Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:02 AM

Chapter 1853

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Out of the airport gate, Xiao Yunhai saw a smiling Kristi.

Two people hugged, Xiao Yunhai asked: "how is the child?"

Christie said with a smile: "at first, I did get some fright. I hired a lot of psychological experts for her, and now I have become that lovely child. Thank you again, Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "in my memory, you have said this sentence at least 32 times. Let's get on the bus first. I want to know the latest development of the company. "

Christie said, "OK."

When I came to the parking lot, I saw Gao Xiangfeng with more than 20 bodyguards with sunglasses standing in front of the car like a benchmark. Xiao Yunhai was directly happy.

"Lao Gao, are you going to war? Is this a big battle? " Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

Gao Xiang said: "if other people have your worth, the battle should be at least twice as big."

Xiao Yunhai looked around and whispered, "how can I find that there are still foreigners?"

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "I discussed with Ms. Christie that it would be very inconvenient to do things in the United States if we did not recruit local bodyguards. After all, we are all yellow people. Whether it's protecting important people or doing other things, the goal is too obvious. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "can they be trusted? You know that the American military is the power of the Bessie family and the Andel family. "

Gao Xiangfeng said: "I know, so these people are recruited from Britain, France and Germany and other European countries. They usually do some external work, and the core work is not accessible to them."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. I've brought all your brothers. Let's get in the car and have a good meal in my villa, and then we'll do something about it

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and opened the door. Xiao Yunhai and Kristi got in.

The instructors were in other cars.

Twenty three black Great Wall domineering SUVs left the airport slowly, attracting the attention of countless passengers.

"Who is this? It's too aggressive. "

"Who are the rich on Wall Street? Well, these rich people are afraid of death. They will take care of at least ten bodyguards to protect them. "

"It's better to have money."

In the exclamation of the crowd, the car gradually drove out of their sight.

On the car, Xiao Yunhai asked: "some time ago, what happened to that oil field in the Gulf of Mexico?"

"It was the president's special care that gave us the richest oil field," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile: "interesting. It's such a good thing that he didn't call me. "

"I think the president is trying to repair the relationship with you, because he should have felt a little guilty about the Barker bank incident last time," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that I have some use in his heart. What do the Bessies and Anderson families do? "

"Elvis has been dealing with things within the Bessie family," Kristi said. Their shares in general bank and TCP energy company were sold to the Anderson family immediately after you got them, which greatly damaged his prestige. What made him feel even more perplexed was that the Anderson family had organized two hundred financial experts to thoroughly investigate the accounts of the two companies, leaving Elvis too busy. The Anderson family's industries are not very related to us. I don't pay much attention to them

"Do you think there will be problems with the accounts of general bank and TCP energy company?" Xiao asked with great interest

Without thinking about it, Christie replied, "yes, and it's going to be very big, especially general bank. The Bessie family's military industry has been engaged in arms smuggling for decades. These accounts should be cleared through banks, so there must be a lot of tricky things in them. In the past, only the financial department of the government could check it, but they didn't dare. Now its arch rival, the Anderson family, must be looking into the matter. "

Xiao Yunhai asked: "if the Anderson family got the evidence, what would they do?"

Christie thought about it, shook her head and said, "I don't know. The Bessie family is involved in too many things. Once it goes wrong, it will cause a great earthquake in the whole United States, and even affect the whole world. Anderson family also can not get any benefits, under the net, they will also be the Bessie family crazy revenge. In the end, there will be no winners at all. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "who said there would be no winner?"

Christie was stunned and said, "you mean president Lyle?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "in this world, he is the one who most hopes that the Bessie family and the Anderson family will fight with each other, and in the end, they will both lose. What happened to Barker bank made him know that he had failed in the control of the government, which was absolutely unacceptable for a man who wanted to make a big business. It's a pity that he can't make a move. Once he does, it will be a situation in which the net is broken. It is only in the interests of him and the United States that he mediates in the middle and guarantees to minimize the scope of the impact. Look, once the Anderson family has the Bessies in their hands, it's going to be fun. "Christie was silent for a long time and asked, "Mr. Shaw, if this really happens, which side are we on?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is a great reshuffle of forces involved in politics, economy and even military affairs within the United States. We are just foreign companies, so we don't need to join in this excitement."

Christie laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw is still smart."

Back at the villa, Xiao Yunhai asked the chef to cook several tables of dishes, and everyone had a good time.

Full of food and drink, Xiao Yunhai took Gao Xiangfeng's car to the outskirts of New York. Looking at the construction company under construction, Xiao Yunhai asked, "is this land ours?"

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "yes, it's 13000 hectares. At the same time, we rented the mountains in the distance for ten years. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "did you spend a lot of money?"

Christie interjected, "that's right. The land cost 35.2 billion US dollars, and the rent of several mountains is 300 million US dollars a year. But as long as it is helpful to the security company, I think it is worth it. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Lao Gao, what kind of infatuation have you given Ms. Christie? How dare you let her speak for you like this?"

Gao Xiangfeng smiles and says nothing.

Christie said: "to deal with you, they can kidnap my child, and most likely others. Only if our security forces can frighten them, such things will not happen again. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. In the future, our company will grow stronger and stronger. If we can't guarantee the safety, it will be ridiculous. Laogao, are you renting these mountains to train security personnel? "

"Fengxiang is right."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "then don't rent it, just buy it."

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone, found out Laier's phone, and called in the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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