Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:41 AM

Chapter 1868

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One day's drama, set only in a conference room, no action, no plot, relying on the actor's lines and performance, won 3.8 billion US dollars box office, which is simply incredible.

It is said that some directors who are still working hard to break the billion dollar are crying. They have worked hard to prepare for one year, shoot for half a year, and make a film after half a year. The film is not as good as a one-day movie. This gap is too big.

Numerous entertainment media broadcast the news one after another. The news broadcast in China took three minutes to broadcast, which made twelve citizens popular all over the world again.

Those fans who had not seen it were curious and downloaded twelve citizens one after another. In less than two days, the number of downloads exceeded 50 million. As a result, twelve citizens exceeded the task of three billion dollars, reaching four billion dollars.

Zhao Wanqing held a grand celebration on behalf of Xiao Yunhai. Eleven citizens except Xiao Yunhai appeared together and were bombarded by more than 300 media reporters from all over the world.

When the crowd broke the $4 billion ice sculpture, the scene rang out warm applause.

Zhao Wanqing, who was dressed up and gorgeous, made a short celebration speech.

"Thank you for your attention. This time I was entrusted by my husband to hold this grand event. One is to express thanks and congratulations to the 11 teachers. They all performed at zero pay and did not get any red envelopes. All the US $4 billion they obtained had been donated to the Wenche county government, which was severely affected by the disaster. In other words, the twelve citizens did not even recover the cost. But we are still very happy because this film is enough to build houses for 100000 families

"Second, we would like to appeal to you once again not to forget Wenhe county and the surrounding areas, where the brothers and sisters are still living in a very difficult situation and need our help urgently. In addition, I would like to focus on thanks to Xianyue video network. They provided us with an excellent platform to play, and they donated all the billion downloads they received. We can also see that Xianyue video network is a website with a strong sense of social responsibility. Please support them in the future. "

"Finally, on behalf of my husband, I would like to thank all the fans who like and support the film. Without you, the film would not have been a success. Thank you."

Zhao Wanqing and eleven actors bowed to everyone.

After the celebration, Zhao Wanqing and 11 actors were surrounded by reporters.

"Miss Zhao, when will Mr. Xiao be able to return home?"

"Of course, it is after the killing of Forrest Gump. It is estimated that another month will be about the same."

"Miss Zhao, a one-day blockbuster has sold four billion dollars and created a miracle. What do you think of it?"

"I'm not surprised to get such a result. When I saw the script, I knew it would be a success. Through a criminal case, all aspects of the whole Chinese society are integrated into it, which is a great idea. Okay, no more. If you go on, you'll be a little boastful. "


"Mr. Wang Guoan, did you think you would win four billion dollars before you took over this play?"

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "frankly, I haven't thought about it. Don't say it's four billion dollars. It's three billion dollars said by Yunhai. I think it's impossible to achieve it. "

"There is no doubt that you are the most brilliant character in this play. Have you ever thought that you will win the best supporting role in the golden cup film festival next year?"

Wang Guoan said: "I can't guarantee whether I can nominate, let alone win the prize. As for you saying that I am the most brilliant one, I do not agree. People pay attention to me just because I have more lines and more room for performance. No one else can be worse than me. So what I want to thank most is Yunhai, for giving me such an important role. Ha ha, you may not know that Wang Tianming and sun Yanjun are salivating for this role, so they almost didn't start to rob them. "


"Mr. Ge, why did you accept such a script

Ge Wuyou touched his bald head and said: "when the" power "crew was filming, all the opponents were at the film emperor level. It was very enjoyable to play. I'm addicted to the feeling of fighting with all my might. After my part was finished, I went back to Yanjing and found Yunhai. I wanted to find a good book from Hanhai's editorial department to play the role in it. Even if it's not paid, it's just for a while. Coincidentally, after Yunhai came back, he felt that he had not performed enough, so he wrote such a book. After reading this drama like script, I immediately fell in love with it and took it over without thinking about it. Two words, fun. "

"Have you ever thought of such a result?"

"No. When Yunhai set the target at three billion US dollars, I didn't say it. In fact, I decided to break through three billion Chinese dollars. I didn't expect that the film was so popular that it was an unexpected joy. ""Four billion dollars have been donated. Do you feel sorry?"

"You shouldn't ask me this question. You should ask Wan Qing. If it's normal, I'll just take 20 million. Of the four billion dollars, 99 percent were donated by Yunhai and Xianyue. It's a great honor for me to participate in more than 12 billion charity activities. "


"Huang Bo, as a young Chinese artist, has a contest with these old generation of film masters. How do you feel

Huang Bo grinned and said with a smile: "a word, cool. I hope that in the future, the third brother can make more films like this. The opponent's play is too enjoyable. Everyone was immersed in their own roles, every minute and every second there was no play. I've really learned a lot from it, which will be of great benefit to me in the future


the fire of twelve citizens also affected Xiao Yunhai in the filming.

He is a very strict director in his work, but in his spare time he is very humorous and funny, and can play with everyone.

Therefore, after seeing that the twelve citizens had achieved such good results, everyone asked Xiao Yunhai to treat him one after another.

Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to invite more than 700 members of the drama group to have a big meal, which cost more than one million dollars.

In an interview, Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "the shooting of twelve citizens cost me $300000 in total, but it cost me more than one million US dollars to invite a guest. With all kinds of publicity expenses, I lost tens of millions of dollars. Well, this is a typical example of losing money and making money. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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