Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:19 AM

Chapter 1891

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Now Shengshi Literature Network occupies about 45% of the market share. Although less than before, it is still the largest. Xiao Yunhai's three websites have made great progress. They are about to keep pace with them, reaching 40%, and the remaining 15% are divided up by other small and medium-sized websites.

Xiao Yunhai had a look at the development of dream following app before the Spring Festival. Good guy, the average monthly profit is more than 10 billion yuan, which is really frightening to death.

If the flourishing age is swallowed up, the profit is likely to reach 30 billion yuan, and the annual profit will exceed 300 billion yuan.

Have to say, the net text is too profitable.

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "OK, I'll pass the video to you."

Soon, Wang Yangqiu's plastic surgery video appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai.

The black doctor's skill was very skilled. Wang Yangqiu went in less than half an hour and finished.

Xiao Yunhai is not going to let go of Wang Dashao.

He is like a time bomb, with his back to the Wang family, and his annual profit is more than 100 billion yuan. It means that he will do something unfavorable to Xiao Yunhai and his family one day.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai must start first.

Two days later, all the preparations for the acquisition were completed. Xiao Yunhai made a phone call and asked people to publish the video on the Korean website. Then, through some means, it spread to China.

Countless netizens have seen this video called "the whole process of cosmetic surgery", and have published posts on the Internet.

"Shit, this is cosmetic surgery. It's too simple."

"That doctor is a real bull. It simply turns one person into another. "

"I don't think that cosmetic surgeon is familiar."

"Yes, I feel the same way."

"Oh, I know who it is? He is Wang Yang, the boss of Shengshi novel network

"Wang Yang, the one who secretly attacks the emperor on the Internet. Why should he have cosmetic surgery when he is so rich? "

"Men generally don't have cosmetic surgery, especially rich people, because it's totally unnecessary. For them, no matter ugly or handsome, there will be countless beauties who recommend pillow seats. The only explanation is that he wants to cover up something and doesn't want people to know what he was like before. "

"Is that detective upstairs? It's like a movie. However, I feel that Wang Yang's face before plastic surgery is very similar to Wang Yangqiu, who escaped from prison

"Wang Yangqiu. Damn it. It's really him. As like as two peas, we'll go online and search for Wang Yangqiu's picture.

"Yes, I saw it. It was him. The police, go and get him. "

Under Xiao Yunhai's Secret promotion, Wang Yangqiu's identity soon came to light.

Wang Yangqiu, the headquarters of Shengshi, held a whole morning meeting to discuss a lot of measures for Xiao Yunhai's dream chasing app, hoping to recover the declining market share of Shengshi app.

After the meeting, Wang Yangqiu walked out of the meeting room and took the elevator to go back to his office.

There were six or seven employees in the elevator. When they saw Wang Yangqiu, they all respectfully said hello, but their eyes were a little special,

Wang Yangqiu thought there was something on his face, so he went back to the office, looked at the mirror and murmured: "nothing."

Just then, his cell phone lights up, it's his mother's call.

I have called several times before, but I didn't see it because he was in a meeting and the mobile phone was turned to mute.

"What can I do for you, mom? I was just in a meeting. "

"Yangqiu, go, your identity has been known to all. The police will find you soon. Get out of here. If you don't go, you won't be able to leave. "

Wang Yangqiu was stunned by his mother's words.

How can Wang Yangqiu look at his employees like this

"Your plastic surgery videos are spreading crazy on the Internet. Websites, big and small, are full of things about you, all front page headlines. Don't say so much. Take the money and go at once. No, the police are looking for me. Get out of here

With that, there was no movement on the mobile phone.

Wang Yangqiu's face changed greatly, and his eyes were full of panic. At this time, his office phone rang.

Wang Yangqiu immediately picked up the phone and asked, "what's the matter?"

The front desk service girl said, "Mr. Wang, there are more than 100 media reporters and more than 10 police officers coming to our building. What do you think to do? "

Wang Yangqiu was shocked and said in a sharp voice," let the security guard stop them for me. "

"But they're police, they're here to perform official duties, and they can't be stopped."

Wang Yangqiu has hung up the phone before the front desk has finished.

He hurriedly opened the safe, put 100000 cash and three Swiss bank checks of 20 billion into his briefcase, then went to the bedroom, opened a secret door, and left from the secret elevator.

The reason why Wang Yangqiu bought this building is that there is a secret elevator in this room, which can let him leave calmly.Less than three minutes after Wang Yangqiu escaped, the door of his office was forcibly kicked open by the police.

Seeing the steaming teacup, the leading policeman said, "the man has just left soon. Search quickly."

After a while, they found the elevator. Unfortunately, the elevator needs fingerprint unlocking, and the police can't use it at all.

When we found out where the elevator led to, Wang Yangqiu had already disappeared.

However, Wang Yangqiu's escape just shows his identity.

Countless reporters downstairs immediately passed the news to the headquarters, and immediately everyone knew it.

"Wang Yang Niu, I'm really forced."

"A jailbreak can be a boss of prosperous times even if he changes his face and returns to China. It's no different from a movie or TV series. "

"I'm afraid all this has something to do with the Wangs."

"One hand covers the sky. Through Wang Yangqiu's case, we can see the energy of the Wang family and hope that the government can punish it. "

"Now Wang Yangqiu has escaped. Maybe Li Yangqiu and Ma Yangqiu will come back next time."

Wang Yangqiu's appearance has caused a great stir on the Internet. Even Xiao Yunhai and other people are promoting the "power" which is far less popular than it.

Wang's family is very arrogant, but what Wang Yangqiu has done is really shocking. The No.1 chief executive reprimanded Wang Yangqiu's father severely on the phone. At the same time, Gao Xiangfeng asked people to give the evidence of his mother's help to Wang Yangqiu's defection to the police. The police did not give Wang's family any face and directly took her away from home.

Because of this incident, the whole Wang family was once again pushed to the crest of the waves, and it was not far from the defeat.

"What? Wang Yangqiu ran away again. Didn't I ask you to send someone to watch? " Just after a propaganda meeting, Xiao Yunhai learned from Gao Xiangfeng that Wang Yangqiu had lost his trace, and his face was very ugly.

Gao Xiangfeng said: "his office has a secret elevator, which leads directly to the back door of the parking lot. The police don't know, and we don't know. However, we can be sure that he never left Yanjing. "

"Check, even if it is to search all over Yanjing, we have to find out. And to prevent him from sneaking in like he did last time. " Xiao Yunhai said coldly.

Wang Yangqiu is a dangerous element. He should have foreseen this day for a long time, so he is ready to escape in advance.

In his present situation, there is only one way to go abroad. But if you want to go through regular channels, it's impossible.

Therefore, stowaways like last time are the only feasible way. As long as this road is cut off, Wang Yangqiu will be completely finished.

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "I will arrange it right away. The illegal immigration will never happen again. By the way, Mr. Xiao, it suddenly occurred to me that those veterans who helped him escape from prison once said that after they escaped from prison and lived in a small yard for a long time, would he go there again? "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened, he said, "it's very possible. Lao Gao, you send someone immediately. No, you let brother song lead the team in person. If it's there, I'll mark him and let the police catch him, understand? "

Gao Xiang said, "I know." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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