Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:12 AM

Chapter 188

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Xiao Yun, with a smile on the sea, walked steadily onto the stage. He waved to everyone and hugged Hong Tiancai tightly. Then he sat down.

Show the style of top stars in every move.

Xiao Yunhai's arrival made the whole scene hot in an instant. The flash lights, cameras and cameras in the hands of reporters kept ringing.

Some reporters couldn't bear to ask, "Mr. Xiao, how much are you paid for playing Lvbu this time?"

"Why did you take part in the shooting of the Three Kingdoms?"

……………………………………………… .

seeing that Xiao Yunhai's arrival actually caused the reporters to go crazy, several other stars couldn't help feeling a little bit. As a young man, he is still older than him. How can he be inferior to him. It's too popular.

Hong was very satisfied with Xiao Yunhai's sensation. He waved his hand and said, "please be quiet. It's not time for free interviews. Ladies and gentlemen, I just want to say one thing. Seeing them, I firmly believe that the Three Kingdoms will revive and shoot the best drama in the fastest time. Thank you

"Pa Pa Pa Pa"

the reporters on the stage clapped up their hands for face.

"I know everyone, this is a welcome, and I'm finally finished," Hong said with a smile

"Ha ha ha." The reporters all laughed.

"OK, now it's time for free interview. If you have any questions, please ask them."

"Mr. Xiao!" A reporter first got the right to speak and stood up excitedly: "I would like to ask you why you are willing to play Lv Bu when there is such an unprecedented crisis in the drama group of the Three Kingdoms? Did you get a lot of money? Can you tell me? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed, held out three fingers and said, "good crew, good director, good actor, that's why I came here. As for the pay, I won't tell you. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai stopped and continued: "in fact, the main reason I came here is to learn. As you all know, I'm still a student. There are countless movie emperors and quasi movie emperors in the Three Kingdoms crew. I don't know how many of them are better than me. So I hope I can learn something from these seniors, and I also want to learn some film making knowledge from director Hong. I'm going to be a director in the future. Hehe

Xiao Yunhai's words are very modest, but it is his inner words.

"Three Kingdoms" in the crew is really Hidden Dragon crouching tiger, the film emperor film queen old drama bone, no one is easy generation, in the performance have their own unique unique skills.

Although Xiao Yunhai has been praised by many teachers, he knows that his internal knowledge and accumulation are still very weak.

Just like Yongzheng in "startling step by step", although he performed Yongzheng's majesty and ruthlessness, every play was performed with his best effort, and the spirit of axe and chisel was very clear. Those who want to be able to achieve the effect of their own play.

This is the gap, not only can be made up by talent, but also can be proved by years of experience in acting.

As for director, Xiao Yunhai will not miss this opportunity. In the romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are at least dozens of wars, involving group performances and horses, which can be ranked as the most popular TV series.

If you want to control such a big scene, you can't even think about it without excellent directing skills and excellent coordination ability. At least Xiao Yunhai is far from being able to do this.

Xiao Yunhai wants to learn from the experience of guiding similar scenes. Hong Dao of the Three Kingdoms is undoubtedly his best teacher.

Xiao Yunhai's words are regular, and there is no place to arouse the association of these journalists. I can't help but sigh a little.

A reporter stood up and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Xiao feels about the events of the Three Kingdoms crew?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "I have only one word for you. Keep away from drugs and cherish life. "

"Can you predict the ratings of" Three Kingdoms "

"Legend at least, 10 percent."

…………………………………………… At the beginning of the free question time, Xiao Yunhai was attacked head-on by reporters. A dozen questions in a row, all of them were asked by him, which made other actors look bad.

Xiao Yunhai also realized this, so when he saw another reporter preparing to ask him a question, Xiao Yunhai directly raised his hand and said with a wry smile, "Dear journalists, we are almost on the line. Didn't you see that I was sweating on my face? Let me have a rest

Xiao Yunhai's words made the reporters laugh.

The reporter turned to Zhao Wanqing and said, "Ms. Zhao Wanqing, you and Mr. Xiao acted as a couple in step by step.". Now he has taken on the role of Diao Chan. In the play, Lu Bu plays Diao Chan. Excuse me, are you playing Diao Chan because Mr. Xiao took over the role of Lv Bu? I heard that you are still classmates. What do you think of Mr. Xiao? "Hearing the reporter's words, Zhao Wanqing beamed and said, "this reporter has a bad heart. Do you have to come up with a topic that makes you happy? "

"Ha ha ha."

