Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:22 AM

Chapter 1837

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After lunch, all the actors came to the conference room of Nanjing Medical University.

It has long been the office of the Provincial Committee of Jianghai province.

In the next few days, we will finish more than ten performances of the Standing Committee, which is very demanding for the actors.

Because at different stages, we have to play with different emotions. The key is to understand.

If the leadership of the Standing Committee of Jianghai province is not a movie emperor like Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and Xiao Yunhai, Du Hongtai would not dare to do so.

Wang Guoan and others play provincial and ministerial level leaders, and their age is not a big problem, but Xiao Yunhai, the Secretary of the political and legal committee, needs to make up, at least ten years old.

Feeling the wrinkles on his forehead, Xiao Yunhai thumbed up to the makeup artist and said, "Mr. Qin, it's so fierce that I can't see the flaws in my face even when I look in the mirror."

Qin Chuan said: "make up is not difficult, the key is to see whether you can support this age of middle-aged people."

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "it depends on my acting skills. Let's go. I guess they are all waiting in the conference room to see me as the Secretary of the political and legal commission. "

Xiao Yunhai gets up, closes his eyes and looks for a feeling. When he opens his eyes again, his temperament has changed greatly.

First of all, middle-aged leaders are solemn and calm. They are the people who give orders on weekdays. They should have a kind of momentum of deep and high positions. Secondly, the mental state should be kept the best at all times. Even if it is in an unfavorable environment, we must be happy and angry, not in color, to give people a profound feeling.

In addition to the above two points, Xiao Yunhai plays the Secretary of the political and legal commission. He is the person who controls the law and discipline of the whole province, and is also the highest level of tens of thousands of armed police and public security officers. Without a sharp edge, it is impossible.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai as if he had changed a person, Qin Chuan, the makeup artist, was stunned. He followed Xiao Yunhai and walked for a long time. Then he said, "Mr. Xiao, your acting skills are too frightening. If I haven't changed, I think

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the technique profession has specialized, I am an actor, it is not difficult to do this."

Qin Chuan shook his head and said, "you don't have to be modest. I have been in the circle for more than ten years, and few of them have the ability of you, that is, some old actors. However, even if it is them, they also need to be brewed. They are not as fast as you. As for the small fresh meat, even if you let them prepare it for a year, it will not be as good as you

Xiao Yunhai laughed and did not speak.

Indeed, the actors who can instantly change their temperament, let alone Huaxia, are few in the world.

Walking into the meeting room, sure enough, there were ten big men sitting in it. Xiao Yunhai's eyes were like electricity, and his momentum soared. He said, "it seems that everyone dare not open this meeting without me. Let me be the leader. "

Xiao Yunhai's tone is sonorous and powerful, and the sound line is slightly coarsened, which is more calm and perfectly integrated with the image of the play.

"Is this the ability of the film emperor? It's amazing. "

"Mr. Xiao's spirit is so strong that he can't lose his composure in his sharpness. He's absolutely superb."

"It's easy to play less, but it's difficult to act less. The Secretary of the political and Legal Committee of Mr. Xiao has no sense of disobedience in any way. It is really the means of the film emperor. "

"Temperament, if you don't know Mr. Xiao's face, who dares to say that this person is Mr. Xiao."

In front of the surveillance plane, Yin was keen to see Xiao Yunhai's performance and exclaimed, "absolutely."

Du Hongtai said with satisfaction: "this boy is the richest man in the world who controls billions of dollars. He can turn his hand over the clouds and rain all over the world. It's not easy to catch him playing such a powerful man. Hehe, look at Lao Wang and they are still chatting. Now they are all serious. "

The performance contest between good actors is actually the collision between aura and aura.

Their lines, manner, action and even a look have reached the point of perfection. The only link of competition is the aura.

Wang Guoan plays the Secretary of Jianghai provincial Party committee. Xiao Yunhai jokingly says that he wants to be a leader, which is undoubtedly a challenge to him.

"Presumptuous. As long as I'm still the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, you, the Secretary of the political and legal committee, will stay honest for me. "

Wang Guoan, who was just joking, had a quick face, and an aura of holding heaven and earth in his hand came into being and spread rapidly.

The deep eyes are shining and staring at Xiao Yunhai tightly. Sitting there is like a tiger perched on a dragon's plate, not afraid of Xiao Yunhai's provocation.

Halley comet hit the earth, the play has not begun, Wang Guoan and Xiao Yunhai came to a momentum on the collision.

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "OK, two, don't be too hard. It's time to compete later. Hehe, I, the head of the Organization Department, will not be merciful. "

Qin Tao narrowed his eyes and said, "be merciful? Sun, don't be kidding. I have been preparing for such a long time just to wait for today's big performance collision. After filming for so many years, I've never had the chance to act against so many Movie Masters. "Wu Jun said: "yes. Director Du, let's be quick. I can't wait. "

Xiao Yunhai sat in his position and said, "where are my pen, notebook and tea. I've just been reprimanded by the leader. I have to take notes honestly

"Ha ha ha." The crowd laughed.

Ten minutes later, with the recording of the scene, the first shooting officially began.

Wang Guoan, the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, takes a sip of tea, glances around the ten standing committee members attending the meeting. His face shows a profound expression and says: "comrades, I call you all to open this emergency Standing Committee with only one purpose, that is, about Ding Zhendong, executive vice mayor of Haichuan City, who embezzles and perverts the law, and absconds. If you have any opinions, please let us know. "

As soon as Wang Guoan finished his lines, the air in the conference room suddenly became tense.

Each big man changes his own expression, some frown, some look silent, some deep in thought.

The next speaker should be Xiao Yunhai, and the photographer's lens immediately aimed at him.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed slightly, then shot out a kind of cold and sharp light, and said in a loud voice: "grasp, we must grasp. Even if Ding Zhendong escaped to the ends of the earth, he must catch it back. At the beginning, if some people didn't push against others, things would not have come to this point. "

Xiao Yunhai's body is straight, just like a pine tree. Sitting there, he has a sharp edge and an upright image.

Yu Yuexian secretly praised him and said in a low voice, "your husband's acting has really reached a stage of perfection. The twinkle of his eyes just now indicates that he is not as simple as it seems, and leaves room for the next step of unveiling his true features. It's so powerful. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "who is not good in this? Wang's unfathomable, sun Yanjun's deep concealment, Wu Jun's bold and unconstrained atmosphere, and Qin Tao's unpredictability in dealing with changes are incisively and vividly interpreted by them. It's a wonderful play like this. "

Sitting in front of the monitor, Du Hongtai's eyes were shining and staring at the screen. His heart was full of joy.

The film emperor is the film emperor. From the very beginning, their momentum has reached the summit. Even he thinks that this is the Standing Committee of the provincial and ministerial level, let alone other people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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