Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:55 AM

Chapter 1858

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After listening to Apollo, Xiao Yunhai asked: "Mr. Apollo, what do you want to do with these?"

Apollo said with a smile, "nothing, just to let you know. However, the following words will involve you. "

Speaking of this, Apollo's expression suddenly changed incomparably solemn, his eyes tightly fixed on Xiao Yunhai's eyes, and said: "Mr. Xiao, if we have a chance to put the Bessie family into hell, will you do it?"

Xiao Yunhai eyebrows a Yang, did not want to shake his head, said: "do not do."

"Why?" asked Apollo

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "at the beginning, I got the handle of the Bessie family, but I still gave up. The reason is that they have too much power. If we break the net, my companies will be hit by them. And my family could be hurt. What's more, the Bessie family is not a big threat to me. Even if it is killed, I will not get or only get a little benefit, which is not directly proportional to the risk. Mr. Apollo, it seems that you have found a lot of things in Citibank? "

Apollo nodded and said, "yes. The Bessie family has had too much black money in recent years, and there is no foreign war that it does not participate in, so it has gained a lot of benefits. Although Citibank has done a good job, we have really proofread and checked it. In the past 20 years, it has at least $560 billion in huge assets, which they can't explain clearly. Once it comes out, the whole Bessie family will be ruined. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it is possible that the United States of America is doomed. There is a saying in China that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Bessies have guns, and even if they're hit hard financially, you can't guarantee a 100% victory

Apollo said, "so we want your help. At the time of the scandal, we tried our best to suppress the stock prices of Citibank and TCP energy

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I don't have so much money."

The market value of Citibank and TCP energy company is more than 20 trillion US dollars. Xiao Yunhai will spend at least more than 40 trillion yuan to suppress them. Even Xiao Yunhai can't give them so much money.

Apollo said, "you only need to put out a billion dollars, the rest of us Anderson family is responsible for. As for military affairs, we need a long time of preparation, and then we will take down the officers of the Bessie family in one fell swoop. "

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and said, "it seems that you are determined to do this."

"This is the best opportunity to suppress the Bessie family for hundreds of years, and we will never let it go. Even if they fail in the end, they are bound to suffer a huge blow. Mr. Xiao, you will not give up your efforts in vain. As long as you can offer us $1 billion, we will repay you 12 trillion no matter whether you win or lose. "

Xiao Yunhai did not speak. He picked up his tea cup and sipped it gently. The whole person fell into meditation.

To be honest, Xiao Yunhai is not optimistic about the Anderson family's plan, because they have neglected the most important link, that is, the American government.

We should know that Lyle's purpose is to let the Bessie family and the Anderson family lose each other, rather than help one kill the other. At the beginning, Lyle was worried that something would happen to the Bessie family, so he exerted pressure on himself not to disclose the gold. Therefore, how could he allow the Anderson family to mess around.

Compared with a dominant family, Lyle will certainly choose the former.

Even if Lyle agreed, Xiao Yunhai was 100% sure that this guy would definitely have a backward move, let the Bessie family fight back and hit the Anderson family hard, so that he could make profits from it and get the most benefits.

Apollo didn't urge Xiao Yunhai to make a decision. After all, if Xiao Yunhai agreed immediately, he would doubt the sincerity of this guy.

The whole teahouse needle can be heard, only Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes, fingers unconsciously gently bouncing on the table.

After about five minutes, Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "I won't show up for this matter. You'd better ask someone else. "

Apollo frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, we don't need you to show up. We just need you to pay behind our backs."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's one thing to give money and show up. You Anderson family has been developing in America for hundreds of years and is deeply rooted. I can't support the Anderson family's counterattack without your foundation. "

Apollo was silent for a moment and said, "Mr. Xiao, let me reveal a message to you again. The American government and the European Locke family have agreed. You join us. It's 4vs1. The Bessie family has no chance of turning the tables. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even if it is 3vs1, you are already in the winning position. Why do you have to pull me?"

Apollo said, "we will be 100% sure if we pull you up. In any case, Mr. Xiao, please think it over. "

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and said, "when are you going to start?"

As soon as Apollo's eyes brightened, he said: "it will take at least half a year or even a year to prepare. The first thing to do is to disintegrate their military strength, and then arrest those Bessie family members with the lightning speed, using the name of Citibank suspected of money laundering."Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I can provide you with money. There is no problem with 10 trillion yuan, even 15 trillion yuan. "

As soon as Apollo patted the table, he said happily, "that's great. Mr. Xiao, if you can put out 15 trillion dollars, we have a better chance of winning. "

Mr. Xiao Yun, don't say hello to me. If I want to give you 15 trillion yuan, you must provide me with a guarantee of 20 trillion yuan, so as not to lose money after failure. After killing the Bessie family, you will return me $20 trillion, and I will return the things you guarantee to you. In this way, I can help you without having to fight directly against the Bessie family

Apollo pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are also good at business."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if your plan is really successful, the five trillion dollars will not be put into your eyes. Mr. Apollo, I'm a Chinese, not an American. No matter how rich I am, I can't be a real enemy of your Anderson family, can I? "

Apollo stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, this matter is too big. I need to make a phone call. Please wait patiently."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "please go ahead." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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