Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:18 AM

Chapter 1892

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At six the next morning, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Gao Xiangfeng.

"Good news, Mr. Xiao. Wang Yangqiu has been caught. He was actually hiding in that small yard, with 100000 yuan of cash and 60 billion Swiss cheques. He has been arrested by the police

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "very good. Lao Gao, thank you for me, brothers. Hehe, 60 billion, that boy is very rich. "

Gao Xiang said: "it is estimated that all are the income of Shengshi novel network."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's why I'm interested in prosperous times. In the past two days, Wang Yangqiu's identity was leaked, which led to a sharp drop in the stock price of Shengshi. Many people couldn't bear it. Fortunately, we took the lead and bought 12% of its shares at a lightning speed. We have become the first shareholder in addition to Wang Yangqiu. "

How is Wang Yangxiang's shares puzzled

Xiao Yunhai said: "it depends on how he will be judged? According to previous cases, such a break from prison would at least be sentenced to life imprisonment or even death, and assets would be confiscated by the government. Wait. I expect the trial will be held this morning. Wang Yangqiu is doomed this time. "

After talking to Gao Xiangfeng, Xiao Yunhai turned on his computer, and the front pages of all major websites were all about Wang Yangqiu's arrest.

Wang Yangqiu was arrested by the Yanjing police station at more than five o'clock. Only an hour later, the video of Wang Yangqiu had been uploaded to the Internet.

That is to say, in order to get first-hand information, these reporters may have been waiting at the gate of the police station all night. If they don't catch them, they will be waiting for nothing.

Opening the video, Xiao Yunhai watched it again, and her eyebrows wrinkled.

After Wang Yangqiu was taken out of the car by the police, he saw the reporter, and suddenly he scolded Xiao Yunhai, saying that he did everything. The purpose was to get Shengshi novel. He also said that he would never let him go as a ghost in his next life.

Hearing his words, Xiao Yunhai has a headache.

Yaya, you have to do something harmful to others and self-interest when you are dying. This Wang Yangqiu is really not a damn thing.

Xiao Yunhai's conjecture is correct. Wang Yangqiu's case was sentenced on the morning of that day, with life imprisonment, confiscation of property and deprivation of political rights for life. His mother, who was also the mastermind of the escape, was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

"Ha ha, that's great. Lao Xiao, Wang Yangqiu is finally finished. " Wu Qifa, who came out of the court, got on the bus and couldn't help calling Xiao Yunhai. His words were very excited.

Xiao Yunhai said: "people are so miserable, you don't want to be happy about it."

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "you boy, don't come. Did you send someone to do this? It's so beautiful. "

Xiao Yunhai of course will not admit, even busy way: "I don't have such a big ability."

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Anyway, as long as Wang Yangqiu goes in." Wu Yifa smiles, not at all.

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, I'm driving. I'll hang up

"No, no, no, I haven't finished yet."

Wu's playing method lowered his voice, and Shen mysteriously said, "Lao Xiao, let me tell you one more thing. The Wangs have played too hard this time. The government is going to take action against the Wangs."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "where did you hear that? The Wangs are so easy to deal with? "

Wu Qifa cut a sound, said: "the Wangs have been out of business for a long time. When Wang Yangqiu broke out of prison, the government wanted to clean up their family. There was evidence. But in view of Wang Yangqiu's father has done a lot of good things for the country, this did not start. Now, it's good that his son dares to come back and become the boss of the prosperous age. This is just playing with the law. Look, it won't be long before the news comes out. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "with Wang Yangqiu as a son, Wang's family is doomed for eight generations."

"Lao Xiao, I want to ask you something. Are you interested in prosperous times?" Wu said

Xiao Yunhai didn't hide it and said, "yes. In the past two days, my people have already bought 12% of the shares. What's the matter? "

Wu Yifa said: "nothing, just ask casually. Originally, I wanted to buy Shengshi. Since you have sold out, I, a poor man, should give up this idea. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't make these ghost ideas. I'll tell you, your son's priority now is to pay me back. Hundreds of billions of dollars, interest alone, tens of billions a year. "

Wu's method of playing chess was not angry and said, "I know. Shit, you can't be generous. They have donated hundreds of billions of dollars, but they are still a little short of me. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't come here. Don't even think about it. All right, I'm at the hotel. Bye

Getting out of the car, "power" director Du Hongtai came to him and said, "Yunhai, Wang Yangqiu's things won't affect you, will you?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. It's just a propaganda meeting in the afternoon. I'm afraid those reporters will keep asking questions. "Du Hongtai said, "if you don't want to answer, I'll take the lead."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's not necessary. You can hide today, but you can't hide tomorrow, sooner or later. Ha ha, Wang Yangqiu is usually black on the Internet. I didn't expect to bite me even when I went in. It's really a big feud with me. "

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the crew of "power" held a propaganda meeting in Mordor. In addition to some fans, more than 200 reporters came.

Ge Wuyou on the stage touched his bald head and said in a soft voice, "it's all the bad people who come here."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's good to come here, so as not to spread rumors all over the Internet."

The host briefly described the relevant content of "power" and put out a publicity Trailer. The activity entered the media questioning time.

Although everyone's target is Xiao Yunhai, it is still very regular to ask the director and the leading actor a few questions. Only then did they concentrate their firepower and ask Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, do you know that Wang Yangqiu was sentenced to life imprisonment?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course I know."

"Is the relationship between the two very bad?"

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said: "at the beginning, he went to prison because he killed people and wanted to put blame on me. Later, he broke out of prison, incarnated as Wang Yang and became the boss of Shengshi novel network, but he did not forget to ask me for trouble. Do you think we can have a good relationship? "

"After Wang Yangqiu was arrested, he once told reporters that the video was released by someone you asked for? Also say it is to get prosperous? Is there such a thing

Xiao Yunhai said: "nonsense. I admit that online novels have been very popular in the past two years. This is what my dream chasing app has done, and the revenue is considerable. If I'm not interested in flourishing times, it's bullshit. My economic team has been working hard for the acquisition of Shengshi, and so far, it has obtained 12% of the shares. As for that video, I really don't know, and I won't publish it on the Internet in order to get prosperous age. I do have a grudge against him, which I don't deny. If the video is mine, do you think it's better for me to hand it over to the police or publish it online? "

After pondering for a while, they all understood Xiao Yunhai's meaning.

It's easy to let Wang Yangqiu know about it online and then run away. If you give it to the police, you can catch him quickly.

Therefore, anyone may be the owner of the video, but Xiao Yunhai, who has a grudge against him, can't be. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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