Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:28 AM

Chapter 1881

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From 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., the four rehearsed for five hours, and then came to a high-end restaurant for dinner.

Wu Yifa took a bite of the steak and said, "Lao Xiao, what do you think of Siyu and me?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "those who are in charge of the game are obsessed, and those who are onlookers are clear. Is it my wife that you should ask? "

Wu Yifa and Wang Siyu looked at Zhao Wanqing, and Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you two are really the backbone of literature and art in the University, and you are very talented in performing arts. Miss rain is very strong, put that kind of unruly vigor to perform vividly, just like changing a person. Lao Wu is a little bit unable to let go, but to this extent, it is already very good

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "it's a shame. Singing, sketch can not compare with you two also just, did not expect even my wife can not compare. Oh, it's sad enough. "

Wang Siyu glanced at him and asked, "husband, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "he means that you should be the worst of the four of us in his heart."

Wu Yi Fa scolded: "good, Xiao Yunhai, you are here to sow dissension. Wife, don't be fooled by him. If something happens, let's go home

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think it's better to say it here, so that you won't be punished for kneeling and kneeling when you go back tonight."

After a while of laughter, Wu's method of playing chess was suddenly positive and asked, "Lao Xiao, you have made great achievements in your trip to Europe. I also sent people to do a survey and found that the fuller supermarket chain, which spans six countries including Britain, France, Italy and Germany, is very good. I want to buy it with a loan. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "do you want to open Yunyi supermarket chain to Europe?"

After Wu Yifa bought Taoyuan supermarket, it took half a month to simply decorate all the supermarkets in the country. All the suppliers were the owners of Yunyi shopping online. Within a month, Taoyuan supermarket was renamed Yunyi supermarket and reopened.

With low price and good quality, it has been recognized and welcomed by consumers all over the country.

Wu Yifa saw that the supermarket plan had a bright future. Originally, he wanted to develop slowly in the order of first China, then Asia, and finally the whole world. Unexpectedly, such a big problem suddenly occurred in Europe, so he had the plan to deal with Europe first.

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "yes. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I don't want to lose it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a sigh: "then go and do it. I can ask Barker bank to lend you money. "

Wu Yifa raised his glass and said happily, "Lao Xiao, I'll flatter you again. I'm lucky to have you as a partner."

Xiao Yunhai picked up the glass and touched him, and said without good breath: "I will be more happy if I don't say flattery."

"Ha ha ha."

Two days later, Yanjing cultural and Sports Center was full of lights and noise.

A long red carpet stretches from the door to the intersection, surrounded by at least 300 journalists, all with cameras and cameras standing in the photo area waiting for the stars to arrive.

In the distance, there are more than 3000 fans, holding all kinds of "weapons", shouting the names of their idols.

Although the red carpet show has not officially started, the atmosphere has been extremely hot.

"How many stars can you invite to the annual meeting of Yunyi shopping website?"

"Certainly a lot. You think, Yunyi shopping website is now the most powerful business website in the world. Which star dares not to give face? "

"Yes. The second boss of Yunyi shopping website is yunhuang. With his reputation, he waves his hand, not to mention domestic stars. Even the movie queen of Hollywood will come here. "

"Forget it, Emperor Yun won't oppress others. Ah, Yunyi shopping network is really confident enough, so far has not released the star appearance list. I wonder if my idol Qiao Yu will come? "

"Certainly. I heard that this time Yunyi shopping network has captured most of the stars in China, and the artists above the first line should not be able to escape. "

"In the past two days, reporters have seen many big stars like Ye Yongren, Yao Na, Chen Huan, Dong Piao, Zhao Chuanji, baolingrong, Shen Xiangquan, Xue Haidi, Ningxia and other big stars coming to rehearsal. This time, the momentum must be no small."

Fans were there talking about the stars who came to the party.

This time, Wu's game really took a lot of thought. It not only invited more than 100 stars, but also drew 2500 lucky viewers from the Internet. All the accommodation and food were taken care of by Yunyi shopping website. Together with the cost of inviting stars, more than 600 million yuan has been spent.

However, Wu Yifa is a businessman, so he will not suffer losses. He has recovered the cost and made 100 million yuan just by advertising in the party.

When the party on the video network, it is estimated that more will be made.

At six o'clock sharp, two extended versions of the Great Wall limousines came slowly one after the other.

Two waiters in suits and neckties trotted past and opened the door.


when the two guests came out, the whole venue suddenly became boiling.Because they are the hosts of the party, Xiao Yunhai and Wu Qifa.

Now Wu's game has become an online celebrity with numerous fans. Everyone calls him boss Wu, not to mention Xiao Yunhai.

They looked at each other with a smile, and at the same time extended their arms and invited the beauty in the car down.

Needless to say, it's Zhao Wanqing and Wang Siyu.

Zhao Wanqing wore a long red dress with delicate collarbone exposed. Her hair was high and her neck was hung with a string of pearls. Her face was slightly made up, which made her more beautiful.

Wang Siyu obviously agreed with Zhao Wanqing. He wore a long white dress with black hair on his shoulders. He was slender and fair skinned, like a pure lily. His momentum was no weaker than Zhao Wanqing. He was also a great empire.

With smiles on their faces, they took their husbands' arms and walked on the red carpet.

The reporters around saw the four of them. The cameras and cameras in their hands opened fire together. The flash turned the night into day. The fans, needless to say, were screaming and shouting at their throats.

Some male fans took pictures of Zhao Wanqing and Wang Siyu with their mobile phones, which made their girlfriends dissatisfied.

After walking on the red carpet, Xiao Yunhai and Wu's game method stayed and called on the star artists behind.

Wang Siyu and Zhao Wanqing went in. It was very cold today. They were both dressed in summer clothes. After only two minutes of walking, they were frozen. They didn't dare to stay outside more.

Next, the big names of Chinese entertainment circle appeared on the red carpet one after another.

Liang Hui, Huang Qiusheng, Huang Peiqi, Ge Wuyou, ye Yongren, Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Yu Yuexian, Zhang Hong and other dozens of movie stars came here, not to mention the singers. They were the main force of the party and needed to perform on stage. There are more than 30 singers who have won the Golden Cup Music Award.

Yunyi shopping website invited all the stars and celebrities above the first line. A total of 132 posts were sent out, but more than 200 people came in the end. Most of them were from Yunyi shopping website for their artists.

Most of them are handsome and beautiful women. They are famous little fresh meat in the entertainment industry. Of course, such an appearance opportunity will not be missed.

Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa stood outside for more than two hours, shaking hands and thanking all the artists who came here. They were very tired. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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