Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:34 AM

Chapter 1874

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Xiao Leshan talked a lot about seven or eight projects. When he saw everyone in a daze, he stopped.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "grandfather, although you are not in your seat, you still have Huaxia in your heart. You can rest assured. This time I have brought us $1.5 trillion to set up dozens of companies. From cars, electricity, tourism to some small projects, will be involved. According to the plan of my economic team, it is estimated that every year, it will bring tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of taxes to the local government and provide jobs for tens of thousands of people. I will try my best to cooperate with the government to help the western part of China get rid of poverty and become rich. "


Xiao Leshan grinned, picked up his glass, and said, "sea of clouds, this cup is my toast to you. Not for anything else, just for your heart. Yes

They touched each other, looked up and drank.

Xiao Leshan laughed and was very happy.

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai told the two children several stories, which made them sleep.

Seeing their sleeping faces, Xiao Yunhai's eyes are full of love.

Gently kiss their forehead, Xiao Yunhai crept out.

In the living room, Zhao Wanqing, in her big pajamas, is surfing the Internet.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming, Zhao Wanqing's eyes showed a hint of flattery and said, "husband, do you miss me?"

Xiao Yunhai came to her and put her right hand into Zhao Wanqing's clothes. She rubbed it gently and said, "my wife, I want to die."

This time, Xiao Yunhai was suffocating because of no intimacy for two months.

After a while, the house was already full of gunfire.

For two hours, Xiao Yunhai stopped and put Zhao Wanqing, who was almost to faint, on the bed in another bedroom. He went back to the building and the child went to bed.

In the following days, Xiao Yunhai has been playing with his children at home, playing chess with the old man, and going shopping with Zhao Wanqing.

After a week's rest, Xiao Yunhai drove to Hanhai film and television investment company to do the post production of Forrest Gump.

"Forrest Gump" can actually be regarded as a biography film, the plot has almost no loopholes, that is, it tells the story of Forrest Gump from small to big, without any change.

Xiao Yunhai is very easy to do. After nearly five days of work, the editing of Forrest Gump is almost finished.

After a few more days, the soundtrack and special effects were completed.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since the killing of Forrest Gump.

On December 21, Kristi, who has been staring at Europe, finally called Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, they are going to do it tomorrow." Christie's tone was very solemn.

Xiao Yunhai said: "do European governments know?"

Christie said, "we all know. Fern and their actions are too big to hide from each other. They were found out a week ago. Unfortunately, on the surface, EU members are monolithic, but in fact they are not united at all. It is said that they have held many meetings, but they have not put forward any effective methods. I think the result may be more serious than we expected. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms. Kristi, have you found anything worth saving these days?"

Christie said, "yes. After careful research and discussion, we have identified more than 30 companies with excellent performance, involving telecommunications, power, health, insurance, network, etc. These companies have been doing very well. If they succeed, it will inevitably lead to a sharp drop in the stock market, and we will buy their shares at the right time. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "very good. You send me information about these companies. Remember, I don't need to control them, I don't have to struggle for control. I want to be a shareholder in all the good companies and companies in Europe. In this way, no matter what happens in Europe, we will be invincible, understand? "

Christie said, "I understand."

Soon, Kristi sent Xiao Yunhai 36 companies and their related information.

The number one is European aerospace company, which is a super large industrial group integrating aviation, aerospace and military industry. It involves commercial aircraft, helicopter, aerospace, military transportation and combat aircraft and other related services. It is a close rival to the military enterprises of Anderson family and Bessie family, and has been fighting for International market share.

Unfortunately, European aerospace companies often end up in failure, with a market share of only 12%, but the turnover is very considerable, and the annual net profit can reach one trillion US dollars. If Xiao Yunhai can take it, it is just like adding wings to the tiger.

The second is British Telecom. The boss is the father of Tony, a young man who molested Zhao Wanqing in the Golden Hall of Vienna.

Kristi can be ranked second, I have to say the other side's ability is very good.The third is Volkswagen. In both past and present life, this brand has reached the top. Compared with the Great Wall, it's a thousand miles worse. Not to mention anything else, its 26% market share alone can scare people to death.


most of the target companies that Kristi sorted out were entities. After reading them, Xiao Yunhai was salivating. These companies were so attractive.

If you can get 10% of the shares from each company, once it returns to normal, the annual dividend will exceed one trillion dollars.

Xiao Yunhai called Kristi back and asked her to lead the team during this period and try her best to buy shares in these companies.

The next day, a financial war that shocked the world began.

After thorough preparation, hardy Finn did not have any muddle in the neck. He directly rushed to the euro with a large number of US dollars. On the first day, he spent $4 trillion, directly beating down the exchange rate of the euro.

European banks rose to resist and used various regulatory measures. Unfortunately, they still failed to resist the attack of their rivals. The euro exchange rate dropped by 60%.

The European stock market suffered a great rout, and the drop even exceeded the economic crisis a few years ago. A full 20 trillion euro was completely evaporated in the stock market. Numerous small and medium-sized banks directly declared bankruptcy. The stock prices of all listed companies fell sharply, and some even directly fell below the issue price.

On the first day alone, fern and they made three trillion dollars, earning a terrible 75 percent yield.

Governments of all countries have to come forward and promise to the media that they will stop the decline of the euro exchange rate and ensure the security of European stock markets.

Unfortunately, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

On the next day, fern stepped up the crackdown, with $5 trillion going on. The governments of various countries resisted for only two hours, and then let it go.

On the third day, the remaining $350 billion completely crushed the European stock market, and the EU economy was in the worst situation since the Second World War.

The financial war came fast and went faster. It lasted only three days. Fern and others left with the 18 trillion dollars they earned, and the yield reached almost 200%.

What Xiao Yunhai didn't expect was that fern and others did not stop, but rushed to the vassal country of China, Japan.

Compared with Europe, Japan was even worse and had little strength to fight back. On that day, it had to send out a rescue request to China.

The Chinese government responded very quickly and immediately held a press conference to introduce measures to rescue Japan.

Before Huaxia started, fern and others had already withdrawn with one billion dollars.

In two days, just two days, the financial system of Japan, the richest country in Asia after Huaxia, was completely destroyed.

Fern's Blitzkrieg was a huge success. When he came back, the original capital of 1.25-trillion dollars had turned into 4.5-trillion dollars, making a lot of money.

The price is 86 private banks in Europe and Japan and 763 companies with a market value of $1 billion, let alone small ones.

In just one week, more than 3000 people in Europe committed suicide by jumping off buildings, while in Japan there were more than 6000 people, which could be called a century disaster.

The collapse of the exchange rate of euro and yen will affect not only Europe, but the whole world.

China and the United States, the two largest economies in the world, bear the brunt of the direct losses of more than US $30 trillion, and the stock market plummeted, much more serious than the last economic crisis. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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