Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:14 AM

Chapter 1844

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Zhao Wanqing has read the script of Forrest Gump for a long time. The evaluation is that a fool has a fool's fortune and a genius's creativity.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the key is to lose weight. David's current figure as middle-aged Forrest Gump is OK. When he was young, Forrest Gump needed to lose 15 to 20 jin. I hope he can handle it

Zhao Wanqing said: "I checked on the Internet. David once reduced 25 Jin a week for a play. 15 Jin is sure to be OK."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can't see that this boy is very good. I will shoot the true story of Forrest Gump as quickly as possible to seize the Spring Festival archives in China. What's more, before shooting Forrest Gump, I'll show an online movie, which will only be shown on our Yunqing mobile app, not in the cinema. "

Zhao Wanqing was stunned for a moment and said, "husband, you are not mistaken. Where do you have time to make any online movies? "

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "I've been prepared for that. When filming power, I told Mr. Wang that they would make a movie in three days. I've thought about the script, but I haven't written it yet

Zhao Wanqing said, "what kind of drama can be finished in three days? It's scary. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the whole film will be shot in a closed space. All the plots are driven by the lines, and the consideration is everyone's acting skills."

Zhao Wanqing said, "you are not addicted to power. By the way, what's the name of the movie? "

Xiao Yun Haidao: "Twelve citizens."

Yes, what Xiao Yunhai is going to shoot is twelve citizens.

The play was adapted by Xu ang, a former young director, based on the classic foreign film twelve angry men. All the actors used were powerful drama actors, and even won the highest prize in the Rome International Film Festival with a box office of only 11 million yuan. However, after being broadcast on the Internet, it was loved by countless fans.

Xiao Yunhai liked this film twelve citizens very much in his previous life. gave it a score of 8.2, which can be called the most successful film adapted from foreign movies.

However, there are some inappropriate places in it. Xiao Yunhai intends to modify it and use it directly.

That night, Xiao Yunhai began the creation of twelve citizens. Within two hours, the script was hot.

After seeing it again, Zhao Wanqing said in surprise, "husband, you are just too good. If it is shot well, even if it is shown in the cinema, it will definitely make a good box office

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "forget it. I put this movie on our app and download it for 15 yuan, which is more than what I made in the cinema. Look at it. At least this drama will bring me three billion dollars. Do you believe it? "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "no, it should be more."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are you flattering me?"

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "who has leisure to flatter you. Well, unfortunately, there are no female characters in it. "

On October 12, Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa held a press conference at the gate of the former Yanjing Taoyuan supermarket.

The two people's entry into Taoyuan supermarket chain has long been spread on the Internet. Although the news conference did not explain the reason, we all know that it must be Taoyuan's problem, which has attracted more than 100 news media's attention.

Xiao Yunhai sat on the rostrum and said to the microphone, "thank you for your presence. You should have guessed. Yes, Mr. Wu and I would like to tell you that three days ago, we have jointly purchased 92% of the shares of Taoyuan supermarket chain. In the future, Taoyuan will be renamed Yunyi supermarket chain, which will form online and offline dual services with Yunyi shopping network. OK, what questions do you have? "

" Mr. Xiao, can you tell us how much you spent on purchasing Yunyi supermarket chain? What's your respective proportion in the new Yunyi supermarket? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is not a trade secret. We spent more than 580 billion yuan, accounting for 50% of each. As with Yunyi shopping network, in the future, general manager Wu will be responsible for the operation of Yunyi supermarket chain, and I will only take dividends. "

"Mr. Wu, what will you do next?"

Wu Yifa said: "the new company certainly needs a new atmosphere. First of all, we will close all the Yunyi shopping malls in China and invest 10 billion yuan to renovate them. Secondly, we will combine Yunyi shopping network and Yunyi supermarket chain closely to form an indivisible whole, providing consumers with the best service and the cheapest price. Finally, we welcome consumers from all over China to visit our Yunyi supermarket chain. "

"Mr. Wu, does your so-called cheapest price refer to the price of Yunyi shopping website?"

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "I originally wanted to unify their prices. But later found that the operating costs of supermarkets are too large, so we can only raise them slightly. However, the price will not be higher than 10% of Yunyi shopping network. "

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Wu, who first proposed to establish Yunyi supermarket chain?"

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Wu's game method and said, "it's him.""Mr. Wu, what purpose did you make such a decision?"

"I'm a businessman, of course, to make money. By the way, I can let consumers spend less money to buy what they want immediately. It's killing two birds with one stone. In Mr. Xiao's words, we and consumers are win-win. "

"Mr. Wu, will the establishment of Yunyi supermarket chain bring pressure on other supermarkets? Especially when your price is so low. "

Wu Yifa shrugged his shoulders and said, "the influence must be there, but if it is not as big as you think, it will not be. After all, what we mainly do is the medium and low-grade goods that are closely related to people's lives. High-end goods are not within the scope of our sales, let alone luxury goods. "

"Every company has its own philosophy. What is your business philosophy?"

"It's very simple. I've said it before. To sum up, it is a small profit and a large amount of sales. Supermarkets make money and consumers benefit, so as to achieve a real win-win situation. "

The impact of Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa's Yunyi supermarket chain on the retail industry is not a little bit. In particular, Wu Yifa wants to reduce the price of goods to the level similar to that of Yunyi shopping website, which makes numerous supermarkets feel like a needle on pins and needles, but there is no way to stop it.

It goes without saying that the economic strength of the two men, with Xiao Yunhai in them, no one can be enemies with them.

No one has the courage to attack them with some means. One is the prince of the Xiao family and the other is the prince of the Wu family. It's good if they don't make trouble. If anyone dares to provoke them, it's no different from looking for death.

But the attitude of netizens and these peers is diametrically opposite.

"Taoyuan supermarket will be transformed into Yunyi supermarket, which is the best news I have ever heard."

"Great. It's only 10 percent more than Yunyi. The price makes me want to buy a lot. "

"Finally, I don't have to wait for several days to buy things. It's 10% higher than the price of Yunyi. It's totally affordable."

"Before the cloud emperor and general manager Wu jointly created the world's most cattle shopping website, now the two people join hands again, will be the world's most cattle supermarket."

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, for letting us buy what we want with the least amount of money."

Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa's supermarket plan has been supported by numerous netizens, and success is inevitable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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