Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:18 AM

Chapter 1840

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Du Hongtai saw this situation from the surveillance machine. He didn't even think about it, so he called out.

"Xiao Yin, you are too weak. Your character is very sharp, tenacious, even if it is the collapse of the earth, will not have the slightest shake. It's normal to be respectful to the leader, but you can't lose your momentum. " Du Hongtai frowned.

Yin Rui nodded and said to the actors in the conference room, "sorry, teachers, I'm a little nervous."

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. You don't have to be nervous when shooting. Do you want to adjust it? "

"No, I want to try again."


After the preparation, Du Hongtai called "action" himself.

Yin was determined to open the door for the second time and walked in. Unfortunately, this time, his performance was not better than that of the first time.

Under the strong oppression, his face changed a little. Before he finished introducing himself, he made a stop sign.

The third time

The fourth time .

after two more attempts, Yin's performance is worse than ever. It seems that he has entered a strange circle and can't get out.

Du Hongtai's face was suddenly not very good-looking. Originally everything went well. As a result, the leading actor came up and the play could not be shot directly. Du Hongtai could not bear to lose his temper, which has already given Yin Rui a lot of face.

Xiao Yunhai knows that he can't go on like this, and turns to see Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing got to know him and took out his mobile phone from his bag according to the method discussed in advance. Taking advantage of Du Hongtai's absence of shooting again, he said, "director Du, can you wait a minute? My husband's phone call is from the president of the United States

This reason is really strong enough, Du Hongtai quickly stopped filming.

Xiao Yunhai apologized to all of you, and immediately came to Zhao Wanqing. He took the mobile phone and said, "Mr. President, please wait a minute. It's not convenient to speak here."

With that, he left in the shock of the crowd.

Zhao Wanqing smiles in her heart when she sees Xiao Yunhai's evil appearance.

This morning, Xiao Yunhai has predicted that Yin Rui will have problems. After all, he has never played a leading role. The reason why he can have such a good acting skill depends on his talent and countless plays.

All of a sudden, I stepped into a stage of movie king level, even those first-line actors who have seen the world can't do it, let alone him.

Yin Ruiyi is an actor of Hanhai, and Xiao Yunhai has come up with such a method to make room for him to adjust, so as to reduce his pressure.

Xiao Yunhai goes to an office, closes the door, sits on the chair to play the game.

On the other side, Yin Ruiyi's face turned pale and walked out of the set in the eyes of people with different expressions.

His wife, Cheng Haiqiong, who has been watching his acting on the set, handed her husband a towel and asked, "husband, are you ok?"

Yin was determined to show a hard to see the extreme expression, shook his head and said: "it's OK. I just got knocked out. Seeing them acting yesterday, I just think they did well. But really into the Bureau, that kind of pressure is unimaginable by outsiders. The film emperor is the film emperor. The aura shown by going all out is really too powerful. "

Cheng Haiqiong asked anxiously, "what should I do?"

Yin Ruiyi did not speak, sitting in a chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

At this time, Ge Wuyou came over with a bottle of mineral water.

"Xiaoyin, do you feel the pressure

Yin Ruiyi opened his eyes and saw that it was Ge Wuyou. He got up quickly and called for Mr. Ge.

Ge Wuyou waved his hand and said, "you're welcome. Sit down. Xiaoyin, you haven't played the leading role. It's normal that you can't support the play. You don't need to be discouraged or depressed. There are so many big stars in China. There are more famous people than you. Do you know why we choose you?

"> I always felt lucky

Ge Wuyou said: "wrong. It's because of your resilience. At that time, the momentum of our eight movie queens did not overwhelm you. Why can't you do it today? "

Yin Ruiyi bit his lip and said, "I didn't think about it."

Ge Wuyou said: "it's the heart. Your distractions are so heavy that you don't put all your energy into the character. Always thinking about what to do in case of bad performance? What if it gets stuck? Question if you can do it? How dare you say you don't? "

Yin Rui nodded and said, "yes. I don't want to disappoint the teachers who chose me. "

Ge Wuyou said: "the more you think about it, the easier it will be to have an accident. They are all Movie Masters. They exert 200% of their efforts. You are not as good as them. You are also disturbed by distractions. It is strange that you can perform well. Listen to me. Don't think so much. Take out the confidence you had when you were auditioning and work with them. "

Yin Rui took a deep breath and said, "thank you, Mr. Ge. I understand."

Ge Wuyou said: "understanding and doing are two different things. Calm down and think about how you should act. Don't worry. Anyway, you don't show up and you can't finish the phone call over thereCheng Haiqiong a Leng, puzzled asked: "Ge teacher, what do you mean by this?"

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "your boss is really considerate of employees. Just now I was next to Wanqing. No one called Yunhai at all. The so-called president of the United States is sheer nonsense. He and Wanqing should have discussed in advance to allow you time for adjustment. "

Yin Ruiyi's eyes flashed with deep gratitude and said, "Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao are really I don't know how to thank them. "

Ge Wuyou said: "to make a real classic is to thank them best. Even if they become the richest man in the world, they can still be considerate of others. It's rare, too rare. "

With that, Ge Wuyou handed the mineral water to Yin Ruiyi and left with a song.

Ten minutes later, Yin is determined to return to the set.

Cheng Haiqiong went to Zhao Wanqing and said softly, "Miss Zhao, please let Mr. Xiao come back. Thank you for everything you have done for Lao Yin."

Zhao Wanqing was stunned and said, "did you guess it? That's smart enough

Zhao Wanqing took out her mobile phone and dialed it to Xiao Yunhai. She rang twice and hung up.

In less than half a minute, Xiao Yunhai appeared in front of the crowd and said, "director Du, teachers, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

Wang Guoan asked curiously, "Yunhai, what is the president of the United States looking for you? Oh, look at me. If it's confidential, it's OK. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there's nothing hard to say. The U.S. government has discovered a super large oil field with an estimated value of more than $8 trillion, and invited me to bid a week later. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't make up this story. The US exploration department did find a super large oil and gas field. However, it was Kristi, not lair, who informed Xiao Yunhai.

Du Hongtai said, "so you are going to America in a week?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said: "this matter, I only need to remote control the operation through remote video. That field is bound to be divided into several blocks, and I just need to get one or two of them

Wang Guoan gave a thumbs up and said, "we don't pay attention to the eight trillion dollar business. Yunhai, you are so good. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the sky is vast and the earth is vast, and filming is the biggest.". Let's shoot it quickly. "

Du Hongtai said, "good. Xiaoyin, have you adjusted your mood

Yin Rui nodded and said, "I promise there will be no more problems."

Du Hongtai said, "then prepare to start."

All of them adjusted their emotions. Yin took a deep breath. His body was straight and his face was full of confidence. His manner was very different from before.

Du Hongtai's eyes brightened and he said, "there is a door." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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