"The reason why I play Diao Chan this time is that I like the role and admire Diao Chan very much. She is very kind and righteous. She is not inferior to men. She has done what heroes can't do on her own. I believe that I will bring you a different Diao Chan. "

"As for Xiao Yunhai, he and I are very good friends. In the class, he is my biggest competitor in every exam. I admire his talent and appreciate his personality. But we are still very young, and we haven't graduated from university. I have never considered what you said

When Xiao Yunhai heard Zhao Wanqing's lies, he laughed in his heart: "we're all rolling sheets on the bed together. What else should we consider?"

Half an hour later, the free question time ended, and Hong Tiancai asked people to take the reporters to dinner.

For these uncrowned kings, directors are still very afraid. The so-called "success is not enough, but failure is more than enough", which is the true portrayal of them.

Xiao Yunhai and others followed Hong Tiancai to the seventh floor of Jinbao Island Hotel. It is a huge restaurant, which can hold 10 tables and at least 150 people can eat here at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai, when they came in, there were already many people sitting in it.

There were 89 people sitting on the chairman, including Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and Li Xun, whom Xiao Yunhai was familiar with. Among the others, Xiao Yunhai only recognized the film Emperor Wu Jun and the film queen Zhang Hong, who often appeared on large and small screens.

Wang Guoan saw Xiao Yunhai. He laughed and said, "Yunhai, your boy is here at last."

The crew of other tables were very surprised to hear that the film emperor Wang Guoan spoke with Xiao Yunhai in this tone.

You should know that Wang Guoan is known for his seriousness and sternness both on the set and in his ordinary life. Only a few people in the whole crew can make him treat this attitude. For example, he Hucheng, who just went in, was beaten down by him on the spot, let alone other actors.

Hearing Wang Guoan's words, Xiao Yunhai hurriedly walked over and said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Sun, senior brother Li, long time no see."

Li Xun said with a smile: "the ancients cloud, three days did not see, when you look at. It's a perfect sentence for you. I remember when I first met you, you were just a poor student whose name didn't change. Now, you are all famous Chinese stars. Not to mention anything else, on this table alone, someone is your iron powder, isn't it Lao Wu? "

Wu Jun pointed to Li Xun, shook his head and said with a smile, "I knew you would say me. That's right. What's wrong with this? I just like the legend of Chu Liuxiang and Xiao Li's throwing knife. What's the matter

Wu Jun has been a martial arts fan since childhood. In his words, in addition to acting in his life, his favorite is to read martial arts novels.

After reading Xiao Yunhai's novel, Wu Jun was infatuated with it.

Almost everyone in the crew knows that Mr. Wu only brings three things to the studio. One is the script, and the other two are Chu Liuxiang and Li xunhuan. As long as he is free, he will sit on one side and turn two pages, which shows the degree of his obsession.

Xiao Yunhai politely said: "I didn't expect that my two books can also get into Mr. Wu's eyes. It's really a great honor."

Wu Jun said with a smile: "there's no need to be polite. It's mainly because your books are good. I'm counting on them now. It's hard not to read them all day. A few days ago, I saw you sent a message on the Internet, saying that Xiaoao has finished writing. Don't forget to send me a copy when it's published. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "don't worry, Mr. Wu, I will send it to you at that time."

Sun Yanjun, who has been smiling and speechless, suddenly said a sentence: "Yunhai, remember to send me this."

Everyone was stunned, and then they couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? So happy. "

At this time, Hong Tianqiao had arranged the seats of other new actors and brought Zhao Wanqing to the main table. Obviously, he thinks Zhao Wanqing's status is enough to sit here. As for Xiao Yunhai, not to mention it.

Xiao Yunhai three people declined some time, in Wang Guoan and other people's persuasion, this just sat down.

"Zhang Liao" Wang shangqun, who was arranged on another table, saw Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing sitting at the main table. He was very angry. He snorted and said, "can't you just sing? There is no qualification to sit there. "

Wang shangqun is a popular student of Hongda entertainment company. He is 26 years old and has been in the circle for ten years. His acting skills are also good. He is regarded as the leader of the young generation.

At the press conference, Wang shangqun saw that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were crazily sought after by reporters, and they were not used to it.

Zhao Wanqing is just a beautiful woman. She should have some special care.

But why is Xiao Yunhai lucky enough to make an album of king? This is the "Three Kingdoms" crew, compared to acting, not singing.Next to "Cao Pi" Zhang Guoyang said with a smile, "Lao Wang, have you not heard of it? Lu Bu was chosen by the director and several movie queens. His acting skills must have been unanimously recognized by them. Naturally, he is qualified to sit there. "

"Well, it's not the relationship that makes you qualified. It's about real talent and acting. Tomorrow I want to see what kind of capital does this Lv Bu have to make so many people endorse him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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