Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:04 AM

Chapter 1851

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"The opposite of Xiao Yunhai is Han Tongsheng, a taxi driver played by Wang Guoan. He is glib, philistine and kind-hearted. He still has a trace of cowardice in the face of gangsters. He is the most firm supporter of guilt. The conflict between him and Xiao Yunhai is the most intense, and the two people's Biao opera is very enjoyable. He is the representative of ordinary teachers. He has always been a good person who likes mathematics from the beginning to the end

"The real estate merchant played by Mr. Wu Jun brightens my eyes. He keeps a beautiful college student who claims to be going to get married. He should face the popular social topic of Godfather and daughter. When he was angry, he said, "if you hate the rich, you should kill the richest Xiao Yunhai first, which made me laugh. I think it was added by Mr. Wu Jun on the set. There is also that taxi driver is most afraid of the punk, that sentence in your place is in case, to the party there is 10000, let me feel worried. He represents the image that has been hurt by the law or irresponsible legal person. His resentment is fully understandable, and Li Shangming's performance is very successful. It can be seen from his acting ability that he can stand up among many movie emperors. "

"Dr. Sun Yanjun's interpretation of doctors represents a class of people who have said that they have good education, basic self-discipline and are very rational in doing things. Most of the middle class in China are such people. Xiao Yunhai gave him a lot of parts, and Mr. Sun also gave him a full interpretation of his values. "

"In addition to Xiao Yunhai and Wang Guoan, the most outstanding one is Mr. Ge Wuyou's stall owner. It can be said that Mr. GE has applied all the acting skills he has developed in the first half of his life to this role. All his actions are very daily and market-oriented. He is smart, calculating but also laborious. He is a typical representative of the bottom peddlers. There is no enthusiasm for public affairs, no belief in the justice of the law, and the belief that money can shovel things, which has been sharpened by the cruel life. It's a pity that the play is too short, otherwise it can be more brilliant. But even so, I think that Mr. Ge Wuyou and Mr. Wang Guoan are likely to be strong contenders for the best supporting role in the golden cup award next year. "

"Mr. Xu Hongjun, as the old man, represents those old people who are not willing to take care of them. Xiao Yunhai described this, especially when he asked who would take the time to talk to your parents. I felt ashamed. Mr. Wang Tianming plays the landlord of the urban-rural fringe, an old Yanjing man who likes to talk nonsense and discriminates against outsiders. At present, there is no way for migrant workers to be deprived of their own rent. It is very likely that they will be deprived of their own rent by society

"Huang Bo plays a very interesting security guard. Full of sense of responsibility, with the same age as college students, but faced with a huge gap in reality, some of the heart is a kind of people who want to work hard but can't get return. Huang Bo's performance is very good. No wonder he can win the title of golden cup film emperor. I was very impressed by Mr. Qin Tao. I didn't expect that he played the role of a humble citizen who bowed his head and waist. Several reversals of guilt and innocence are typical representatives of ordinary citizens. Finally, the host played by teacher Lin Yongzheng is the vice mayor of a certain town. He likes to pretend to be a fox and a tiger. Several conflicts are caused by him. He takes out the school to oppress others from time to time. There are a large number of such people in society. In the entertainment industry, the deputy director of film and TV plays is one of the representatives. "

"These twelve kinds of people basically cover all walks of life in China. We can see the shadow of society from them. By using this way to deeply understand the psychology of all kinds of social groups, Xiao Yunhai, the world's top screenwriter and director, can do it. What I admire more is Mr. Xiao's choice. This kind of drama like film, put on the film screen, it is easy to cause people's antipathy. It can be put on the Internet, but it complements each other. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Xiao and all the actors and actresses for bringing us this grand banquet of acting skills. This film can be used as a classic film for them to learn. "

The comments of more than 1600 words not only evaluated the film, but also analyzed the twelve groups of people represented by the twelve citizens. It is no wonder that people are so interested.

On the network each big film and Television Forum, everywhere is netizen discussion "Twelve citizens" the post.

"Oh, my God, this play of emperor Yun is really amazing."

"I didn't expect that I would watch a drama like movie from the beginning to the end. Yunhuang, you are so good."

"The length of this film is not long, but I feel a kind of shock from the heart, thank these excellent filmmakers."

"After watching twelve citizens, I suddenly want to go to the Grand Theater to see a play. It's so appealing for people who have excellent acting skills to act. "

"Twelve citizens" has created a small world in which all kinds of people can't escape these 12 types. It's very powerful. "

With word-of-mouth rendering, countless people who don't know the film can't help but go to the website to download it.

Director Du Hongtai, director of Nanjing "power", watched the film together with Yin Ruiyi and Yu Yuexian.

Du Hongtai suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "a good play is really a good play."Yin Ruiyi took a long breath and said, "a movie that is completely composed of lines makes me feel like I can't stop. Mr. Xiao and all the teachers are really strong."

Yu Yuexian said: "the main reason is that their acting skills are too good. All of them are Movie Masters. They give us a different kind of charm. In particular, Yunhai, Wang Guoan and Ge Wuyou, I'm sure that all three of them will be candidates for the golden cup film festival. "

Du Hongtai said with a wry smile: "nine hours to shoot such a work, I really admire the sea of clouds

Yu Yuexian and Yin Ruiyi nodded at the same time.

Du Hongtai took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Yunhai.

"Hello, Yunhai, congratulations on the success of twelve citizens."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's several times worse than my goal. Director Du, did you watch it? How do you feel? "

Du Hongtai said: "very good. This is a combination of film and drama. A deep understanding of this society, coupled with the outbreak of film like acting skills by all of you, is definitely a textbook film. There is no problem with its success. As for whether it can exceed three billion, I dare not say

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "director Du, you are too much. We are praised in front of us, but not in the back. "

Du Hongtai said: "I'm really not sure. If I want to see a movie in the cinema, I have to buy a ticket. It can be downloaded by one person on the mobile phone or on the Internet, and many people can watch it. Apart from other things, you'll lose a lot of money just for the students who study in one school. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "yes. Whatever it is, we don't want to make money from this movie anyway. "

Du Hongtai was stunned and said, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we have decided to donate all the money from this film to the disaster area in the name of twelve of us, but we have not said anything to the outside world."

Du Hongtai said: "it's very meaningful. It's a good job."

After Du Hongtai finished the call, other directors also called in succession to congratulate Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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