Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:25 AM

Chapter 1885

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In the warm applause of all, Wang Siyu's piano, Wu Yifa's drum and Xiao Yunhai's guitar came together to play a happy melody with the band behind him.

More than ten seconds later, Zhao Wanqing took the microphone and walked out with a smile.

"The men and women who come and go on the street are always expressionless.

My heart, which always loves singing,

had to spread it out with both hands,

and sit on the roadside to have a rest.

No matter 3363 or 3127,

is like a spirit trapped in the world.

I am willing to praise the motherland and love,

but I only hope that those who listen to me wake up quickly... "

the song Xiao Yunhai chose for Zhao Wanqing this time is Jin Haixin's famous song" wake up your ears ".

The rhythm of this song is cheerful and pleasant, and the lyrics are coquettish, which is very suitable for the atmosphere of the annual meeting.

The audience was very cooperative and clapped their hands with the rhythm.

"111235 flies away like a kite,

555724 is the leaves crying gently,

111237 no one is listening to it carefully,

the melody forgotten by you,

is my destiny pursuit.

The park is about to be demolished. Don't take away your memory.

why not use singing to extract your diary.

It doesn't matter if you don't like singing,

just let the first sunshine wake up your ears

"Wake up the ears" between the main song and the chorus is just a few drum melodies connected, almost no gap.

Fortunately, Wu Yifa's drum is very powerful. He grafts the upper and lower parts together like flowing water. If something goes wrong in the middle, the whole song will be over.

The cheerful music made the audience feel very comfortable.

Zhao Wanqing's singing skills naturally need not be said, is absolutely the world's top, singing this song can be said to be no difficulty.

Sometimes she came to Xiao Yunhai and put her arm on his shoulder. Sometimes she went to Wu Yifa, picked up the drumstick and hit it a few times, just in line with the melody. Sometimes she went to Wang Siyu's piano and watched her play. She was very happy.

"The park is about to be demolished. Don't take away your memory.

why not pick up your diary by singing.

It doesn't matter if you don't like singing,

let the first sunshine wake up your ears

... "

this song is easy to learn and the melody is simple. At the end of the day, the audience can watch the lyrics on the big screen.

Soon, Zhao Wanqing's singing was over.

The four got up and bowed together.


Applause, screams, cheers.

Just then, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed and nothing could be seen clearly.

After about 30 seconds, a piece of touching music began to ring, and then the lights were on. Only Wu Yifa was left on the stage. At this time, his clothes also changed, wearing a suit.

"The familiar face in the dream, you are my tender waiting. Even if tears drown the world, I won't let go...

Wu Yifa's voice is very magnetic. Once he opened his mouth, he surprised everyone.

In particular, the employees of Yunyi shopping network showed an incredible expression.

"I didn't expect that boss Wu could sing so well."

"It sounds like a professional. Boss Wu is really a real man. I guess it's only Xiao who can force him to the stage. "

"It's a beautiful song and the lyrics are great. I've never heard of it before."

"What else? It must have been written by old Xiao. "

The staff were whispering.

"Lonely every moment, just because I made a promise. The familiar touch between you and me, love will wake up

After singing here, Wang Siyu appeared on the stage in the elevator in his white long skirt when walking the red carpet. As soon as he opened his mouth, the loud and clear voice also shocked the audience.

"In the vicissitudes of life, only love is the eternal myth. The tide rises and falls and never regrets the appointment of true love. Several painful entanglement, how many nights struggle, clench hands, let me and you never leave

This "beautiful myth" is the theme song of Cheng Long's film "myth". Cheng Long and Jin Xishan have sung in both Chinese and Korean languages. However, compared with Han Hong and Sun Nan's version, it is not a bit worse.

Xiao Yunhai took out the song and changed it into a chorus of four people.

Wu Yifa asked to sing the first paragraph without thinking about it. The main reason was that he was worried that if Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were allowed to sing first, he and Wang Siyu would not be able to sing.

After all, they are only amateur singers. Compared with the world's top singers like Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, they are not a bit worse.Wu Yifa's idea is right. Although they sing very aesthetically, in the second paragraph, after Xiao Yunhai sings the first sentence, people still feel that there is a gap between the two sides.

Fortunately, there is a half minute interval between the two paragraphs, which has little impact. Except for some professionals, few people can hear it.

"The snow covered love on the pillow can only be melted by embracing each other sincerely. The fire on the stove is swaying in the wind, and it never dies out. "

Xiao Yunhai's voice is also magnetic and full of emotion. Listening to people's ears, it's very enjoyable.

Zhao Wanqing continued to sing: "waiting for flowers to bloom, spring comes again, endless years laugh at me crazy. The heart is like steel, let the world be desolate, yearning will always follow. "

Xiao Yunhai: "in the vicissitudes of life, only love is the eternal myth. The tide rises and falls and never regrets the appointment of true love. Several painful entanglement, how many night struggle, clench hands let me and you never leave? "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have sung more than ten duet songs, and their timbre can be said to be seamless.

When Zhao Wanqing is singing, Xiao Yunhai will help her with her voice and make her voice more tender and affectionate.

In the same way, when Xiao Yunhai sings, Zhao Wanqing will do the same. In this way, their singing is more layered.

At the end of the second part of the chorus, the accompaniment is raised to one key and the tones of the four are raised at the same time.

"In sad and joyous years, only love is the eternal myth, and no one has forgotten the ancient oath. Your tears turn into butterflies flying all over the sky. Love is the wind under the wings, and two hearts follow each other freely... "

this is the highest in the whole song. In the tidal part, four people sang three times in succession, each time higher than the previous one, and each time has different patterns.

At the first time of singing, all four people performed step by step. At the second time, Zhao Wanqing raised her voice alone, much higher than the other three's chorus. By the third time, Xiao Yunhai directly used high octave tone to match their timbre, and the degree of pleasant hearing immediately rose several steps.

"You are the only beautiful myth in my heart."

Finally, Xiao Yunhai and Wu stopped playing chess. Zhao Wanqing and Wang Siyu sang it out in a gentle and clean voice, and then nestled on their husband's shoulder.

The whole picture is beautiful to the extreme.

The applause and screams from the audience resounded through the whole venue.

"This song is so beautiful." Chen Huan clapped his thigh and cried.

"The two young people on the stage are more beautiful

After the beautiful myth, the party was over.

Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa invited all the guests to a five-star hotel for dinner, and they didn't go home until 3 a.m.

The Internet has been busy for a long time.

"Yunyi shopping network is so grand that almost all the big stars in China's entertainment circle have been invited to the past."

"Wonderful, exciting, especially the lucky draw. Three million dollars, I was envious of

dead. "

"The 40 employees of Yunyi shopping website are so happy. Two million cheques and 500000

cars are two hundred fifty. However, I also want to do such a 250. "

"The performance of the four of the emperor and the Wu is really wonderful. The sketch "happiness" and the previous "today's happiness" are absolutely the same, each sentence makes me laugh

"I'm not surprised how good the performance is after Yun Huangqing. What really surprised me was that Wu and his wife were able to perform skits and sing. They were really versatile

"It's still our cloud emperor who has talent. A sketch makes me laugh off my big teeth. Two songs are good to listen to. Don't want them. It's great

"Yunyi shopping website is doing something. New year's Eve is coming soon. They have done so well. Isn't this putting pressure on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala? "

"Spring Festival Gala is dangerous. Just looking at the program that was shown before, it's much worse than this party. "

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