Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:25 AM

Chapter 1836

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"No, the play went straight to the sky. It was specially approved by the No. 1 chief executive. It's very powerful."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. He doesn't go the ordinary way. That's amazing. "

"Director Du, why do you choose Mr. Yin Ruiyi as the hero of so many movie emperors? With all due respect,

to be frank, he is not a top-notch teacher in terms of fame or strength

Du Hongtai said: "to the stage of the film emperor, everyone's acting skills have reached the peak. No one dares to say that he must be the best. Mr. Yin Ruiyi was not very famous before, but his acting skills were recognized by eight film masters. Of course, I am a director

"Mr. Yin Ruiyi, do you have any pressure when so many teachers are supporting you?"

Yin Rui, calm as a mountain, replied: "of course there will be pressure. Every teacher's aura is very strong, as long as I play a little bit worse, I will be pressed to find no one. So these days, I've been studying the script, looking for some comrades from the Commission for Discipline Inspection to understand their life and work, so as to make the role more perfect. "

"Mr. Yin, what's the biggest reason for choosing you to be the hero this time? I don't think there is no more suitable actor in China entertainment circle than you? "

Yin Ruiyi did not speak. Wang Guoan, who was next to him, couldn't stand it. He frowned and said, "what do you want to ask? Do you think it will be through the back door that the hero we found by the eight movie queens

"Mr. Wang, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that," the reporter said

Sun Yanjun said: "you have, we are not fools, we can all hear it out. What you mean is that Hanhai is determined to become the leading actor, isn't it? I can give you a definite answer, No. There are hidden dragon and crouching tiger in the Chinese entertainment circle. There may be a more suitable actor than him, but we have not found one. Of all the actors interviewed, he was the most suitable, none of them. Joining Hanhai is a matter after the interview. If there is a definite decision, do you think we need to have such a big audition? "

Du Hongtai said: "I would like to state that every actor in" power "is carefully selected by us without any external interference. This film is invested by Hanhai. Mr. Xiao Yunhai is the producer. He is also a world-famous director. He gives the crew the greatest freedom. I hope you don't make any wild guesses. OK, next

"Miss Yu Yuexian," power "is your first comeback work after giving birth to a child. Why did you choose it instead of a big movie?"

Yu Yuexian said, "will there be so many movie queens in the movie? can't. I don't care about the pay now. I only care if there is a close match. In this play, there are more than 20 of them, which makes me feel very excited, and even some blood is surging. "

"Miss Yu, can you tell me something about your pay?"

Yu Yuexian was directly happy and said, "sorry, this is a business secret. I can't say it."

"Can you give me a hint?"

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "this play is invested by the richest man in the world, so the pay of actors will not be low."

"Mr. Ge, I see you are playing with your mobile phone all the time. It seems that it is a rice grain smart phone that has not been put into the market. Is this a gift from Mr. Xiao?"

Ge Wuyou touched his bald head and said: "finally someone pays attention to my mobile phone. If I don't ask, my hands will be numb. "

"Ha ha ha." The crowd burst into laughter.

Ge Wuyou said: "yes. This is Yazhou's rice grain smart phone. Each of us here has one. This kind of mobile phone is quite good, it is very convenient to use, especially the screen, just like chameleon "."

Ge Wuyou talked about the benefits of a large number of rice grain smart phones, and the reporters were speechless for a while.

"Mr. Ge, are you advertising for Mi Li's smart phone? Don't you worry about Du's anger? " A reporter saw that GE Wuyou had finally finished his introduction and asked in a hurry.

Ge Wuyou sighed and said: "the so-called hand is short and the mouth is soft. I can't help it. I have taken my mobile phone. Of course, I can't take it in vain. As for Du director, take a look at his hands. There is one in his hand. It's good if he doesn't let him say words. Where can he get angry? "

"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Ge Wuyou's words, the scene immediately laughed.

The reporters' questions were like a barrage of questions about each film emperor's film queen. At the end of the day, it was Xiao Yunhai's turn to sit on the edge.

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, as investors, why are you sitting there?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "in the cast, we are just actors. All the teachers are the teachers I respect most. They have excellent acting skills and are older than us. We dare not sit in front of them. "

"Mr. Xiao, with your acting skills, I believe that even if you play the leading role, Du will not object to it. I don't understand why you choose to play the villain? Is it because the hero is not good enough? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't sow dissension here. There are only three reasons for this role. I like it. ""Miss Zhao, why do you play the villain? Are you not afraid to affect your image? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "like my husband, after reading the script, I fell in love with this poor and hateful woman. As for image, I don't care. I'm just an actor. My job is to play all kinds of roles. I can't just play good people, not bad people. "

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell us how much investment is made in this play?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "when did I set the investment quota? There's no upper limit on how much you spend. If you want to know, I'll tell you after the shooting, and make sure it's accurate to two decimal places. "

"Ha ha ha."

"Mr. Xiao, director Du said that the script of this TV drama has shocked the No. 1 chief executive. Can you elaborate on it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the process is very simple. In order to pass the review, we revised the script, and then I gave it to the chief executive when I was having dinner with him. After a few days, the chief called me back, saying that we were not atmospheric enough, and many things inside did not dare to dig deep. It has to be said that the chief executive's courage is really extraordinary. Not only did he not return the script, but also encouraged us to shoot it well. I promised him at that time that I would make this play a classic among the classics. Otherwise, I really have no face to see him again

"Mr. Xiao, can you predict the audience rating of this play? How much do you think it will take to meet the chief's expectations? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "in terms of the current market, the average audience rating must be more than 15% to be considered as relatively excellent."

"Wow, fifteen percent. That's a big voice."

"Now the pressure of competition in the TV drama market is not the same as before, and yunhuang is a big bull."

"Since he became famous, the average ratings of the TV dramas that yunhuang filmed and acted in did not seem to be lower than 15%. I wonder if this" power "will terminate his record

"No kidding. The actors in the stands knew how wonderful the play would be. Compared with those little fresh meat idol drama, at least 100 times better. "

Half an hour later, the power launch conference ended. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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