Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:42 AM

Chapter 1867

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"Wow. If 500 million people watch a movie, the box office will not exceed 10 billion dollars. "

"Mr. Xiao is really domineering. In the history of film, there has never been a literary film with more than 10 billion box office

"It is estimated that Mr. Xiao will be beaten in the face this time. 500 million people, absolutely impossible. " A reporter pointed the finger at David Harnett.

"Mr. Harnett, do you think this film will attract 500 million people to watch

David said seriously: "if someone said something like this before I saw the script of Forrest Gump, like you, I would not believe it. But now, I not only believe, but also are likely to exceed 500 million, 600 million or more. Because it's really great. It's one of the best scripts I've ever seen

"Mr. Harnett, can you tell me about your pay?"

"Pay?" David was stunned and turned to ask Xiao Yunhai: "this problem has not been discussed at all. Director, we don't seem to have signed a contract yet? "

Xiao Yunhai also silly eye, way: "you did not sign a contract with the brokerage department?"

David Harnett shook his head and said, "No

Seeing this, the reporters quickly took up their pens and wrote them down in their notebooks. The script was so wonderful that David hannett forgot to sign any contract with the crew.

"Mr. Shaw, Mr. Harnett is an actor in your company. How much will you pay Mr. Harnett?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "I don't know what's going on in Hollywood. However, because of the relationship between each other, my play has never let any actor reduce the price of acting. It's just as much as it should be. "

"Mr. Harnett is now worth 60 million dollars," a reporter warned

Xiao Yunhai a face indifferent said: "that's 60 million good."

"Shit, it's rich."

"Nonsense. More than 90 percent of the countries in the world don't have money. "

The interview continued.

"Mr. Harnett, you should be playing Forrest Gump. What kind of character is this

David said: "I can only say that he is a special and charismatic person. He has all the virtues of America, and I'm sure you will like him. "

"Ms. lumina, can you introduce your heroine?"

Lumina complained, "please pay attention to the wording. I'm just waiting for the heroine. If I don't perform well, the director will probably kick me out of the cast. The whole crew, except David, is like this

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said, "lumina, are you taking revenge?"

"Mr. Xiao, why are you doing this? Don't you believe your actors? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this reporter friend, your question is simply provoking the relationship between me and the actors. First of all, I would like to say that they are very good actors. I don't believe what they mean. But the more important thing between a character and an actor is the consistency of temperament. One or two auditions don't show much at all. So I didn't ask for any auditions. That's why we're all waiting. "

"If there is really a problem that the temperament between the actors and the characters is not good, will you really ask them to leave the crew?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. In the film shooting, appropriate is appropriate, not suitable is inappropriate, I will not make any compromise. However, as a compensation, I will let Marvel give them better opportunities. "

"What are your so-called better opportunities?"

"Manwei has dozens of films to shoot every year. It's not difficult to find a suitable role for them. It's not impossible even if it's a big production protagonist."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai said this, Tom hardy next to him raised his hand and said, "Mr. Xiao, I may not be suitable for the role. Do you think there is a hero suitable for me in Marvel's big movies?"

"And me. I may not be too appropriate for the character's temperament

Other actors have said similar things.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are you guys interesting? My play is so unpopular with you. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Half an hour later, the press conference ended, and Xiao Yunhai started his official shooting.

"Forrest Gump" this play is not difficult to shoot, as long as the hero David hannett can take Forrest Gump down, then there are not too many problems.

However, the performance of David Harnett did not disappoint Xiao Yunhai. He was really fully integrated into the role, not only in the play, even when there was no play, he still maintained Forrest Gump's state.

as like as two peas in Agam's movements, manner, way of speaking and even way of thinking, he seems to have changed himself.

No madness, no survival.

David Harnett explains the meaning of this sentence with practical actions.

However, it was only a week later that Xiao Yunhai compared the differences between the two before and after. Without thinking about it, he remade all the parts of the first week.The crew were speechless for a while.

The protagonist is a fool, and the director is a madman. This is everyone's evaluation of the two behind the scenes.

The performance of other actors was also very good, and there was no problem, especially Tom, who played Deng, was able to compete with the crazy David in momentum, which gave Xiao Yunhai a great surprise.

While Xiao Yunhai was busy filming, the English version of twelve citizens was finally released on the twitter video app.

Xiao Yunhai has reviewed this version. On the basis of retaining everyone's wonderful acting skills, manwei editorial department has changed the lines to be extremely appropriate, which makes Xiao Yunhai admire him very much.

Of course, it also retains the literal version of twelve citizens, which can be packaged and downloaded for only eight dollars.

Wang Guoan and others are not particularly famous in Europe and America. Only those fans who pay close attention to Chinese entertainment circle know their status.

Therefore, "Twelve citizens" can only rely on Xiao Yunhai, as well as the one-day killing stunt, to attract everyone's attention.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunhai's popularity is not built, the first day to download people broke through 20 million.

The number of downloads on the second day reached 38 million, far more than on the first day.

A week later, twelve citizens had more than 200 million downloads, with a record of 1.6 billion dollars. In addition to the achievements in Asia, the box office of twelve citizens reached 3.8 billion US dollars, which shocked the whole world.

However, the word-of-mouth of the two films in Europe and the United States is very different.

The revised version of "Twelve citizens" is in line with the current situation in Europe and the United States, in line with their values, and with the wonderful performance of those actors, it has been widely recognized by numerous fans, and the score is basically above nine points.

However, the movie fans can't accept the literal version. For many of the contents mentioned in it, not only did not feel moved, but also felt a bit ridiculous. The score was only four points, which was the lowest rating of Xiao Yunhai in Europe and the United States.

However, those film critics who have a deep research on Chinese culture don't think so. They know the values and world outlook of China, and understand what is said in it. They are very excited to see more than a dozen actors with outstanding acting skills.

One five-star film critic even commented that the film was a textbook on acting.

Unfortunately, there are too few such people.

Xiao Yunhai was glad that if he had not accepted Raul's suggestion and produced a revised version of the twelve citizens, the film would have become his Waterloo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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