Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:09 AM

Chapter 1848

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In the ordinary study, the theoretical level of those school teachers is very good, and the explanation is also in place, but compared with Xiao Yunhai and other film masters, the acting skills are not a bit worse, and it is difficult to achieve the level they said by themselves.

But now the performances of these Movie Masters let their eyes shine. The appeal and impact of shaping roles are absolutely not what school teachers can bring them.

Watching live shooting is totally different from watching the film after editing. One is that it is original, which makes it easier to see the actor's state and performance. The other is that after editing and post production, although it is more ornamental, it will inevitably affect everyone's learning.

Even a few teachers in the Department of performing arts are all attentive.

"Miss Chen, what do you think of the film?"

"Classic. Although I haven't read the script, I have smelled the classic flavor after these scenes. "

"I have to say that the performance of several teachers is really eye opening."

"It's not just a few teachers. Look at the three young people. Xiao Yunhai needless to say, the middle-aged person's behavior can reach this point, has been supernatural. What surprised me was that Huang Bo, who played the security guard to the highest level, was no worse than other film masters. The young man who played the gangster also had a strong momentum. Sitting there, even if he didn't say a word, it made people feel cold. "

"There are talented people in every generation, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years. Be sure to leave the video after the play is finished. It's better than watching ten classic movies. It's equivalent to more than a dozen Movie Masters teaching them how to portray characters. None of us has this ability. "

The shooting on the set is getting smoother and smoother, and everyone is completely involved in the play. It seems that they are actually participating in such a debate.

It's like playing a drama, all of us have released 120% enthusiasm and efforts to strive for one-time clearance.

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to disturb everyone. After shooting a scene, he didn't look and asked the photographer to continue shooting.

A morning of continuous shooting, just finished most of the scene.

At half past eleven, Xiao Yunhai stopped decisively.

After all, several teachers are old and young people can't bear to work for hours in a row, let alone them.

Xiao Yunhai directly put the surveillance machine on the conference table, and we all looked at it seriously, without missing any details.

Looking back and forth twice, Xiao Yunhai's face showed a smile and asked, "teachers, have you seen any problems?"

Wang Tianming shook his head and said, "my eyes are not good. I haven't found anything."

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "perfect. I think it's already perfect. If you shoot it again, it may not have such effect. Yunhai, you are a director. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. There's no need to talk about putting on a drama on the stage. Now I feel that there is no difference between the drama and the drama. All of them are in the best state. They have finished all the parts like flowing water, and the role shaping is perfect. So I'm thinking about one thing now. "

Huang Bo asked, "third brother, no, director, what are you thinking about?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "do you accept online movies in the competition unit of Jinzun Film Festival? I think this play, at least, will have several nominations for the best supporting role. If it is not shown in the cinema, will you not even have the qualification to participate? "

Wang Guoan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Yunhai, you don't have to worry about this. Last year, the Organizing Committee of golden cup has put online movies into it, but none of them can meet the requirements. As long as the number of people watching this film reaches the standard, Jinzun will not refuse us. "

"That's good."

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "you teachers have worked hard. Let's go to dinner, this time in the kitchen of our school, let's feel the charm of the university here. As far as the current progress is concerned, as long as we have this morning's state in the afternoon, we can finish shooting the play before five o'clock. "

Wu Jun laughed and said, "killing a drama a day is just creating a miracle in the movie world."

Everyone nodded.

People leave their names and geese leave their voices. Everyone hopes that they can do something that will be remembered by future generations.

If they make a good performance in one day's play, they will be mentioned when people talk about the film in the future. An actor who can be remembered is a complete success.

At noon, everyone came to the canteen. The headmaster accompanied them personally and had a meal of stir fry. They all gave a thumbs up and praised the school's chefs for their excellent performance.

After dinner, the group took a rest and continued shooting at 2 p.m.

Maybe it's not in the state yet. It took two or three times to pass the first two games.

But in the third game, the state of the morning came back, and the progress was generally forward.

One, two, three, just like acting in a drama. There's no place to get stuck.At 5:30 p.m., people looked back and forth three times and found no problems.

Xiao Yunhai got up and said with a smile, "I declare that the twelve citizens will be killed."

"Woo..." everyone yelled with excitement.

Wang Guoan, Wang Tianming and Ge Wuyou are all smiling.

It's a mess to kill the green in one day.

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you have no questions, I would like to hold a youth killing conference in the school in two hours."

"I totally agree," Huang said. Of course, we need to publicize such a thing. It's not that I said, these entertainment journalists are so bad that they don't even know that so many of us are filming. It's humiliating to be a journalist. "

Yao Wenyuan shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Huang Bo, do you really think the reporters don't know? In the afternoon, they seemed to hear the wind. Now more than 100 media reporters have gathered outside the school. If President Chang had not been stopped, they would have rushed in. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's just right. Headmaster Chang, can you help us clean up the auditorium of our school

Chang Qingsheng said with a smile, "no problem. Hehe, it's our honor to see the fastest movie in the world in Yanjing Film Academy. "

On the other side, the students who watched the whole play were all flushed with excitement.

"Shit, it's a legend to shoot a movie in a day and still be in front of my eyes."

"Miracles. It's a miracle created by the most skillful actors in China's entertainment industry. "

"The key is the quality of the play, absolutely nothing. There is no special effect, no big scene, but it gives me a feeling of ups and downs. "

"I'll bet it's going to be an incredible performance."

A teacher in the Department of performance clapped his hands and said, "students, did you have a good time today? Have you learned anything? "

One of the students got up and said, "teacher, I feel very full, which is almost equal to my one semester study. In the past, I have found the answer to a lot of vague theoretical knowledge from these teachers. "

The teacher nodded and said, "you are right. I feel the same way. They represent the highest performance hall in China. You can see such a film from the beginning to the end. It can be said that this is the first time in decades. Now you, Mr. Xiao, are going to hold a press conference. Should we help? Can't you just take advantage of it and not work? "

"Well, go and help clean up." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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