Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:45 AM

Chapter 1865

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In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai flew to Los Angeles to shoot Forrest Gump.

I don't know how he leaked the news. As soon as Xiao Yunhai came out of the airport, he was blocked by hundreds of media reporters. TV reporters, entertainment reporters, and financial reporters all joined in the fight, making Xiao Yunhai tireless.

After answering several questions, Xiao Yunhai, with the help of his bodyguard, went through the crowd of reporters and got into Raul's car.

"Raul, who told me I came to Los Angeles?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Raul said: "I think it's Los Angeles or New York airport. These reporters are all in a hurry, did not know before. Mr. Xiao, have you really cheated 45000 billion dollars from the Bessie family? "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai turned his eyes directly and said, "you are not using the right words. What is cheating? I was selling. If the Bessie family is really cheated, can they let me go? Don't be kidding

But the next phone call, but Xiao Yunhai's face to play PA ring.

"Mr. Shaw, you're such a jerk. I was cheated by you again."

Winnissa's voice was so loud that she almost didn't deafen Xiao Yunhai.

Raul, who was nearby, apparently heard Vanessa's words and chuckled.

Xiao Yunhai glared at him fiercely and said helplessly, "Miss Vanessa, our cooperation is very happy. I made money, you Bessie family got Citi and TCP shares, this is a win-win situation. What is cheating? This word is too inaccurate. "

Vanessa Bessie said angrily, "you unite with Apollo and use Li Jiazhi to set me up. Mr. Xiao, you really deserve to be the best actor in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you misunderstood me. I... "

" I have no misunderstanding. " Vanessa Bessie said coldly, "I didn't believe it when froda first told me, so I asked someone to investigate the Anderson family's money movement. Recently, they haven't made any big moves, let alone the $320bn acquisition. Mr. Xiao, I regard you as a friend, but you use me every time. First, we took more than 9000 employees of stell network company, and then we used the gold to pit us more than 1.6 trillion US dollars and several trillion worth of shares. Now you have cheated us out of our capital flow of 450 billion US dollars through Apollo. Knowing you is the most unfortunate thing in my life. I will never forgive you such a big asshole. You... "

Winnie Bessie, after venting her anger on the phone, hung up her mobile phone without waiting for Xiao Yunhai to reply.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the mobile phone and said, "am I so bad?"

He turned his head and looked at Raul, who was about to hold back. Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "did you hear that? Well, laugh if you want to

"Ha ha ha."

Raul snorted and laughed.

He knows that Xiao Yunhai never cares about such details. He is a boss who can play jokes, so Raul has no scruples.

After laughing for a while, Raul said, "boss, this is the worst time I've ever heard of you being scolded. It seems that you have completely offended Miss Vanessa

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "do you think I'm really sorry for her?"

Raul shook his head and said, "of course not. Mr. Xiao, you and Vanessa are enemies but not friends, and you are even more competitors with the Bessie family. There is nothing to be worthy of. Sorry? If you are weak, I'm afraid it's you who scold each other. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are right. The Bessie family is looking for someone to kill me. Can't you let me do something about it? Don't worry about these messy things. How about the translation of twelve citizens

Up to now, the results of the 1.2 billion regular citizen downloads are better than those in China.

During Xiao Yunhai's stay in New York, twelve citizens has been extended to other parts of Asia, with nearly 2.8 billion.

The 2.8 billion yuan was obtained from Yunqing's mobile phone video app. Twelve citizens did not enter the video websites of other countries.

If it was not for the agreement with Xianyue video network before, Xiao Yunhai would not put the film there.

Before he came to the United States, Xiao Yunhai sent the film of the twelve citizens, and asked Raul to find some people to translate it well.

Therefore, it is not very difficult to translate the "twelve words" of the movie to the citizen.

Raul said, "Mr. Xiao, the twelve citizens has long been finished. It's just... "

when Xiao Yunhai saw that he was trying to say something, he said," there's no need to hesitate. "

Raul solemnly said: "Mr. Xiao, I don't think this film is suitable for showing in Europe and the United States. Many of the values in it are not compatible with those of European and American fans."

Raul is right. The family and social concepts inherited from 5000 years of Chinese culture are just 108 miles away from those of Europe and America.In the play, the taxi driver played by Wang Guoan is heartbroken because of his son's behavior. However, in Europe and America, the child is an adult at the age of 18. It's normal to go out and wander around, and the parents won't care about them at all. If you take more care of it, you may even infringe on your child's privacy.

Another example is the problem of the real estate boss and female college students. In China, it may be looked at differently, but it is more normal in the United States. Not to mention the difference of more than 20 years old, there are many people who are more than 50 years old.

Xiao Yunhai was confident that he would turn the box office of 3 billion Chinese dollars into 3 billion US dollars, which was obviously too optimistic. However, it has reached 7 billion in Asia, which is not far away from this goal.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have considered this issue for a long time. If it's really inappropriate, then download it once a dollar, so that European and American fans can understand the Chinese culture. "

Raul said, "Mr. Shaw, have you ever thought of changing it? The editorial office of Marvel said that your film creation is very good, and the actors in it are also very excellent. The acting skills can be called textbook level. It can be changed into a movie suitable for European and American fans. "

Xiao Yunhai thought of the Twelve Angry Men in his previous life, nodded and said, "it's OK. I'll have people send in the master film before editing, and they can change it. It's just that when it's released, the original version should also be passed on. It's free. "

Raul nodded and said, "OK, I see."

They talked and soon came to the headquarters of Marvel comics.

Getting out of the car, Xiao Yunhai saw the Hollywood movie emperor David Harnett standing at the door.

The two hugged, and Xiao Yunhai said, "David, how are you? are you ready? This movie is basically a one-man show for you. "

David Harnett said, "I can't wait."

Raul said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, the set of Forrest Gump was fully prepared a week ago. Mr. Harnett helped a lot and pushed out several plays."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and walked, saying: "it seems that you really like this role."

David Harnett said, "that's right. After reading this script, I have a hunch that Forrest Gump is likely to become a symbol of America

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "the most important thing for an actor is self-confidence. Only self-confidence can form a strong aura and make him infinitely close to the characters in the play. David, Forrest Gump is a very, very attractive character. If he can play it perfectly, as you said, he will definitely become a symbol. From now on, you should enter Forrest Gump's world, and try to use his way to think about problems. Don't let anything outside interfere with you except acting. If you can do it, I can tell you clearly that Forrest Gump will make you one of the best actors in the whole film history

In the past, "Forrest Gump" is the synonym of American movies, whether in Europe or America or in China.

Click on the rankings of those video websites, and the positive rating of Forrest Gump is definitely in the top three. In that year, he won almost all the Oscar Awards. Xiao Yunhai hopes to improve and make it better than the previous life. As for the box office, Xiao Yunhai doesn't care at all.

Of course, with his fame and David's reputation, even if it is 10 dollars a ticket, it is estimated that breaking 5 billion dollars should not be a difficult task.

David hanay nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao, no, director, I will try my best to interpret this role perfectly."

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "I believe you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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