Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:36 AM

Chapter 1872

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After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, hardy fern pauses for about a minute. Then he uses a solemn tone and says, "Mr. Xiao, in my eyes, shopping malls are like battlefields, and tolerance to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Our idea is to use a Chinese idiom to say that it is different from each other. I don't agree with you, but it doesn't prevent me from expressing my high respect to you. Maybe we are all slaves of money, only you are the master of money. If the business concept of win-win cooperation is really successful, then I am sure that your achievements will be unprecedented and there will be no future. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your appreciation. Mr. fern, may I venture to ask if the Bessie and Anderson families are also involved

"There's no need to hide it from you," said hardy fern. That's right. Both families have invested four trillion dollars. Otherwise, we won't be able to raise so much. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's OK with the Anderson family. I didn't expect that the Bessie family was still so rich. It seems that I didn't have enough money at the beginning."

Hardy fern almost laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw, you are the only one in the world who dare to do this to the Bessie family. I'm sorry you didn't join us, but I hope you can keep it secret for us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I will go back to China tomorrow to deal with the post production of Forrest Gump. I have no interest in your affairs. Don't worry, things will never be revealed from me. "

"I believe it. He he, Mr. Xiao, I said before that he was your fan. I wonder when your Forrest Gump is going to be released? My family and I must go to the cinema

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your support. I think it will take two months at the earliest. You know, the Spring Festival is coming. I'm going to spend the festival with my family. For me, they are the most important

Hardy fern said with a smile, "I'll give you a new year in advance. I wish you good health and a happy family."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "thank you. Mr. fern, you can even say such idioms. You are really a Chinese expert. "

What Xiao Yunhai didn't know was that his decision indirectly saved him once.

Fu Luoda, the first successor of Bessie family in the headquarters of Citibank in Washington D.C., listened to the report given by Mr. yares, vice president of Citibank, and his brows were tightly locked together.

"What are you talking about? Kung Fu Xiao was not involved in the plan to snipe at the euro. Don't you say Christie is very interested

"Kristi and her team are really interested," yares said. Sniping at Euro is a must make business, as long as the strength is strong enough, the minimum can get more than 60% of the revenue. As the actual leader of Yunqing international investment salary, Kristi will not fail to see this. He had promised to invest 500 billion yuan, but when reporting Kung Fu Xiao yesterday, he refused without hesitation. "

"Why did he refuse? Is he aware of the problem? "

The invitation of Xiao Yunhai was strongly demanded by Fu Luoda in the team of fern. It was ostensibly to enhance his strength, but in fact he wanted to use this event to discredit Xiao Yunhai.

Bessie family, Anderson family and fern are all international capital giants, which have long been infamous. But Xiao Yunhai is different. He is an international superstar, and his image is very healthy and sunny.

If Yunqing international investment company joins in, froda will launch propaganda to spread the news that Xiao Yunhai is one of the culprits. At that time, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing will become the most unpopular people in Europe.

This is the commonness of human beings. For those who have been doing bad things, no one will care that they continue to do bad things, but those who always do good things and do bad things once in a while will be magnified infinitely.

This is the truth that a gentleman can be deceived.

Originally, Fu Luoda thought that the plan should be seamless. Who ever thought Xiao Yunhai refused.

Yares said with a wry smile: "what fern brings is that Kung Fu Xiao wants win-win cooperation rather than benefiting others at the expense of others."

Froda was funny and angry, and said, "this kind of stupid talk can be said by Kung Fu Xiao? I'm going to make it the funniest joke of the century. Win win cooperation. If he really does, what's the matter with our Bessie family having been pocketed so much money by him. Hypocrisy, shameless. "

Fu Luoda always regarded himself as the next patriarch of the Bessie family. He had long regarded Bessie's various industries as his own. Xiao Yunhai's practice made him extremely unhappy.

Yares asked, "Kung Fu Xiao is not good at it. What should we do next?"

Froda said, "since he doesn't like to make this kind of money, let's make it. However, four trillion US dollars is already the largest amount of money that we Citibank has taken out. You must ensure that it is safe and sound. "

Ars nodded and said, "don't worry. Mr. fern is ready to sell in half a month. I believe that the four trillion dollars will soon become seven trillion or even eight trillion. "

Froda said with a smile, "that's good. Hehe, my uncle is old, but he can't fight Kung Fu Xiao. He ate at least eight trillion dollars. If I could earn $4 trillion, then the neutrals in the family would consider me taking over as patriarch ahead of time. At that time, yares, you will be the great hero of my accession to the throne, and I promise I will make you a billionaire"Thank you, Mr. froda. I'll do it well," yares said with a grateful look

Out of Fu Rhoda's office, Yales's face sank and he scolded in his heart: "are you still a billionaire? You know, bullshit. The person in charge of Xiao's Kung Fu has only been with him for a few years. Everyone has become a billionaire. What about yourself? After eight years, the annual salary is still less than one tenth of the family's, no, it's one in fifty. That's ridiculous. "

At Yanjing International Airport, Xiao Yunhai stayed in the United States for more than two months and finally came back.

After getting off the plane, Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and turned to the bodyguard and said, "brothers, do you feel a sense of closeness?"

The bodyguard nicknamed lone wolf is responsible for humanity: "great. This is the first time that I have left the motherland for such a long time. Before I saw some overseas Chinese returning to the motherland's land in the book, I was excited with tears. I thought it was affectation. Now I finally feel that feeling. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you have worked hard. Someone has been picking me up outside. There will be nothing before and after the Spring Festival. You can have a good rest. Everyone's bank cards, I've asked the financial department to call you 200000 yuan. I'll go back and bring more new year's products to my family. "

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao." They looked at each other and answered in unison.

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