Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:22 AM

Chapter 1888

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Three days later, Zhao Wanqing stepped out of the special passage of Huanghua Airport under the close protection of more than ten bodyguards.

Jiang Qin and he Feng, who had been waiting outside for a long time, did not dare to greet them when they saw such a battle.

The main reason is that these bodyguards are experts of Yunqing security company. Everyone's eyes are like a sword. Seeing Jiang Qin and he Feng walking this way, they all stare at them.

Zhao Wanqing rushed out and said, "you don't have to be so nervous. They are my friends."

"Sister Jiang Qin, Miss He, long time no see.".? Zhao Wanqing took off her sunglasses, hugged Jiang Qin and said hello to He Feng.

Jiang Qin pointed to the bodyguards who were on guard all over the place and said, "Wanqing, are you too big in this battle?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a bitter smile, "I don't want to. The twelve bodyguards in my family have no security, so they have no security

He Feng said: "your two identities are not the same as before. No matter how many bodyguards are added, it's understandable. Didn't you see that when foreign presidents came to visit China, the whole street of Yanjing was blocked? You are now richer than the countries behind the president. By contrast, you are very low-key

Zhao Wanqing said: "as long as you don't say I play big card."

Jiang Qin said with a smile, "you are a big brand. You don't need to play. It's almost time. Let's go. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and was about to follow two people to get on the bus when six cross-country vehicles of the great wall came slowly from the outside.

Li Xianjun, the head of Zhao Wanqing's bodyguard, stepped forward and said, "Miss Zhao, please get on our car with your friends. It's safer. "

Zhao Wanqing frowned slightly and said," brother Li, you are going too far. This is not a foreign country. There will be no problems in China. "

Li Xianjun shook his head and said, "Miss Zhao, this is our duty. Please don't embarrass us."

He Feng said with a smile: "Wanqing, you should not be difficult for these big brothers. I haven't made the latest bullet proof car of the Great Wall. I want to go up and feel it. "

Jiang Qinjiao said with a smile, "I also want to see it. Mr. He, tell the driver, let's take Wanqing's car. "

He Feng nodded and said hello to the driver.

Three people get on the bus, Zhao Wanqing a face of embarrassment, said: "sister Jiang Qin, teacher he, really sorry."

He Feng comforted: "it doesn't matter. There's nothing wrong with what they do. "

Zhao Wanqing took out her mobile phone from her bag and said, "but such protection has seriously affected my life. I can't stand it. "

"What are you doing?" asked Jiang Qin

Zhao Wanqing said angrily, "call that guy."

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Xiao Yunhai, do you mean to make a fool of me?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "wife, what you said is too inexplicable. How did I make a fool of you? "

Zhao Wanqing said what had just happened and said, "you can call brother Li right now. Don't disturb my normal work and life."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "they can't be blamed. At that time, brother Li asked me what level of protection was needed. Of course, I said it was the highest level. I didn't expect to have such an impact on you. OK, I'll take care of it right away. By the way, help me and sister Jiang Qin and teacher he to take a good one. "

"They are by my side," Zhao Wanqing said

Jiang Qin took the mobile phone from Zhao Wanqing's hand and said with a smile, "Yunhai, have you forgotten me? I haven't seen each other for more than two years. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Jiang Qin, you can rest assured. For a beautiful woman like you, let alone two years, even if it is 20 years, I will never forget it."


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's exaggeration, Jiang Qin couldn't smile directly and said, "your tone of speech has not changed. Although I don't believe what you said, I am very happy in my heart

Xiao Yunhai said, "but I'm not happy. Our Yunqing TV station is looking forward to your coming to work there. As a result, you said you didn't want to go anywhere. Now that you've changed your TV station, you don't even tell us. Oh, it's so sad. "

Jiang Qin said: "wrong. I told Wan Qing long ago, but you don't know. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's your fault not to come to our Yunqing TV station anyway. In this way, in order to make up for the mistakes, in the following interview, you should ask less about our family, how about? "

Jiang Qin said with a smile, "that won't work. I've been prepared in advance and can't be destroyed. I'll talk about it later

See he Feng reach out to call, Jiang Qin way: "do not talk to you, he teacher wants to talk to you."

"Hello, Yunhai, your" power "is about to be broadcast. When will you come to our" Happy Sunday "to play

Xiao Yunhai, ha ha ha laughed, "this drama group has the final say, I am now a small actor, the director let me go east, I will never go west."He Feng said with a smile: "this is what you said. OK. I'll ask director Du to be contacted by the station. I must invite you to come to our happy Sunday. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it depends on whether teacher he has this ability."

An hour later, the car stopped steadily at Mango TV station.

Xiao Yunhai may have told Li Xianjun that after Zhao Wanqing got off the train, Li only asked two female bodyguards to protect him, while others were on guard outside.

Entering the building, Zhao Wanqing saw the director of mango TV station, song Longqi, and several deputy directors waiting for her there.

"Miss Zhao, welcome to our mango TV station." Song Longqi, with a smile on his face, took a few steps and said hello to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing, an international superstar, the wife of the richest man in the world, and the granddaughter-in-law of the Xiao family, no matter what status, Zhao Wanqing is enough to make the whole mango station go out to welcome her.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Director Song, this battle is too big for me to bear."

Song Longqi even said, "Miss Zhao, if you can't afford it, who else can. Hehe, I didn't believe that Jiang Qin said he would invite you to the first program. After all, you and Mr. Xiao are the masters of Yunqing TV station. If you want to participate in the program, you will definitely be in your own TV station. I didn't expect that you really condescend to come here, which is just to let our TV station shine. "

Zhao Wanqing waved her hand and said," Mr. Song, you and my husband are old friends. Let's not be too polite. "

Song long nodded oddly and said, "good."

The group took the elevator and chatted in the director's office for a while. Zhao Wanqing couldn't bear song Longqi's enthusiasm, so she went to the studio with Jiang Qin.

The news that Zhao Wanqing will come to this program has long been spread on the Internet.

Originally not many famous programs, all of a sudden by everyone's attention, thousands of fans are sitting at home waiting. Female fans, especially, hope to learn something from this program to control their husbands. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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