Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:10 AM

Chapter 1847

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Xiao Yunhai nodded and continued: "please find me three photographers and five makeup artists. I'll have a meeting with them this afternoon. The others are ready to be killed in two days. "

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "to kill a film in two days is to break the world record."

Sun Yanjun said: "records are used to break. Yunhai, do you think that this movie can make more than one billion box office

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said with a smile, "I forgot to tell you that I am not going to put this film on the cinema."

Wang Guoan asked, "where do you put it? Is it Yunqing mobile video app? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Every time you download it, it's 15 yuan, which is much more than putting it in the cinema. As for the amount of income, my goal is not one billion, but three billion. This is only Huaxia. If other regions are included, three billion Chinese dollars will probably become US dollars. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's confident words, everyone was dumbfounded, and even Yao Wenyuan was a little stunned.

After a long time, Ge Wuyou gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "Yunhai, you cow."

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai met eight students from Chang Qingsheng and put forward some requirements. After they understood them, he asked them to go back and prepare.

At seven o'clock in the evening, in a five-star hotel, Xiao Yunhai summoned all the actors to drink and talk about filming.

Xiao Yunhai said: "teachers, everyone has read the script. The characters have their own characteristics. Let's go to the set at six tomorrow and spend two hours stringing words. Then we will follow the pattern of the play and let it go from beginning to end. What do you think? "

Wu Jun said with a smile: "no problem. Ladies and gentlemen, I have recited my lines thoroughly. You must not get stuck and waste my emotions. "

"Well, Lao Wu, you mean to send us a challenge book." Qin Tao Dao.

Wu Jun said with a smile, "dare you take it?"

Wang Tianming said: "if you don't dare to take on such a challenge, it's no actor. By the way, Lao Wang, I'd like to discuss something with you. How about changing roles between us? I like this taxi driver very much. "

Wang Guoan's eyes glared and said angrily, "you old boy, give me up this idea as soon as possible. The performance space of this role is very large, I will not change it even if I am killed. "

Wang Tianming said, "it depends on your performance. If it doesn't work well, get off the stage right away

Wang Guoan rolled his eyes and said, "I tell you, in order to find the feeling of this character, I have driven a taxi for three days."

Wang Tianming was surprised and said, "are you going to drive? Didn't hit anyone? "

Wang Guoan said: "I want to bump into people. Do you think you can see me today? Ah, I didn't hit it, but I hit a luxury car I just bought, and I lost a lot of money. "


"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing Wang Guoan's words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

However, Wang Guoan for the role of the efforts made by the heart are very admirable. That's what a real actor should do.

When he was full of wine and food, Xiao Yunhai asked the driver to send some teachers home and the hotel to the hotel. Finally, only Huang Bo and Li Shangming were left.

Xiao Yunhai said: "neck, brother Li, to tell you the truth, compared with these teachers, you two still have some gaps. You must prepare well after going back."

Huang Bo nodded and said, "third brother, you can rest assured. The security guard I play will never have any problems. "

Li Shangming said: "I have acted as a killer several times, and I have some confidence in this character."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "that's good. Come on, I'll take you home

At six o'clock the next morning, the cast and staff of twelve citizens arrived.

It took two hours to finish all the preparation.

Among them, Xiao Yunhai's makeup wasted the most time.

He plays the leading role of the prosecutor in the play. He needs to be transformed into a middle-aged man. Two students majoring in make-up took great efforts to get it done.

All the actors are in place, everyone is sitting in their respective positions, and they begin to cross talk.

None of the people here took the manuscript and started to talk about it. You said it, I said it, and I did all kinds of actions from time to time.

When he came across the problem of understanding, Xiao Yunhai stopped for a moment and discussed with each other.

Almost 90 minutes later, they finished the word.

Shooting officially begins.

The momentum of the actors suddenly rose, entangled with each other, even the air seemed to become hot.

In the line, we didn't exert any force at all. We just knew when we were going to say our lines.

Now, their manner, temperament, expression and action have all changed, especially in their sitting posture. They can almost see each other's identity and occupation at a glance.For the sake of success, Xiao Yunhai divided the whole play into 30 scenes, each of which took about five minutes.

If one of the actors has a problem in the last second, the front four minutes is a white line, which puts forward very high requirements for the actors.

Similarly, if we can finish without any problems, then the whole play will be more wonderful.

Why did Xu ang, a former young director, find so many old actors to act? It is because in the whole play, the play of actors is the most important.

The actors Xiao Yunhai is looking for are all the best in China. Not only do they make movies, but most of them often act in plays. They are so fierce that they can't be said.

From the very beginning, I didn't take any beating. If you sing it, I will perform my role incisively and vividly.

The first few games, almost no mistakes, all over again, there is nothing to add.

When Xiao Yunhai and his whole heart into the film shooting, in another building, the students of the performance department are staring at the closed circuit television, concentrating on the performances of these film masters.

"Is this the film emperor? It's amazing. "

"Look at Mr. Wang Guoan's taxi driver. It's really lifelike. I thought he was most sure of all the emperors and generals, but I didn't expect that he would be so good at acting in the market. "

"Wrong. The prosecutor played by Xiao Xuechang was applauded. Sitting or temperament is as like as two peas. Great. "

"Mr. Sun Yanjun played the boss of the urban-rural fringe is very good. He has a glib voice and looks like he wants to fight with people."

"Didn't you find that Mr. Wu Jun's millionaire acted well? I didn't speak, but I was sitting there in style. "

The students expressed their opinions on the performances of the teachers in the play. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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