Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:17 AM

Chapter 1841

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the play of the movie emperors is still perfect, and the plot is soon promoted to Yin's sharp play.

The door opened, Yin stepped in with great effort, and with endless pressure, he bowed a little and said respectfully, "Secretary Wang, leaders, Hello, I am Hou Zhengfei, director of the anti-corruption bureau."

Although that is the case, his momentum is a bold and clear one, and has not been affected by his superior in front of him.

Houzhengfei is such a person. He is not flattering and bullying. He has strong self-discipline. He is a person who pursues perfection, whether it is work or life.

It is also this perfect, Xiao Yunhai will not feel any sense, because there will be no perfect person in the world.

Seeing Yin sharp out of the wrong area, Xiao Yunhai is very happy in his heart, but his face is a little flickering, cold as ice.

Wang Guoan smiled on his face and said, "director Hou, we are looking for you to hear the details of the case, OK?"

Yinrui nodded and said, "Secretary Wang, I'm ready."

Wang Guoan said, "OK, let's start."

Next, Yin Ruiyi memorized the lines that he had recorded for a long time, and his accumulated skills over the years were fully displayed by him.

That's how actors do, opening a head, playing back, and becoming more comfortable and confident.

Soon, Yin Ruiyi's first play was over.

Xiao Yunhai went to the monitor screen and looked at Yin's sharp performance and said, "it's very good. But there is a gap between the first half and the second half of Yin brother in his mental state. I think, everybody is working harder, and take a remake. What do you think, Du guide? "

Duhongtai shook his head and said, "Xiao Yin has not opened completely at first, and plays it. This is just getting better. Isn't it just the plot?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, then he responded and said, "yes, it is really reasonable."

It is the first time that Yin Ruiyi plays the anti-corruption director to attend such a level meeting. At first, some tension is inevitable. Before the performance, Yin Ruiyi is loose and upright, which is just in line with the plot.

With this success, Yin was keen to fight and bravely, and he was more comfortable with the role scale.

He seems to have adapted to the rival play with the movie emperor, whether Wang Guoan or xiaoyunhai, who is not taken away by the other party.

Zhao Wanqing smiled: "Yin Ge Cheng."

In this way, it took only three days, more than ten plots of the Standing Committee were finished, four days ahead of the plan of Du Hongtai.

Next, Yin Ruiyi the protagonist's play becomes the most.

With so many movie emperors telling him about the play, Yin's sharp acting skills have been improved very quickly. His experience in making plays over the years has transformed into his wealth. Even in the face of Yu Yuexian, Zhao Wanqing and even Ge Wuyou, he is not exposed to the wind and can perform easily.

Wang Guoan exclaimed: "Yunhai, your company will be a movie emperor again."

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "I thought he wanted to be a movie emperor, at least in threeorfour years, but I didn't expect that he would accumulate so much over the years, and there was no introduction and nothing to see. Now, once stimulated by the outside world, he will be able to step up the sky. Mr. Wang, look at it. Next year's golden cup movie emperor will definitely be him. "

Wang Guoan said: "hope so."

In the past two years, China has not achieved very good results in the Golden Cup awards ceremony, whether it is film or TV, and few awards have been received.

Wang Guoan is in the eyes, anxious in the heart, but it is no use to worry again. Those film and television companies are constantly shooting idol plays in order to make money. Some small companies even have two or three films. Those TV plays with strong connotation are put into hell on the 18th floor, even his movie emperor has been idle for a long time, let alone other people.

Xiao Yunhai cut off the topic and said, "Mr. Wang, what is the support plan for that director going on? Is there any potential new people? "

Wang Guoan laughed and said, "of course. I talked to Wang Tianming last night. So far, we have invested seven directors, including five films and two TV plays. Three of them have been released, winning two and one flat, making six billion. TV plays and two other films are still being filmed. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "great. It seems that the Director support foundation will soon be self-sufficient. "

Time flies, a month passed in a flash, and the filming of power group has entered a white fever.

Yin Ruiyi has developed infinite potential. In the play after the movie emperor, she is not exposed to the wind, making the shooting progress of the whole play mentioned again.

In the current situation, as long as there is no accident, the original three to five months of play, it is likely to end in two months.

Zhaowanqing ended two days ago, then flew directly to Xiangshan film and television city to shoot the rest of Cheng Ying's play of "the hero of God carving".Xiao Yunhai finished a week later, had a meal with everyone, and also flew to the cast of "the heroes of the eagle". Zhao Wanqing had already finished filming and went home.

In order to take care of Xiao Yunhai, Chen Qingqing took his part to the front and took half a month to finish Huo Du.

I can't help it. Huo Du has a lot of parts, and they all appear in the big scene. If it's not prepared in advance, let alone half a month, it would be good to finish it in one month.

When Xiao Yunhai came home from filming, it was already October.

Looking at tengyang and Jinyu who have grown taller, Xiao Yunhai can't help holding them up and kissing them again and again.

Jin Yu is OK. Xiao Yunhai makes her laugh. Tengyang is not happy. She struggles in her father's arms.

"Dad, mom, it's hard for you." During the meal, Xiao Yunhai held up his glass and respectfully presented a glass of wine to his parents and his parents in law.

Chen Xiuzhu did not have a good temper said: "you boy out for a while, but also polite to us. Our two children are our grandchildren. We should take care of them. Can we thank you? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mom, I'm just expressing my feelings. By the way, I heard Wan Qing say that you went to Huairou. How about the villa over there? Is the school done? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai ask Huairou, Xiao Changfeng's eyes brightened and said: "compared with Yanjing's bad environment, there is simply paradise. Villas have been built, kindergartens have also been bought, teachers have been found, after the new year officially opened, primary school is under construction. Yunhai, I plan to develop the tourism resources there, especially the lake not far from the villa. I must buy it. In spring, our family go boating on it. It is poetic and picturesque to think about it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, as long as you are satisfied. When the children have winter vacation, we will move there. Just take the old man over and spend the Spring Festival there. "

Xiao Changfeng nodded and said, "tomorrow is Saturday. Tengyang and Jinyu don't have classes. Let's go to see the old man and mention this matter by the way."

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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