Published at 11th of May 2022 05:09:00 AM

Chapter 1854

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At this time, Lyle was hosting a banquet for the Chinese business delegation. When he saw Xiao Yunhai's phone call, his face changed slightly and he denounced his guilt and came to a corner.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm glad you can call me again."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. President, I don't know how to answer what you said."

Lyle sighed and said, "I'm sorry for Barker again. Unexpectedly, the two families have reached an agreement on this matter, and I can't compete with them. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. President, I fully understand your situation. Fortunately, Barker has turned the corner. You don't have to feel guilty about it. However, with all due respect, as a president of a country, you can't control the whole situation, which is quite a bit...

Lyle looked cold and said, "the two families are deeply rooted in America, and I can't fight them in a short time."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the Anderson family is very close to the general bank. I don't think the Bessie family will be clean for so many years. Once it's found out Well, Mr. President, I think you should make some preparations in advance to avoid being caught off guard

Lyle said, "thank you for the reminder. I know your people are also there to help, and I hope you can inform me in advance

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry about this. I promise to inform you as soon as I have news. I sold shares to the Anderson family just to make some money. I didn't expect to bring such a big problem to the Bessie family. It's no wonder they're going to buy shares in both companies at any cost. "

"Such a thing is not necessarily a bad thing," Lyle said implicitly

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Mr. President, I'm calling for something. My security company's headquarters were set up outside New York, and I spent $35 billion on 12000 hectares of land. My people told me that they want to buy some other mountains for training ground. I wonder if the government can sell them to me? "

Lyle laughed and said, "the mayor of New York City is very good. As long as you have enough money, there is absolutely no problem buying a few mountains."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's really good. My people say that the New York City government is worried about what illegal things our security company is doing on these mountains, so they dare not sell them to us. With your guarantee, I believe they will be at ease. "

"I'll call the mayor of New York right away, and you can send someone to talk about the price now," Lyle said

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms Christie, you can send someone to discuss the price of these mountains by the municipal government."

Christie nodded and said, "OK, I'll let them go right away."

Walking aside, Christie calls.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Laogao, most of my industries are in the United States of America, which makes your security company have a heavy responsibility. You must ensure that there are no problems. How to plan and build here, you has the final say. Just ask Christie how much you need. "

Gao Xiangfeng confidently said: "you can rest assured that we will protect your company." Back from the construction site, Xiao Yunhai came to the headquarters of Yunqing network company.

In the president's office, Xiao Yunhai listened to Wen Yanhong's work report, focusing on the new mobile network technology.

Wen Yanhong said: "Mr. Xiao, we have reached agreements with telecom companies all over the world, and the pace of promotion is very fast. It is estimated that in the second half of next year, we will fully cover Asia, the United States and other regions."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "we accounted for 12% of their profits. Have you calculated how much this is?"

Wen Yanhong said: "the total profit of all telecom companies last year was $2238 billion. This year, it is expected to exceed 25 trillion. Excluding other sources of income, nearly 15 trillion US dollars are obtained from the network, which means that our new network technology is likely to get more than $1.8 trillion a year."

Speaking of this, Wen Yanhong is already full of excitement.

She even thought that wenyanhong could not get a technology for a hundred billion dollars.

If someone had told her before that she would become the CEO of a company with a market value of more than one billion US dollars, Wen Yanhong would surely blow his face.

But now she has become such a big person, no matter where she goes, no matter what kind of person she meets, everyone is respectful to her, which greatly satisfies Wen Yanhong's vanity.

I can have such a day, is brought to her by the young man in front of her, so Wen Yanhong is full of gratitude to Xiao Yunhai from the bottom of her heart.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "1.8 trillion US dollars. Hehe, it's quite a lot. This is the power of technology. No matter how far the company develops, Mr. Wen, you must firmly remember that the core of our company will always be the more than 10000 technicians, who are the foundation of the whole company. Whatever money can do, we have to help them finish 200 percent. "Wen Yanhong nodded and said, "I understand. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. The minimum salary for the science and technology people in it is one million dollars a year. Recently, they have recruited more than 2300 technicians from all over the world, and they are in the probation period. I heard that they are excellent

Xiao Yunhai said: "technical talents are the root of the company, and more and more must be beneficial to the better. Only in this way can we keep the world ahead forever. Come on, let's go to the lab

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai, Kristi and Wen Yanhong came to the laboratory.

Patent minister Luke Samson, software minister LAN Jiancheng and hardware minister Kyle Morris, who had been informed for a long time, took a group of technicians to greet them at the door.

Xiao Yunhai hurriedly got out of the car, frowned, looked at them and said, "you are the world's top technical talents. These welcome and send things should not happen in the future. Even if the president comes, you can do whatever you want. You don't need to worry about the things that waste your energy. "

LAN Jiancheng said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, we promise this is the first and last time. We just came together to thank you. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "thank you? Thank you for what? "

LAN Jiancheng said: "thank you for giving us a best platform to display our talents."

Everyone nodded and looked at Xiao Yunhai with gratitude.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "if you want to say that, I would like to thank you for making me a lot of money."

Christie said with a smile: "the company has made huge profits and the value of its employees has been fully reflected. Isn't this what you often call a win-win situation, Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "yes, we are a win-win situation. Minister LAN, I seem to see a lot of fresh faces. Do you want to introduce me? "

LAN Jiancheng nodded and said, "OK. There are a lot of new staff in it. Their technology is very strong, and their research direction is very operational. They have become the leaders of some projects. This is Dr. Wu Lan of software development engineering. She is from China. "

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with her and said, "Hello, Dr. Wu Lan. Welcome to our Yunqing network company."

Wu Lan said: "it should be said that it is my honor to work in a company without any worries."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "thank you. This is a affirmation of our company."

LAN Jiancheng said: "this is artificial intelligence..."

in a few minutes, LAN Jiancheng introduced more than ten new technical leaders. Xiao Yunhai was smiling and gave them full respect without putting on the airs of his boss.

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