Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:56 AM

Chapter 1857

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At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly heard a strange voice coming from behind.

"What was it just now?" Xiao Yunhai turned to the photographer and asked.

The photographer turned red and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, I didn't have dinner this afternoon?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I didn't eat. Miss Meredith, didn't you eat either

Merlotti shrugged and said, "we were going to eat after the interview."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "since I come to my place, I can't let my employees work hungry. Don't go out. You can have dinner with me. I'm not full this afternoon. I'm looking for something to fill my stomach. "

"We're not welcome, boss," Meredith said

In this way, Merlot, the photographer, the assistant and a driver had a great western meal in Xiao Yunhai's villa.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai personally sent the four people away.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai's interview was broadcast on manwei TV station, and the video appeared on the network at the same time, which attracted the attention of the whole world.

Numerous netizens have expressed their views on this matter.

"Mr. Xiao is so good. One technology costs more than a trillion yuan a year. My God, it's unbearable. "

"500 billion dollars to build a laboratory, is this to build pure gold?"

"People are more likely to die than people, and goods are better than goods. My annual salary is 180000 US dollars. I thought it was a lot, but I didn't expect to catch up with one fifth of the lowest level technicians of Yunqing network company. What makes people speechless is that they are after tax, but I am before tax. "

"One hundred billion dollars a year raises nearly 20000 engineers. I estimate that Kung Fu Xiao in the world will do so."

"I bet the future of network technology is definitely led by Yunqing network company."

Ordinary people were shocked when they heard the news, not to mention the researchers.

Xiao Yunhai attaches great importance to scientific research, which makes them feel a kind of unprecedented respect.

Countless uncomfortable researchers in the unit have quietly sent their resumes to Yunqing network company.

After careful investigation, 4300 people were finally selected to enter the probation period. Of course, this is a later remark.

Xiao Yunhai stayed in New York for two days and dealt with some work matters. On the afternoon before he was going to Los Angeles, he suddenly received a call from Apollo Anderson, asking him to meet in a teahouse in New York's Chinatown, saying that there was something important to discuss.

Xiao Yunhai's heart was shocked. He felt the solemnity of Apollo's tone. He drove the car, and no one took it with him. He came to the tea house where he met.

At this time, Apollo has already given the teahouse to the package, not to mention the guest, even the boss was driven away by him.

There were only two of them in the double teahouse. Apollo's bodyguards stood guard for them outside.

Apollo poured a cup of tea to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, do you know? There are only a few people in the world that I can admire, and you are in the first place

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "why?"

Apollo said, "starting from scratch, in a few short years, is worth the foundation laid down by our Anderson family for hundreds of years. Can I not admire it?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Apollo, don't make me happy. Besides Yunqing oil and gas company and Barker bank, my industry is basically network companies. No matter how high the market value is, it is nothing but a virtual one. Once there is a financial crisis, it will immediately become worthless. And your Anderson family's pillar industries are all industries. No matter how big the external disturbance is, you can still sit on the Diaoyutai. What's more, I'm afraid you can't figure out how much you have secretly. However, I will try my best to make the money I have made on the Internet into industry and try to catch up with your Anderson family in ten years. "

When Apollo heard Xiao Yunhai's farsighted words, he said with admiration: "Mr. Xiao is not confused by the victory, and he is still incomparably calm. But what I want to say is that the network is not virtual. It has become an indispensable thing for people, just like food, clothing, housing and transportation. Your cloud clear network company to recruit nearly 20000 researchers is not virtual, their knowledge and technology is the most valuable wealth. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and directly ended the topic, saying, "Mr. Apollo, you didn't come to me just to praise me, did you?"

Apollo said, "of course not. Mr. Shaw, I have good news for you. We have found out who did the death of the sters and his son? "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "who?"

Apollo said with a smile: "it's a person you can't think of. Rich, paramount CEO


"He?" Xiao Yunhai exclaimed, "how could it be him? Didn't he have a good relationship with Jason stern? I remember that they seem to be very good classmates, aren't they? "

Apollo said: "but it is this classmate who sent sters and his son to hell."It turns out that Jason stern raped and killed a girl in college. The girl was Ricky Franklin's girlfriend and had his baby in her stomach.

It's just that the sters were so powerful that they just lost money.

But Ricky Franklin remembered it in his heart. From then on, he began to contact Jason, and through his relationship, he entered the STEL network company, and gradually climbed to the top. He was absolutely trusted by the two sters.

And that's why no one doubts Ricky Franklin.

Xiao Yunhai heard the story told by Apollo and said: "this Ricky is a man of firm mind. It sounds like the plot of a movie or a novel. To be honest, he made me look a little different. But how do you know, Mr. Apollo

Apollo said, "that's a coincidence. Some of my bodyguards took a vacation and went to a bar in Miami to drink. I overheard a man with a long beard shouting that he had killed the sters and his son. Everyone thought he was drunk and boasting. Only my bodyguard wrote down this incident. Next, we caught the big man and learned a big earth shaking secret

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what's the secret?"

Apollo said, "the killers of the sters and Terence are all people."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes widened, and he asked in an incredible way: "can't you make a mistake? Did Ricky Franklin do it all? "

As the saying goes, no coincidence can not be a book, but this is also too clever.

Apollo shook his head and said, "that's not true. Mr. and son are Ricky. In order to avenge his girlfriend, he has no grudge against Terence. It's just that he and that person employ the same people. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "so you have controlled that group, haven't you?"

Apollo said, "of course. Even Ricky Franklin was under my control. As for Terence's murderer, I can't tell you yet , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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