Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:52 AM

Chapter 1860

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"Hello, Miss Bessie. I'm Li Jiazhi." Li Jiazhi said.

"Mr. Li?" Vanessa Bessie almost forgot the man. After a pause, she said, "Mr. Li, I haven't heard your voice for a long time. I don't know what you want to tell me? "

"Miss Vanessa, I just got a big news about Citibank and TCP energy bank. I don't know if you're interested? "

What's the matter with Bertha

Li Jiazhi said: "miss winnissa, this matter is very secret, and not many people know it. If I had told you, Mr. Xiao would have found out that I had leaked the secret. "

"How much do you want?" she said playfully

Li Jiazhi was not polite at all. He said, "my annual income in Yunqing network company is 560000 US dollars."

Vanessa immediately understood Li Jiazhi's meaning and said, "you can stay in Yunqing network company for 30 years at most. I can give you 20 million dollars."

Li Jiazhi said, "no, it's too little. I also need 30 million dollars for spiritual expenses. Once I get out of Yunqing network company, I will be hiding in the future. Therefore, I want 50 million US dollars for my pension in the future, and you must pay it to my account now. "

"How do I know if your message is useful to me?" said Vanessa

Li Jiazhi did not give in at all, and said, "you can gamble with 50 million dollars."

Vanessa laughed and said, "I believe you. Wait for me three minutes. I'll have the money called right away. Is it still the account number of Huaxia commercial bank before? "

Li Jiazhi said, "thank you, Ms. Bessie, for remembering. I'm leaving right now. I'll tell you the news when the money arrives. But I'd like to remind you that you'd better hurry up. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Wen will take action. "

Vanessa said, "OK, I see."

After Li Jiazhi called, he didn't even clean up his things, so he took the elevator and left the company as if nothing had happened.

I also said hello to many colleagues on the way.

A news, plus the job of Yunqing network company for 50 million US dollars of huge wealth, which is already 37 years old Li Jiazhi is still very cost-effective.

The news that Li Jiazhi left the company soon reached Wen Yanhong's ears. Wen Yanhong's face was hard to see and said, "Mr. Xiao, he's gone."

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "it's really resolute. I guess he betrayed us without thinking for a second

Wen Yanhong said indignantly: "it's really a white eyed wolf. Mr. Xiao, do you want him to leave like this

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said with a sneer, "I won't let him off easily for such a picky thing. Now there are at least six people behind him. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, I can catch him back. Don't worry. We'll deal with the Bessie fish after it gets hooked. "

Wen Yanhong nodded and did not speak again.

After receiving the news from Li Jiazhi, winnissa Bessie, the president's office of TCP energy, looked dignified and immediately dialed the number she never wanted to dial.

There's no way. It's a family thing now, and Vanessa Bessie has to do it.

"Vanessa, I'm glad you can still call my incompetent father."

Soon, Elvis's tired voice came from the phone.

Recently, Elvis was acquired by his old rival Anderson family because of his two pillar industry shares. Barker bank, which attacked Xiao Yunhai, failed, which made him under great pressure from his family.

In particular, the No. 1 successor, froda Bessie, jumped up and down all day, forming a clique, and had the momentum to kill Elvis.

Of course, Vanessa knew what was going on inside the family, and slowed down and said, "father, I have something important to tell you. Yesterday afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and Apollo met

"I know about it, but I don't know what they're talking about," Elvis said. Yes? You got the news? "

Winnissa said, "at three o'clock this afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and Wen Yanhong of Yunqing network company will go to Apollo to sign a contract. The content is to sell 10% shares of Citibank and TCP energy company to the Anderson family at a price of 1.5 times the market value."

"Cough, cough, cough."

When Vanessa said this, Elvis, opposite, coughed violently.

"Father, are you all right?"

Elvis seemed to take a sip of water and said, "I'm fine. Kung Fu Xiao is an asshole. I regret it now. When he started, I should have killed him. How could I have been in such a situation without him. "

Vanessa Bessie said, "father, what should we do? If Kung Fu Xiao really sold the shares to the Anderson family, they would have 15% of Citigroup and 20% of TCP energy, which would be extremely bad for us. ""So it can't happen," Elvis said angrily. Vanessa, you have to stop them. "

"Unless we offer a higher price, Kungfu Xiao won't pay attention to us at all," Winnie said with a wry smile

Elvis suddenly asked, "by the way, how do you know about this?"

"I put our people in the top echelons of Yunqing network," said Vanessa. Because there are few people who know this, he is worried that he will be found out by Kung Fu Xiao, and he has taken the money and disappeared. "

Elvis said, "it's still far-reaching. I'm not compatible with Kung Fu Xiao. You are the only one who can talk to him. You can tell him that we are willing to buy his shares at twice the price, not more than 2.2 times at the most. "

"Father, I'm afraid we don't have so much liquidity," said Vanessa, frowning slightly

Elvis sighed deeply and said, "every head of our Bessie family has its own reserve fund, which I have to use this time. Do as I tell you. You must persuade Kung Fu Xiao. "

Vanessa said, "I'll go to him right away."

Winnissa is very efficient. She arrived at Yunqing network company in less than half an hour from the headquarters of TCP energy company.

"I want to see Mr. Xiao." Vanessa Bessie, protected by several bodyguards, walked into the building and said to two receptionists.

Seeing the momentum of Vanessa Bessie, the two receptionists looked at each other and said, "lady, do you have an appointment?"

Winnissa frowned and was about to talk when she saw Xiao Yunhai and Wen Yanhong come out of the elevator.

"Mr. Xiao, long time no see." In spite of her impatience, Vanessa Bessie kept her demeanor, and her beautiful face showed a perfect smile.

Xiao Yunhai was happy in his heart, but he pretended to be surprised. He said, "Miss Bessie, how can you come? We haven't seen each other for a long time

They hugged each other, and Vanessa Bessie said with a smile, "I wonder if I have the honor of treating you to dinner this afternoon? I have something important to talk to you about. "

Xiao Yunhai, of course, knew what Vanessa Bessie was going to do. He turned to Wen Yanhong and said, "Mr. Wen, you..."

Wen Yanhong is very appropriate to say: "Mr. Xiao, a beautiful woman like Miss Bessie invites you in person. If you don't go, it will be very ungracious."

"Thank you for your understanding. I'll certainly treat you to a meal as a token of my gratitude

Miss niwin said with a heavy smile. By the way, Mr. Xiao, don't forget there's something else in the afternoon. You'd better arrive before two o'clock. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "don't worry, you can't forget." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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