Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:30 AM

Chapter 1879

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Xiao Yunhai smiles at Paul, turns his head to look at a middle-aged beauty beside him and laughs: "Sylvia Shelley, the world-famous CEO of Volkswagen Company, often mentions you in front of me, saying that if you can come to our company, she can retire immediately."

Sylvia Shelley said with a smile: "thank you, Miss Christie, for your attention. Unfortunately, I still failed to help the public escape this crisis. "Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said," some things can't be solved by one person or several people. "

Introduced by Connor, Xiao Yunhai got to know the CEOs of more than ten large companies, and then took a bus to the Escher palace of French President Marvin.

Ma Wen and his wife personally held a banquet for the arrival of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, and representatives from various countries also attended.

Xiao Yunhai won the favor of all the people with his humor and humor, and burst out bursts of laughter at the banquet from time to time.

At 3:00 p.m., Xiao Yunhai, a party of 20 people, held talks with CEOs of more than ten companies.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I want to explain to you that our Yunqing international investment company is coming to Europe to make money and let us lose money and earn money. Please don't mention it. I'm sure I won't agree."

"Ha ha ha." Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone laughed.

"Secondly, I'm very interested in the shares in the companies behind you, because once your company returns to normal, it will bring me very high income. But I'm not interested in the management of the company. Even if my equity reaches 60%, the management and control rights of the company still belong to you. I only take the dividends I deserve. Of course, the premise is that you must be profitable. If you let me make a loss of RMB 18 billion every year, I'm sorry. You can stay where it's cool. "

The crowd laughed again.

Sylvia Shelley said, "Mr. Shaw, as long as you can help us through this difficult time, the future income will be absolutely satisfactory to you."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's the best. Ladies and gentlemen, what questions can I ask you now

Roger Esther said: "Mr. Shaw, the stock price of European aerospace company is very low. It is absolutely impossible for the shareholders of the company to sell their shares to you at such a price. Please be prepared for this."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "I've already heard from Ms. Kristi. But why buy their shares? Can't I raise money? "

Roger Esther said with a smile, "of course, the two approaches are essentially the same."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I heard from Ms. Kristi that you urgently need $530 billion in turnover. If you buy at the current price, we can get 84% of the shares, right?"

Roger Esther nodded and said, "that's right. But we certainly won't sell it. This price, compared with Apollo, they want more

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's half good, 42 percent."

"Forty two percent has become the largest shareholder in EUROSPACE, and we're not going to sell it," says Roger Esther

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I declare once again that I am not interested in controlling your enterprise. I mean, I'll buy 42% of your shares for 530 billion dollars, and 22% of them can be sold to you again after you return to normal. The price must be according to the market price at that time. We will discuss the calculation later. Mr. Esther, what do you think of such a business? What do you think? "

People all frown one after another, some bow their heads to ponder, some still calculate in their own books.

After a while, Roger Esther said, "I can feel your sincerity in your words, Mr. Shaw. Just a moment. I need to report to the board of directors. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "please. Sir, I have made a 200% concession on the market price. Yes, we'll sign the contract, and the money will arrive today. If you don't agree, we can only look forward to our next cooperation. The same is true for other companies. If you can't do it, you can report to your board of directors. Once again, what I want is win-win cooperation, not controlling the equity of your company. "

They agreed, picked up their mobile phones and all called.

Connor saw this and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, do you think your proposal can be approved by them?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "I don't know. What do you think, Mr. Connor? "

Connor thought about it and said, "I think it's very likely to succeed. Compared with those evil capitalists, you are very kind. The key is that you will not affect the power and position of those shareholders on the board in the future, which is what attracts them most. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I hope so."

Two people have not a word of chat, after a full half an hour, we just came back.All agreed, without exception.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the tenet of Yunqing international investment company is to win-win cooperation. We have the ability to help you out of trouble, and I believe your company will be able to bring us satisfactory returns in the future. Next, let's talk about the details of your cooperation. "

Sylvia Shelley asked, "Mr. Shaw, before we discuss the details, how much money have you brought this time?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "how much do you need? Hehe, I feel a little flustered by your question

Sylvia Shelley, with an elegant smile, said, "we need 320 billion dollars for Volkswagen."

"We at BT need 130 billion dollars."

"Shengkang needs us $160 billion."

Sixteen large companies have quoted their own prices, more than 530 billion, less than 100 billion.

Christie calculated it and whispered, "Mr. Shaw, it's 382.3 billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's good. It's not beyond our ability."

For this trip to Europe, Xiao Yunhai brought us $6 trillion. After taking away the $1.2 trillion spent before, there is still 480 billion left. There is no problem at all.

The crowd cheered.

At present, they are in need of nothing, and what they lack most is capital.

The banks can't count on them. They can guarantee that they won't have an accident. The Locke family in Europe has suffered a lot in this crisis. Before that, they put forward six trillion dollars to help the European Union, but now they have no spare power.

It is even worse in the United States. Those people on Wall Street can chew them up. The great development of Western China and the economic problems faced by Japan, a subsidiary country, are also unable to rescue them.

In this way, the world will only have Xiao Yunhai, the super rich.

Those who have the ability and strength, advocate win-win cooperation and are not interested in the management and control company are absolutely their favorite partners for cooperation.

Xiao Yunhai said: "since everyone has agreed, then my task has been completed. Ms. Christie, the next thing is up to you. "

Christie nodded and said," OK. "

Xiao Yunhai got up and said with a smile, "everybody, you are busy. I'm going to visit this beautiful Paris with my wife

"Mr. Xiao, do you need a tour guide like me?" Asked vice president Connor.

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Mr. vice president, our husband and wife are walking in the romantic streets of Paris hand in hand. As a result, you suddenly come out. Don't you feel embarrassed at such a scene? "


"Ha ha ha."

Everyone in the conference room couldn't help laughing.

Connor touched his nose and said, "it's really embarrassing."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were sent out of the building. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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