Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:33 AM

Chapter 1875

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In the White House of America, Lyle's face was hard to see. He beat his desk and roared.

"These bastards just know how to make money. They don't care about the life and death of the United States. They all damn it."

Lyle had already called them and asked them to control the impact.

I didn't expect that the other side was just perfunctory. As soon as he made a move, the whole European Union would be ruined.

We should know that, compared with China, the United States and the European Union are much closer, and the impact on the United States is naturally far greater than that of China.

The entire U.S. government is in dire straits, and the Federal Reserve has to introduce various policies to eliminate the impact.

Unfortunately, the effect is not very big, those companies that have trade with Europe directly closed down more than 300, and the loss can not be justified.

Stanley Simon waited for Lyle to get angry, and then he said, "there are more than 80 rich people who participated in this blitz, raised 1.25 trillion dollars, and made 30 trillion dollars. We have to admit that they have won a brilliant victory, but they have left us a rotten stall. European countries have already sent us rescue applications, requiring us to provide at least one billion US dollars. What are you going to do about it? Can you give a billion dollars? "

Lyle forced down the anger in his heart, and the whole person calmed down, shook his head and wryly said, "don't say one hundred billion, five trillion can't be taken out."

Simon frowned and said, "the relationship between America and Europe is extraordinary. If you don't, this little brother will not listen to us in the future. "

Lyle rubbed his face hard and said, "we don't, but some people do. Like fern, like the Bessie family, like the Anderson family. "

Simon was speechless and said: "it sounds too hard to accept that they are the culprits who lend money to the EU. But will they borrow it? "

A ray of wisdom flashed in Lyle's eyes and said, "I will. They have already completely offended the European Union this time. If you want to continue to do business on someone else's territory, you have to pay to help. However, I am afraid they will have conditions, and the EU is going to bleed a lot. "

Simon said with a wry smile: "if you are beaten, you have to ask for help from those who hit him. Those EU officials are expected to cry in their dreams."

Lyle suddenly changed the subject and said, "teacher, do you know what surprised me the most?"

Simon said with a smile: "is there no Kung Fu Xiao in it? I wonder, too. There's no reason why Kung Fu Xiao can't notice such a big thing. The only explanation is that he gave up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make money. "

Lyle said, "why? Nearly 300 percent of the yield, he would give up. "

Simon said, "you can call and ask."

Lyle nodded and said, "it's OK."

Lyle took out his private mobile phone, found Xiao Yunhai's number, and dialed out directly.

The phone was put through quickly.

"Mr. Xiao, long time no see."

Xiao Yunhai yawned and said, "Mr. President, you should be cleaning up the mess now? How can you call me when you have time? "

"I'm sorry, I forgot it's early morning in China now."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter. I'll get up and practice in another hour. What can I do for you, Mr. President? "

"Mr. Shaw, I want to borrow some money from you," said Lyle

Without thinking about it, Xiao Yunhai replied, "Mr. President, you have found the wrong person. In this financial war, my industry has been greatly affected, and assets have shrunk by trillions of dollars. You should be looking for the winners like fern, not me

"Mr. Xiao, although your company has been listed, more than 90% of the shares are in your hands. Even if the share price falls to the issue price, the impact on you is still very small."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Lyle, you don't want to have my idea. To tell you the truth, I do have a lot of money, but they have already gone. So I'm sorry, I can't agree to your request

"That's my bad luck. Mr. Xiao, I want to ask you a question. Did you know about their attack on Euro and yen before

"They invited me to crack down on the euro, hoping that I could bring 500 billion dollars into their camp. As for yen, I don't know. "

"Why don't you join? You know, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make money? "

"Mr. President, Mr. fern asked me that question. My answer is that business philosophy is different. What I want is win-win cooperation, cooperation with all companies in the world to make money together, rather than benefiting others at the expense of others. Hehe, is the answer naive? "

Lyle pauses and solemnly says, "for a businessman, the answer is really naive, but it deserves everyone's respect. There is an old saying in China that if you are poor, you are celibate; if you are successful, you will benefit the whole world. You have really done it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you for your praise."Put down the phone, Lyle told Simon Xiao Yunhai's answer.

Simon's face was also confused. After a while, he seemed to have figured out something. Then he exclaimed: "the wise man.". Mr. Xiao is really a wise man. There is a saying in China called "the army that subdues people without fighting.". Mr. Xiao is going to play a big game of chess. Once he succeeds, he will surely create a business empire far more powerful than the Bessie family and the Anderson family. I'll bet that Mr. Xiao's economic team has gone to Europe to send money to those companies. "

Lyle also understood Simon's words, took a breath and said, "good spirit. Is he going to be a shareholder in every company in the world? If that's the case, his future is unimaginable. "

Simon said, "you can't stop him in Europe anyway."

Huairou villa, Xiao Yunhai can't sleep after calling Laier.

Get up and come out. It's terrible dark. The piercing cold wind blew over, even Xiao Yunhai had a shiver.

When he came to the training ground, Xiao Yunhai took off his clothes and began to fight.

The wind of fists roared, and the voice faintly overthrew the fierce mountain wind.

The old man's guard seemed to hear the voice of Xiao Yunhai practicing boxing and ran out quickly.

See Xiao Yunhai, this just put down the heart.

Xiao Yun played for two hours, until the sun came out.

After breakfast, Xiao Yunhai called Christie.

"How are you doing?"

"We bought shares in 15 companies from the stock market for $120 billion," Christie said. There are 20% more and only 4% less. For the top ten targets, we can hardly buy them because there are too few shares in the society. We are contacting their shareholders. "

Xiao Yunhai said in surprise: "120 billion US dollars bought shares of 15 companies, which is too cheap."

Christie laughed: "Mr. Shaw, the whole European economic system has completely collapsed, and the stock prices of major companies have fallen to the lowest point. It's not just us, but forces like the Bessie family and the Anderson family that are picking up bargains everywhere. However, they have had little effect. First, they are the main culprits of the economic crisis. They are not only disliked by them, but also hostile to them, especially the European governments. They are eager to tear them up; second, their purpose is to control shares, which is very aggressive, and we are only financing. Therefore, we should be more popular with these companies. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, let's work harder. I'm interested in that European aerospace company. What do they mean? "

"There are several shareholders in this company, the largest is the French government, which has 32 percent of the shares, followed by the Spanish government with 28 percent, and the remaining 37 percent is in the hands of 12 company heads, only 3 percent is outside," Christie said. We have contacted six shareholders and are in the process of negotiation. The French government and the Spanish government, we also contacted. Unfortunately, they didn't mean to give up. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "aren't their losses very serious? I still don't give up. "

"The EU countries have already sent a rescue request to the United States of America. Is it estimated that they are waiting for the United States?" Christie said

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "seek skin with a tiger. The U.S. government can't give that much money, unless you ask the Finns. But even if fern and they agreed, the terms would be extremely harsh. Don't worry. Let's wait. We'll buy other people's shares first. "

"We've got eight teams, more than 300 people in total, and we're running around," Christie said. You can rest assured that we will achieve our goal as quickly as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you tell the guys, when this big order is finished, I will celebrate for them." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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