Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:44 AM

Chapter 1866

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When he came to his president's office, Xiao Yunhai asked Raul to find Neil Felton, deputy director of Forrest Gump.

When Xiao Yunhai filmed prison break, the assistant director was Neil. Later, Neil made a TV play with good ratings and made more than 50 million dollars for the company.

He had already found a movie script, and Neil planned to shoot it. But when Raul wanted to invest, Raul said something about the lack of an assistant director for Forrest Gump.

Neil can have today is relying on Xiao Yunhai's support. Raul mentioned that, he agreed to come down without thinking and became the deputy director of the film.

The layout of the studio, the preparation of props, the purchase of costumes and so on are all made by Neil according to Xiao Yunhai's idea.

However, these are all expensive, not to mention the labor costs. For those stalls, the crew has to pay a lot of rental fees.

For other cast members, they must be preparing while filming to save as much money as possible. But as the richest man in the world, Xiao Yunhai naturally doesn't care about this amount of money.

The so-called money can make the devil move the mill. Under the temptation of manwei's powerful capital, everyone's efficiency is very high, and they are ready in less than two weeks.

Soon, Neil Felton took a steady step and came to Xiao Yunhai's office.

"Mr. Xiao, you are here at last." Neil said, holding Xiao Yunhai's hand.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I feel a little guilty about this. Neil, thank you for helping me set up the Forrest Gump stand. I saw the set video you sent me, and it was very good. "

Neil said: "no, it's a great honor to be an associate director of Forrest Gump. It's the best script I've ever seen, and it's definitely going to be popular all over the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you for your praise. Now let's talk about actors. "Forrest Gump" does not need many actors, of which Jane is the key, and Forrest Gump's good brother Deng Taylor

Neil said, "we've made a preliminary decision. Of course, with your consent. Jane is played by our company's empress lumina, Deng Taylor is played by Tom Hardy, who worked with you in inception, and Bob bloom is....

except for lumina and Tom, Xiao Yunhai, the other actors, has never heard of any of them. Fortunately, Neil has prepared the photos, otherwise Xiao Yunhai will be black.

After the introduction, Neil asked, "Mr. Xiao, would you like them to have a try?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "No. The acting skills of lumina and Tom, I know very well that it's not difficult to win these two roles. As for the other characters, they don't have a lot of parts in our film, it doesn't matter. You tell them that if they don't satisfy me during the filming, I'll replace them at any time. Forrest Gump is very important to me. I don't allow any flaws

Neil nodded and said, "OK."

At 9:30 the next morning, more than 200 media reporters gathered in the conference room of a five-star hotel, waiting for the chief creator of Forrest Gump.

What kind of film is Forrest Gump? It's not a commercial film, is it? "

"Of course not. I heard a classmate from Marvel Comics company say that this is Mr. Xiao's first

film. "

"I've heard about it, but I can't believe it."

"What is this? Even if Mr. Xiao went to make an animated film, I would not be surprised. He is now making movies because of his interest. The box office is nothing to him. "

"Yes. If Mr. Xiao doesn't really like it, I don't believe it. "

While the reporters were whispering, Xiao Yunhai was chatting with the film makers in the hotel reception room.

"Mr. Shaw, thank you very much for letting me play such an important role as Deng Taylor?" As soon as Tom hardy came in, he expressed his thanks to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Tom, I need to tell you in advance. If you don't play this role well, I will change people immediately. Therefore, you are not necessarily an actor of our crew, but just in the inspection period. It's the same for everyone except David. "

After the film, lumina was not happy, and said: "Mr. Xiao, so I am the heroine to be determined?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes. However, I don't think it's hard to beat you for the role of Jane. If you don't play well, you're not serious, Miss lumina

Lumina said helplessly, "is this a compliment? But I don't think it's so strange. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

At ten o'clock sharp, Xiao Yunhai and the chief creative personnel walked into the scene of the press conference.

Seeing a room full of people, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that the conference room I am looking for is a little small. Thank you for your presence. Today is the day when Forrest Gump started. First of all, I'd like to introduce the filmmakers. Next to me is associate director Neil, who was also the assistant director of prison break at the beginning. He is very capable. David and lumina, the leading actor, are the best powerful stars in Hollywood. We are already familiar with them, so I won't talk about them. That's Tom. You should remember his wonderful performance in inception. That's... "After five minutes, Xiao Yunhai introduced the actors, and soon entered the question and answer session.

"Mr. Xiao, is this Forrest Gump a commercial film or an art film?"

"Art films."

"Why do you make art films? As we all know, your commercial films have achieved great success all over the world, and the top two box office films are directed by you. Is it risky for you to suddenly change in this situation? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I am a director, whether it is a commercial film, a literary film, even a documentary film, I want to try it. As for whether it is a risk? Obviously not. I'm interested in making movies. Box office is just a measure. What I care more is what people think of my film. "

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that this play was prepared before you came to America, and even the set was set up, right?"

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Neil and said with a smile, "he is the great hero of our crew. "Forrest Gump" set is he led people to do, I watched the video, very good

"How long do you think it will take you to kill Forrest Gump? How big will the investment be? "

"I'll try to finish it in two months. As for investment, there is no upper limit, but it is estimated that it is between 300 million and 400 million US dollars. "

"Generally speaking, compared with popular commercial films, the box office gap of literary and artistic films is not one and a half stars. Do you think Forrest Gump can achieve the same result as your commercial film? "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "do you think it is possible? Take Zhu Xian as an example. The average ticket price of Zhuxian is about $60 in the world. However, the 2D movie Forrest Gump can't even compete with Zhuxian even if the number of viewers is three times more than Zhuxian. Therefore, literary and artistic films should not be compared with the box office, but should be compared with the audience. "

"How many people in the world would go to the cinema to see Forrest Gump?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "500 million people should be OK." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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