the best. Now you can write us a debit note, so that we won't be able to make a final calculation. "

Zhang Mengmeng cried out, "no, we didn't let you save it."

Xiao Yunhai thought of what his wife was going to do and said coldly, "this is what you said. I can get people from Las Vegas to come over and take you back. Chen Chao is my cousin. I give him ten courage, and no one dares to touch his hair, but you are different. If you don't believe it, you can try it

Zhang Mengmeng's eyes flashed a trace of fear. She exclaimed, "your donations to others are all tens of billions. How come to your cousin, even a 20 million should be issued an IOU. You can't help but go too far."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's hard to buy a thousand dollars. I'm happy. Since you two are husband and wife, let's sign together. "

Zhang Mengmeng said, "I won't sign even if I'm dead."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "cousin, you can't also be a coward."

Chen Chao bit his teeth and said, "I write."

Chen Chao took up his pen, wrote an IOU, signed it and handed it to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing looked at it and said, "very good. You can divorce now. You two have no house, no car, no savings, no children. According to the law, each of you needs to pay us more than 21 million dollars after divorce. We don't want Chen Chao's debt. But Miss Zhang Mengmeng, you must pay us back the 20 million US dollars you owe us. "

Hearing this, Chen Jiahong immediately exclaimed at the case. This kind of treatment is just a stroke of magic.

Since they are husband and wife, they must have one half after divorce. As a result, Zhang Mengmeng not only can't get money from Chen Chao, but also loses a lot.

Chen Zhan raised his head and looked at Zhao Wanqing with approval. He said in his heart, "his niece and daughter-in-law is really fierce."

"Divorce? Why divorce? I haven't done anything that I'm sorry for my husband, and there's no way to divorce me Zhang Mengmeng screamed like a shrew.

Chen Chao also showed his manliness at the moment, saying: "cousin, I will not leave."

Chen Zhan was furious and was about to speak. Chen Jiahong stopped him and said, "give it to Wan Qing."

Zhao Wanqing looked at Chen Chao with a kind of pity and said, "cousin, you are really stupid.

Do you know who this person is around you? What she did was a disgrace to our women. "

Zhang Mengmeng screamed and said, "Zhao Wanqing, do you dare to slander me? Don't rely on yourself as the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family. You can't cover the sky with your hands in this legal society. "Zhao Wanqing sneered: "you can cheat Chen Chao. Do you think you can cheat us? If the goods like you were put in the market, they would have been eaten by people, and there would be no bones left. Husband, do you take your cousin to see what he has done with this beloved woman? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded, patted Chen Chao on the shoulder and said, "follow me."

Chen Chao looked at Zhang Mengmeng with some surprise. Zhang Mengmeng said in horror: "husband, you don't want to go. They must want to use intrigue to separate our feelings."

Zhao Wanqing said coldly, "if you want to know someone, you must not do it."

Xiao Yunhai disdains to see her one eye, pull Chen Chao then went to his room.

Xiao Yunhai turned on the computer and said, "after I learned about you and Zhang Mengmeng, I asked people to check her to see what kind of girl she was? The result is really hard to accept. "

Opening the folder, Xiao Yunhai nuogued, got up and said, "these are the things she has done in Harvard and wall street. There are photos and videos. Please see for yourself."

Chen Chao opened his mouth and said what he wanted to say, but he still didn't say anything.

His heart suddenly felt a burst of fear, trembling to open a video, only to see a huge villa, Zhang Mengmeng and more than a dozen men and women naked, there crazy writhing, doing all kinds of shameful action. When she got to the back, she was still with three men...

Chen Chao's face was hard to see. With shaking hands, she opened the second video, which was a picture of Zhang Mengmeng being crazy by a man while taking drugs.

Chen Chao couldn't watch it any more. He turned off the video directly, and the whole person seemed to be stupid. After a long time of stupidity, he began to cry.

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "Zhang Mengmeng was pregnant five times during her stay in the United States, and all of them had miscarriages. It's not sure whether we can have children now. Xiao Chao, she married you just for money. If I wasn't your cousin, she wouldn't come into contact with you. Her father's real estate company was in a dead end because she took you everywhere to parties and made people feel that they had my support behind them. Don't be silly, cousin. Do you think the Chen family can accept such a woman? "

Chen Chao raised his head, red eyes and said, "brother, I know what to do. I didn't expect her to be such a person. I'm sorry to trouble you

Xiao Yunhai said, "what are you going to do?"

Chen Chao said, "go to the divorce registration tomorrow."

Xiao Yunhai had a smile on his face and said, "cousin, you can think that's the best. But look at it. Zhang Mengmeng won't be so cheap for you. For people like her, the most important thing is money. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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