Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:29 AM

Chapter 1880

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Looking at their car slowly leaving, Shelley said with a smile, "Kristi, you are lucky to be able to work with such a humorous, witty and decisive boss."

Christie laughed, "I admit that. Mr. Xiao is really full of strong personality charm, which can help him build a strong economic empire in the future, which makes me very proud

Roger Esther said, "Mr. Shaw's business empire has been built. Not to mention your core industries, our companies alone will bring you more than 1.5 trillion US dollars in revenue each year in the future. Although your win-win cooperation has helped us out of the predicament, it has not been true that you have entered the highest level of Europe. Since then, no one or company has been able to stop you in the three largest markets in the world, namely, the United States, Europe and China. "

"Mr. Shaw's heart is very big. He's not even 30 years old, and he won't stop," said Christie. Are you interested in working together to complete this grand blueprint

Shelley and Esther looked at each other and shook their heads.

Both of them were arrogant, and they were old acquaintances with Christie, and naturally they would not bow to her.

Christie gave a smile and did not persuade.

Three days later, in front of the Escher palace, where the French president lived, Xiao Yunhai held a grand signing ceremony with the CEOs of 16 large companies, attracting the attention of hundreds of media from around the world.

Xiao Yunhai is wearing a decent black suit. He is handsome and calm. Zhao Wanqing, next to him, is wearing a red suit. He is elegant and gorgeous.

Every time Xiao Yunhai signs a contract, he will give it to Zhao Wanqing, and then get up and hug each other.

Witnessed by hundreds of people, the signing ceremony was over, indicating that Xiao Yunhai and 16 companies have become a family.

These companies are very important in Europe, and they are out of trouble, which is absolutely significant for Europe as a whole.

After signing, Xiao Yunhai was interviewed by reporters.

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that those investors on Wall Street have invited you to participate in their Euro attack plan. Why did you give up such an opportunity to make money?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "each company's business philosophy is different. Our tenet of Yunqing international investment company is win-win cooperation. We can not only make money, but also help each other develop, and both sides make profits. This is the most perfect way to invest in my heart. "

"Mr. Xiao, many newspapers say that you came to pick up a bargain while the European economic crisis happened. What do you think of this?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "in fact, they are right. If it had not been for the devaluation of the euro and the stock market, I would not have come. Because they are too expensive for me to buy. Even if I can afford it, I don't get much profit margin. Businessmen, of course, I'm a loss maker. Now you are in trouble. I bring money with me. I can not only make me make a lot of money in the future, but also help them get rid of the crisis and achieve a win-win situation. As a Chinese saying goes, it is the best of both worlds. Why not

Xiao Yunhai's frank and pragmatic words were welcomed by all.

"Mr. Xiao, how much did you spend this time? How much profit can it bring you in the future?

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "since my team moved into Europe, it has cost 5326.3 billion U.S. dollars and completed the share acquisition of 46 companies, with the largest amount of 56% and the minimum of 4%. As for how much money the future can bring to me, you should ask the CEOs here, not me. "

" Mr. Xiao, as a shareholder of 46 companies, you can now be called the king of European commerce. How do you feel? "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at the malicious reporter and said, "the king of European commerce? Hehe, I dare not wear this hat. Now the world is a world of global integration, you have me, I have you, there will be no king of Europe, the king of the world such companies. I repeat that Yunqing international investment company is not pursuing to control the European economy, but to cooperate with all the European companies that can bring us benefits and help them become bigger and stronger as much as possible. If they are good, I will be better. Ha ha, this is also the basis of our cooperation. Otherwise, which company on the stage is willing to give me the controlling right

"Ha ha ha." Sixteen CEOs on the stage laughed at the same time.

"Mr. Shaw, what do you think of the future of Europe?"

"Xiao Haiyun asked? Full of confidence, of course. I firmly believe that the European economy will recover soon. Otherwise, I'll have enough to buy so many shares in the company. "

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Wanqing touched Xiao Yunhai's arm and said, "speak steadily."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know."

Their words were accidentally passed to the ears of the public through the microphone, causing the audience to laugh again.Soon, the signing ceremony was over.

Under the stimulation of more than 530 billion US dollars by Xiao Yunhai, the European stock market rebounded rapidly, and the stock prices of major companies have been improved to varying degrees. In particular, the company that cooperates with Xiao Yunhai has no problem of capital, and the stock has grown exponentially.

Seeing that the economic situation is very good, governments of various countries have successively introduced a series of measures to stimulate the economy, and the results are very good. The euro recovers slowly, and I believe it will not take long to return to normal.

After signing the contract, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went back to China.

There are only three days left for the Yunyi shopping website annual meeting on December 26. They need to rehearse with Wu Qifa and Wang Siyu.

After all, they are not professional singers. If they are too different from Xiao Yunhai when singing, they will be in great trouble.

Entering the Yanjing cultural and Sports Center, Xiao Yunhai meets Wu Yifa and Wang Siyu who are singing songs on the stage.

They are very engaged in singing, until the end of singing, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing clapped in the audience, they found out.

Wu was a little embarrassed and said, "Yunhai, Wanqing, you two are back at last. Time is running out. Let's have a rehearsal

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Lao Wu, sister-in-law, you two are really serious."

Wang Siyu wore a red sweater and a pair of jeans on his lower body. He showed his figure very well. Hearing the words, he said, "I can't help it. In order to perform these two programs well, we invited professional teachers to train. Both of you are experts. You can help us to find out what's not suitable and change it again. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I just heard your singing. It's definitely professional. If divided into high and low, the expression of Siyu emotion is obviously stronger than that of Lao Wu. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile," Lao Wu is heartless. What do you want him to express? "

Wu's method of playing chess was not very angry and said, "don't come. Time is running out now. Let's have a rehearsal together. Practice the song first, then the sketch. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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