Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:12 AM

Chapter 1846

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Following Ding Junli to the headmaster's office, Ding Junli knocked on the door.

"Come in, please." A magnetic voice came out of it.

Ding Junli opened the door and said, "headmaster, Xiao and Zhao are here."

Chang Qingsheng is more than 40 years old. He has a slender figure, a handsome face and a refined temperament. He must have been a handsome man when he was young.

After Zhuang bin retired, Chang Qingsheng took over his class. After some reforms, the film academy became more energetic.

Hearing what Ding Junli said about Xiao and Zhao, Chang Qingsheng was a little surprised. Just about to ask, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came in.

"Hello, President Chang." Xiao Yunhai politely said hello to Chang Qingsheng.

Chang Qingsheng suddenly realized that he got up and said with a smile, "I was just wondering who Xiao and Zhao are in teacher Ding's mouth? I didn't expect it was the pride of Yanjing Film Academy. Please have a seat. "

It was the first time that Xiao Yunhai met the new headmaster, and sat down with Zhao Wanqing.

Chang Qingsheng said with a smile: "Xiao, Zhao, speaking of it, I am still a fan of the two. Whether it's your music or movies, I'm the first time to listen and enjoy. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that Chang Qingsheng would say this, and even said: "headmaster Chang, it's our honor that our works can be liked by you. I want to ask you for your help this time

Chang Qingsheng said, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm going to shoot a movie in the form of drama. I need a classroom to make

for the studio."

With a smile, Chang Qingsheng said, "I'm really happy that you can think of our school for the first time. I don't know how long you need to shoot? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "about three days, the longest is no more than five days."

I'm not going to kill you for three days

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "otherwise, how could I call it a drama movie. The whole movie is completed in one room, and all the story lines are pushed forward step by step by the actors' lines. As long as the actors play well, it can be finished in less than two days. "

Chang Qingsheng said with a wry smile: "you really shocked me. Have all the actors been found? Do you need some group performances? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we've found all of them. There are 12 stars in total, including Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Ge Wuyou, Qin Tao, Wang Tianming, Wu Jun, Xu Hongjun, Lin Yongzheng, Zhao Chuanqi, Huang Bo and Li Shangming. As for group performance, we need an elderly teacher and seven or eight young students

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words about these actors, Chang Qingsheng and Ding Junli seemed to have been hit hard on their heads, and their faces all showed an incredible expression.

It's really frightening to see more than ten Movie Masters in the entertainment industry perform in a small scene.

Chang Qingsheng was stunned for a moment and said, "Xiao, you are really... Ha ha, I don't know what to say. Come on, let's go to the set now, and we'll use the one you choose. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have a goal, that is, the spacious conference room, which fully meets the requirements of the film."

Chang Qingsheng said, "that's easy."

Chang Qingsheng called directly and told the office director not to use the conference room for a week.

Xiao Yunhai got up and said, "thank you, President Chang. Tomorrow I'll bring someone over to set up the scene, and the film will start shooting the day after tomorrow. I'll ask you to pay more attention. "

Chang Qingsheng said, "look at what you say, just say what you need."

Chang Qingsheng personally sent Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing downstairs.

At this time, there were already crowds outside, at least more than 200 people.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, everyone screamed with their voices.

Chang Qing frowned and said angrily, "don't you have to go to class?"

A simple word, but make the cheering suddenly stopped, all people lowered their heads.

Xiao Yunhai looks at Chang Qingsheng in surprise, but he has such a deterrent effect among students.

Chang Qingsheng glanced at him and said, "next, you Xiao and more than ten teachers will use our school conference room to film. It will take four or five days. None of you can disturb them for no reason. Do you all understand?"

A student majoring in performance raised his hand and asked, "headmaster, can we have a look outside?"

Chang Qingsheng said, "No. How big is the conference room? If you are outside, it's very easy to have problems. "

Xiao Yunhai pondered for a while and said: "headmaster Chang, if the younger students are interested in our shooting, you can have someone install a camera and watch it in another classroom. However, after reading it, you can't reveal the contents to the outside world. "

Chang Qingsheng said happily, "that's great. Did you hear what senior brother Xiao said. I tell you that the actors who came to shoot this time are Mr. Wang Guoan, Mr. Sun Yanjun, and Mr. Ge Wuyou. Such an opportunity can be said to be unique. You should study hard. Do you understand? ""Yes."

When I heard that I could see more than ten Movie Masters on the scene, everyone was excited.

Chang Qingsheng is right. In this entertainment industry, there will never be a second chance like this.

Even if you can put so many Movie Masters together, it's not who wants to see them.

That night, Xiao Yunhai told all the actors about the installation of the studio in Yanjing Film Academy.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai with Hanhai film and television investment company more than 10 staff came to the school.

Just as the studio was being set up in the conference room, Wang Guoan, Ge Wuyou and Wu Jun came in, accompanied by Chang Qingsheng and Xiao Yunhai's teacher Yao Wenyuan.

"Yunhai, you came to school to film, but you didn't tell me. If it hadn't been for president Chang's telling me, I wouldn't have known. " As soon as Yao Wenyuan came in, he put on an appearance of setting up a teacher and asking a crime.

Xiao Yunhai even said: "teacher, I am worried about your body. I know. If you know I'm here, I'll follow you all the way. Do I dare you to know? "

Chang Qingsheng said with a sigh, "I'm sorry about this. I don't understand Xiao's good intentions."

"What good intentions?" Yao Wen said: "he just thinks I can't do it."

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "teacher, you must not say so. We have one less actor in the twelve citizens. If you like, how about a guest role as the school director? "

Yao Wenyuan's eyes lit up and said happily, "OK. In my current situation, I can play a small role in the movie. I'm dead in peace. "

Wang Guoan frowned and said, "Lao Yao, what are you talking about? It's so unlucky. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Teacher, if you say that again, I dare not let you act. "

Yao Wenyuan said with a smile, "it's my fault. Yunhai, I heard that you wrote this script? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Would you like to have a look? Give advice. "

Yao Wenyuan waved his hand and said, "I've just seen it. It's very good. In the end, the director is extraordinary. Twelve citizens represent the twelve kinds of people in the society. By analyzing the cases, this paper expounds the dynamics of the whole society. I'll give it a score of nine

Wang Guoan said, "Yunhai, I'm sorry. I showed the script to Lao Yao."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "to my teacher, there is no need to keep secret. It's a very simple set-up, and it'll be done today. Make up and photography, I'm going to ask the film school students to do it. What do you think, Mr. Chang? "

Chang Qingsheng said: "no problem, we have many good students in art and photography. I am sure they will be very happy to hear this news. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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