Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:24 AM

Chapter 1886

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After the party, Xiao Yunhai and his family have been preparing for the new year.

Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye, new year's Eve.

In the morning, Xiao Shengli, who had already retired, came to Huairou with his family. In the afternoon, Xiao Yuanyang came with his wife and children.

Seeing several great grandsons and granddaughters, Xiao Leshan couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He couldn't wait to take out the red envelope and put it in the children's clothes.

Xiao Yuanyang didn't have the look of a provincial governor at all. He said with a smile, "grandfather, how much did you give the children? Now we have become the richest man in the world. Can't you be too humble? "

Xiao Yuanyang used to see Xiao Leshan just like a mouse meeting a cat, so he had to stay far away. But now, as the governor, he was not afraid of himself at all. On the contrary, he was able to make fun of himself like Xiao Yunhai, which made Xiao Leshan very happy.

Such changes are enough to show that Xiao Yuanyang's growth speed has exceeded Xiao Leshan's imagination.

"How can you become a financial fan now? I tell you, work below, don't engage in those heresy, if let me know, I can't spare you. "

Xiao Yuanyang was directly happy and said, "evil ways? You are so funny, grandfather. My brother is worth more than 50 trillion US dollars, and now he controls the whole European economy. Do you think I can do anything wrong? Yunhai, your brother is out of money. I'll call your sister-in-law 10 million tomorrow. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his white eyes and said with disdain: "ten million? Well, it's too few. If you don't go, you can't afford to lose that man. "


"Ha ha ha."

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yuanyang pointed to Xiao Yunhai and scolded with a smile: "you boy is really good enough. If you don't think you can take 10 million, then 100 billion. We are in urgent need of investment and economic development in Shaanxi and Gansu Province. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no problem. I'm going to invest 300 billion yuan in a car company. The address hasn't been decided yet. Otherwise, you give me a piece of land, and I'll build it with you. "

Xiao Yuanyang said, "OK, it's settled. I'll do it for you as soon as I get back. I said, do you have any other projects? You should tilt to your brother

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "I remember Kristi's plan for the establishment of a large-scale modern film and television city is not impossible in Shaanxi and Gansu Province."

Xiao Yuanyang asked: "large modern film and television city? How big is it? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we either don't build it. If we want to build it, we must build a movie and television city bigger than Hengdian and better equipped. But I haven't decided yet. "

Xiao Yuanyang said in a hurry: "then you should make a decision. I tell you, Shaanxi and Gansu Province is vast and sparsely populated. The land price is much cheaper than that in the East, and the environment is even worse. You have to hurry up. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know. After the new year, I will send people from Hanhai film and television investment company to take charge of this matter. "

Xiao Shengli picked up his tea cup and drank some tea. He asked curiously, "Yunhai, how much money do you have now?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "I really don't know. It's more than those newspapers and magazines said

Xiao Leshan said: "victory, when your nephew comes back from France, he will let the major companies in China pay 80% of the profits of the whole year to Barker bank. Can you guess how much money is there?"

Xiao Shengli said with a wry smile, "Dad, how can I understand this. Yuanyang, you are the governor. Guess. "

Xiao Yuanyang pondered for a while and said, "I estimate it should be no less than 800 billion yuan."

Xiao Leshan sneered and said, "it's half less. It's one hundred and sixty-three billion."

Hearing Xiao Leshan's words, the crowd suddenly took a breath.

"163 billion?" Xiao Yuanyang didn't know what to say. After a long time, he said, "China alone has so much profit. How much will it have if we include the United States and the world? $163 billion? Damn it. It's too scary

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother, these are small money. With the development of new network technologies, the profits of Yunqing network company alone are two trillion US dollars. "

Xiao Yuanyang opened his mouth, held the baby in his arms, and said, "honey, come on, get to know your uncle well. In the future, your happy life depends on him. Now, let's have a big red envelope first. "

Xiao Leshan said: "ocean, the red envelope I gave the child already has 50 million, how much do you want?"

"Fifty million. You are more generous than last year, grandfather Xiao Yuanyang was surprised and said, "but with so much money, I'm useless."

Xiao Leshan took a look and said, "don't get cheap here. The money is for children, and you also have it, but it's 600 yuan. Do you want it or not? "

Xiao Yuanyang slapped his thigh and said, "I'll tell you. Six hundred dollars. That's just like you. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

In the evening, a family of more than ten people eat and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

At ten o'clock, Xiao Chongyang finally finished his work and came here.Seeing everyone playing chess and playing cards, Xiao Chongyang could not help but be happy and said, "it seems that you are very busy."

Zhao Wanqing brought him a cup of tea and said with a smile, "uncle, everyone is waiting for you. Later, we'll have new year's Eve dinner together. "

Xiao Chongyang nodded and said, "good."

When Xiao Leshan saw his son come back, he pushed the chess which was about to lose to the chessboard and said, "all the people are here. Let's go to the study. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the disordered chessboard and said without good breath: "play Lai."

When he entered the study, Xiao Yuanyang gave a detailed account of his work in the past year, and even some unspeakable political struggles without reservation.

Xiao Yunhai nodded in secret. Since he was promoted to the provincial governor, his elder brother has indeed made too much progress. Just because he was able to tell his thoughts hidden in his heart in front of his family, he showed that he had the courage to self-criticism and accept criticism from others, and he had to make people look at each other.

Xiao Leshan and his son are all the top figures in the political arena. This paper analyzes, discusses and evaluates the highlights and shortcomings of Xiao Yuanyang's work. Even Xiao Yunhai, who sits there, has benefited a lot from their views on things.

It took more than an hour for Xiao Yuanyang to come to an end.

This year, Xiao Shengli's son has just been promoted to a major general. His work is very busy and he can't come here. Therefore, Xiao Yuanyang finished and it's his turn to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai scratched his head and said with a bitter smile, "don't look at me. I really don't know where to start."

Xiao Chongyang said: "it's true that your business this year is much more complicated than that of ocean going ocean. The assets under your banner have increased several times. We are not businessmen. It's hard to help you, but we still have our vision. You're worth 50 trillion dollars now. You're richer than the Bessie and Anderson families. What I want to know is how your business global strategy is laid out next? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there is nothing special about it. I said in front of the media reporters that my business philosophy is win-win cooperation. But cooperation is also divided into primary and secondary. Next, I will carry out global layout. In addition to a few core industries, I will gradually enter all industries with development potential, none of which will be missed. If this plan can be realized, then I will be a shareholder of all famous companies in the world, and all companies will be my employees. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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