Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:40 AM

Chapter 1869

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In addition to the movie "Twelve citizens", Yazhou electronic technology company's rice grain smart phone was also on the market at this time.

In the past two months, Yazhou has spent 2 billion US dollars on extensive publicity all over the world. It has really achieved the goal of xiaoyunhai that wherever there are people, there should be advertisements for rice grain mobile phones.

Such a big price, the effect is also very prominent.

On the first day of listing, a total of 50 million mobile phones were prepared, of which 30 million were sold at the counter and 20 million were put on the Yunyi shopping website. In less than three hours, all the phones were snapped up.

The whole market is out of stock, which makes customers who don't buy mobile phones very angry. Yazhou electronic technology company's home page is almost crowded, let alone Yunyi shopping website.

People who have already bought a mobile phone are very satisfied after using it for a while, claiming that it is the most comfortable and fast mobile phone they have ever used.

The booming market makes mobile phone manufacturers increase their horsepower and work 24 hours a day, but it is still in short supply.

It was not until half a month later that supply and demand were barely balanced.

However, two hundred million rice grain smartphones have been sold, and Yazhou has made a net profit of 160 billion US dollars based on the profit of 800 US dollars for a mobile phone.

According to this trend, breaking through the 200 billion mark is just what will happen in the next few days.

What makes people more surprised is that the new network technology has begun to spread all over the world. China Yanjing took the lead in using this network. With the rice grain smart phone, the speed is almost fatal.

Some players even released videos of themselves playing large-scale online games with their mobile phones. Suddenly, players in other regions were crazy and asked telecom companies to open up their power to cover the new network.

Time flies, two months in the blink of an eye. Now it is January 24, 2006, November 28 of the lunar calendar, only one month away from the Chinese New Year.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai didn't go back to China. He just had to have a video with his wife and children at noon every day.

On that day, both the actors and the staff on the set of Forrest Gump all looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was very serious.

This is the last scene, which has been shot three times in a row. David Harnett has no problem. The main reason is that his opponent seems to be affected by the immediate killing. His state is very bad, and Xiao Yunhai severely reprimands him.

After watching it three times in a row, Xiao Yunhai, after confirming that there was no problem with the play, showed a smile on his face and rose and said, "yes. I declare Forrest Gump dead. "

"Yes." Everyone hugged each other and danced excitedly.

Some young people even cried excitedly.

Xiao Yunhai specially came to David Harnett, took his hand and said, "David, I'm very impressed by your performance. Forrest Gump will become the representative film of America because of your performance. This is a great honor. However, what you need to do now is to get out of the role as soon as possible, and then indulge in it. I'm afraid you will become a real fool, understand? "

David Harnett showed Forrest Gump's standardized smile and said, "thank you for your compliment. I understand."

Xiao Yunhai was as like as two peas in Agam's mind. He was not as successful as he could get out of his character.

In the past life, many movie stars were unable to extricate themselves from the role because they had been in the role for a long time. Some of them needed special psychological guidance to recover. Some actors were immersed in the role and made some lifelong regret things, such as suicide.

This has been the case in previous lives, not to mention the more developed entertainment industry in the world.

Xiao Yunhai reluctantly smiles, pats David on the shoulder, and celebrates with other actors and staff.

After the dinner, Xiao Yunhai held a simple press conference the next day and flew back to Los Angeles with the crowd.

"Raul, you immediately get David Harnett the best psychologist in Los Angeles to help him get out of his role." Xiao Yunhai returned to marvel comics company and found Raul for the first time.

Raul was surprised and said, "Mr. Shaw, do you mean Mr. Harnett has mental problems?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "he can't tell the reality from the movie. Fortunately, Forrest Gump has no negative situation, otherwise David will be in big trouble

"All right, I'll get in touch with you right away," Raul said

Xiao Yunhai said: "we must do a good job. I don't want anything to happen to my actors after they make a movie. Is there any problem with the company? "

Raul shook his head and said, "everything is OK. By the way, Harley and James two directors said a few days ago that they wanted to shoot "Transformers", and they also argued about it. What do you think to do? "

"Transformers?" Xiao Yunhai was stunned and pondered.

Up to now, all seven "Transformers" cartoons have been broadcast, with high ratings and toys all over the world, bringing Xiao Yunhai more than 50 billion US dollars in income, which is the most profitable cartoon in the world. There is no one in the world who does not know "Transformers".With such a good popularity, it is natural to bring transformers to the big screen.

Xiao Yunhai originally wanted to shoot by himself, but now he has no interest at all. There are too many superhero movies in Hollywood. Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to enter this circle, so he might as well hand it over to a director who is suitable for it.

"Raul, which of them do you think is more suitable?"

Raul shook his head and said with a wry smile, "they are both alike."

Xiao Yunhai thought, "then let's play has the final say. You asked them, no, all the directors who were interested in transformers to write a script, add shooting techniques, and give it to me. I think whoever writes the best will be the director of transformers. "

Raul's eyes lit up and said, "this is a very good way. I'll let them know immediately. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "the Spring Festival is coming soon. I'll go back to Yanjing tomorrow. If there's anything we can call."

Raul said, "OK."

From Raul there, Xiao Yunhai returned to his office.

Not long after she sat down, Kristi, with five or six team members, knocked on the door of his office.

"Ms. Christie, when did you come to Los Angeles?" Xiao Yunhai asked them to sit down and asked with a smile.

"It's been a week, mainly checking the accounts of Marvel comics, marvel TV and magic effects for the whole year," Kristi said

"Is there a problem?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Christie said with a smile, "No. They're doing very well. Last year, the company made $8 billion, more than $9.3 billion. All the accounts are clear and there is no ambiguity

"That's good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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