Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:07 AM

Chapter 1849

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The students came out of the classroom and rushed to the auditorium to clean up.

With their help, the whole auditorium was completely new before seven o'clock.

Students from the student union also made a big red banner, on which were written a few big words to celebrate the success of the film twelve citizens.

At ten past seven, the reporters were let in by security.

Led by a teacher, he walked into the auditorium.

It's so big that it can accommodate them.

After the preparation work, at 7:30, Xiao Yunhai came in with a group of main creators.

After all the people sat down, Xiao Yunhai glanced at the scene and said with a smile: "you journalists have worked hard. I heard that you have been waiting outside the gate all afternoon. I'm really sorry. We are filming, so we can't let you in. Now that the play has been finished, please feel free to ask if you have any questions. As long as it's about the play, we know everything and say everything. "

"Mr. Xiao, when did the film" Twelve citizens "start shooting? We don't know at all. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "at six this morning. Ha ha, because everyone's state is very good, so the shooting speed is a little fast. "

The reporter was so stupid that he said, "you mean one day, no, you only took more than ten hours to shoot a movie?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "nine hours to be exact."


The whole audience was in an uproar.

"No. Nine hours a movie. That's ridiculous. "

"If I hadn't seen so many movie stars here, I wouldn't believe it would have happened."

"My God, I'm going to think I'm hearing something in my ears."

"The fastest movie in the world."

Seeing the incredible expression on the faces of the reporters, everyone smiles.

It's amazing. It's amazing.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, nine hours to make a film. With all due respect, do you think it will look good?"

Xiao Yunhai smiles and asks, "if it doesn't look good, do you think these famous teachers will come to take pictures?"

"Can you tell me what kind of play it is? How long will it take to edit? Should there be only one scene? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is a very wonderful play. There is only one studio in the conference room of our school. It took about a hundred minutes to edit. I won't disclose the details. But what I want to say is that the performance of teachers in this play is absolutely explosive. Our goal is to hold the golden cup film festival next year. My nominations for best director and best male host, and best male partner for teachers. I don't know if I can win the prize, but there should be no problem with the nomination. "

"Mr. Xiao, how much box office do you think this twelve citizens can make?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it will not be shown in the cinema, but will be downloaded from the Internet. The download fee is initially set at 15 yuan. The target set by our crew is three billion Chinese dollars in China and three billion US dollars in the world. "

"Mr. Xiao, why do you want to make such a film?"

"It's power. In this play, I played the opposite drama with many actors of film Empire level. I didn't feel too addicted. So I wrote a drama like movie like twelve citizens. In it, I and all of them have wonderful opponents. It's so cool. "

"When will the play be on... Ah, no, when will it be on the Internet?"

"I'll cut it out as fast as I can. Since there are no special effects involved in it, I just need to add music, so the time of the day should be no problem. I will try to broadcast it on Yunqing video client and Xianyue video online before 9:00 tomorrow evening. "

After asking Xiao Yunhai, we also aimed at these movie emperors.

"Mr. Ge, what role do you play in it?"

Ge Wuyou touched his bald head and said, "a small boss who opens a shop next to the school."

"Mr. Wang Guoan, what role do you play in it?"

"A taxi driver."

"Mr. Wang, you have always played the role of General Wang Hou, but suddenly you think it is difficult to play such a character?"

"Big. For this reason, I also specially drove a taxi for three days. One hour later, the press conference ended.

After the reporters left, Xiao Yunhai invited the film's creators and school teachers to a five-star hotel for a dinner.

By the time I got home, the fans on the Internet had already been in a state of uproar.

"Is this a surprise for us? That's great. "

"It's amazing to make a movie in silence."

"Nine hours a movie, can you make a good film?""Please remove the word" Mo "upstairs. Yunhuang's products must be excellent. Don't say it's nine hours, even if it's one hour, the movie of emperor Yun is not comparable to other rubbish directors. "

"Yes, what's more, there are so many film masters. If the script doesn't pass, they won't play at all. "

"Yunhuang said that the goal of the play is 3 billion yuan, and the winner of the golden cup award for the best male owner, best director and best male partner. He is too confident."

"Expect, expect. More than a dozen film masters are playing on the same stage, which is definitely a feast for acting. "

Fans are full of curiosity about Xiao Yunhai's twelve citizens.

Xiao Yunhai saw their comments, and with a smile on his face, he landed in his own space and left a post in the comment area.

"It's been a great day. It took nine hours to finish a movie. I'm full of accomplishment. Many people may wonder what kind of movie can be made in nine hours? I can tell you clearly, as long as the heart, nine hours can also produce a film that attracts your eyes from the beginning to the end. The wonderful performance of more than ten teachers can ensure that you can understand what is divine acting. Thank them. Without them, there would be no such a wonderful film. I'll get up at 5:00 tomorrow morning and spend the whole morning working on the soundtrack. I'll finish the editing and the post in the afternoon. I'll be with you at 9:00 pm

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's post was published, it exploded instantly on the Internet. In less than two hours, the number of reprints exceeded 100000.

"Yunhai, you are going to be crazy. We haven't finished filming power yet, and your new movie is about to be released. It's amazing. " After receiving the news, Du Hongtai immediately called Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the framework of power is too large and there are too many characters. Of course, it will take a long time. There is only one scene in our "Twelve citizens", all of which use dialogue between actors to promote the development of the plot. With the acting skills of Mr. Wang, do you think it's not fast

Du Hongtai said: "anyway, I admire you very much. Can it be broadcast on the Internet tomorrow night? If I can, I'll play the trick until the day after tomorrow, and I'll watch the twelve citizens with you. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "absolutely no problem, just look at it."

More than a dozen directors, including Du Hongtai, Wu Zixu and Chen Qingqing, also called.

We are all looking forward to what will happen to this nine hour movie. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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