Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:26 AM

Chapter 1883

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"Ha ha ha."

"Oh, I'll go. That'll do."

Wu Yifa said, "you didn't bite it, did you?"

Wang Siyu said in a tone of reasoning with Wu Yifa: "he didn't bite me. Can I bite him first? Then I won't be unreasonable! "

Wu Yifa raised his thumb and said, "the atmosphere! The dog is subdued by virtue

As soon as the burden came out, everyone laughed.

Reason with the dog, with virtue to convince the dog, laugh to death.

Wang Siyu suddenly cried: "husband, if one day we leave, the child alone in the world how lonely ah!"

"Don't cry, don't cry, no, when we leave, we'll take the children with us."

"Ha ha ha."

Wang Siyu scolded: "you are short of heart and eye! Ah! You see people praise other people's husbands! It is said that your husband is really capable, your husband is really promising, your husband is really talented, praise me, your husband is really tall


"Ha ha ha."

"It's not good to praise like that."

Soon, the phone rang.

After Wu Yifa was connected, Xiao Yunhai's voice came over.

"Hello? Is that dad? "

"Who? How polite

"I am your future child. I want to travel through time and space to see you two from 2042."

Wang Siyu said angrily, "liar! You can starve yourself to death if you cheat like this. "

At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly showed his head from a TV made of cardboard boxes and called out, "Dad!"

"No! ancestors! Except for my daughter-in-law, you can take anything valuable at home! "

Wang Siyu, trembling and trembling, pointed to the TV and said, "especially TV. If you don't take it away, I don't dare to see it! "

With that, Wang Siyu fainted.

"Ah! wife! Wife

Wu's method of playing chess was startled. He looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "I told you to hide in the refrigerator."

"Hidden refrigerator? Don't I have a cold? "

"Then you can't come out of the TV. You see, you scared my wife."

Xiao yunhaishen argued: "isn't it more time-consuming to come out of TV?"

Wu's method of playing chess was not angry and said, "are you loading four elder brothers here?"

Xiao Yunhai tit for tat: "that emperor Alma hides in the refrigerator, he is also cold?"

Their questions and answers made the audience laugh.

"Oh, I'll go. I'll come across from the TV. That's interesting. "

"Crossing, see crossing again. Emperor Yun is the ancestor of wearing Yue opera. It's so fun. "

At this time, Wang Siyu woke up, and Xiao Yunhai said, "Mom! don 't panic! I am the child in your stomach. "

Wang Siyu said, "I believe it! You can put them on first

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't, mom! I managed to get through it. "

Wang Siyu fainted again.

Wu Yifa quickly wakes her up. Xiao Yunhai says, "Mom! For 30 years, I have been looking for the starting point of my life. The purpose of my trip is to see what a great woman can give birth to me. "

Wang Siyu, with a sad face, said: "the accident is pregnant."

"Ha ha ha."

Wu Yifa turned his eyes and said, "alas. Well, you said you were my son. What was your name

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dad, you can get up now. What do you do? I call it."

Wu thought about the game and said, "eyeballs!"

Xiao Yunhai was not happy and said, "Dad! Think twice. Every rash decision you make is related to my future. Give me a personal name. "

"Ha ha ha."

Wu's method of playing chess said, "just the eyeballs!"

Xiao Yunhai took out his ID card and said, "Mom, my ID card!"

Wang Siyu read: "Deng eyeball son!"

Wu clapped his thigh and said, "it's my son! No running

When the plot is here, the performance of the three is getting better.

Wang Siyu asked, "son, tell your mother what our family will look like in the future."

Xiao Yunhai boasted: "the future of my father ah, can be powerful, is a big entrepreneur ah."

"Really?" Wang Siyu asked suspiciously

Wu Yifa beside him raised his head and showed a look of great concern.

Wang Siyu said happily, "husband, you really didn't let me down."

Wu's method of playing chess hummed and said in a high spirit: "ah. I have repeatedly stressed that how can women win the world if they lose their faith? "

With that, he fanned his coat a few times and put on a bad posture.

The audience laughed again.

Wang Siyu said, "son, what do you do now?"Xiao Yunhai was stunned, touched his nose, turned his head to look at Wu Yifa, and said in a soft voice, "ah? Dad? I didn't discuss it before. "

Wu Yifa twisted his nose and said, "discuss what, just say it casually. Anyway, your mother doesn't know."

Xiao Yunhai stammered: "I rub... Mud... Ash, gather the ash in a pile... I am engaged in the study of human skin."

Wang Siyu said with surprise: "ouch, it's medical."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "human skin fouling science!"

"Oh, I'll go."

"Ha ha, I'm so happy. I also studied the skin of human body. "

" isn't the science of skin fouling of human body just rubbing bath? "

"This is a wonderful sketch."

Wang Siyu said: "Oh, my mother has given you so much prenatal music."

Xiao Yunhai quickly shook his head and said, "it's not in vain to listen to it. Every time I get rid of the dirt, I'll play a drum for him."

Xiao Yunhai imitated the sound of drum with his mouth, played a melody, and said, "OK, big brother. Look at the cards

Hearing this, Wu Yifa immediately pushed him.

Xiao Yunhai immediately responded and explained, "that, the first card, means the chief of the band, the number one."

Wang Siyu nodded his head and said, "Oh, my God, it scared me. I thought he was rubbing a bath."

"Ha ha ha."

"Oh, I'll go. It's killing me."

Wu Yifa said, "my son is both literati and martial arts, follow me!"

Wang Siyu said happily, "husband, you are wonderful!"

Xiao Yunhai said: "he is good mainly because he has a good friend around him."

Wang Siyu agreed with him and said, "good friends are very important. Your father's atmosphere is not successful now. He is dragged down by his good friends, especially Hao Jian."

Xiao Hai's face changed.


the audience laughed and yelled.

Xiao Yunhai tentatively said: "Uncle Hao Jian is not my father's best friend?"

"Wife, I don't want you to stir up feelings between me and my buddies," Wu Yi falian said

Wang Siyu was puzzled and said, "didn't you say that you wanted to throw up when you saw Hao Jian? You also said that Hao Jianchang looked like a man, but he never did anything about human affairs. Your father also said, say... "

Wu Qifa quickly interrupted her and said," go, there is not half a cucumber left in the refrigerator, stir fry four dishes for the child. "


"Ha ha ha."

"Half a cucumber fried four dishes, kuyun emperor think out."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. The sketch is really wonderful."

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai looked at Wu Yifa and said with a sneer, "your host is very extravagant!"

The audience laughed again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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