Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:15 AM

Chapter 1894

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"Ha ha, it's the cloud emperor of the prosperous age. Our good day has finally arrived."

"Emperor Yun asked me to attend the meeting. I am so excited that I hope to get a picture with him."

"Do you know the purpose of emperor Yun? What measures will be issued? "

"What else? Yunhuang is not the kind of person who cares about money. He must be getting better and better. "

"I'm a little far away. I'm going now. The invitation said that I was staying in a five-star hotel or a room for one person. Hey, I'm going to take my daughter-in-law with me. She hasn't been to Yanjing yet. Just asked the editor, do not know whether the website will give her reimbursement? "

"What do you think upstairs. If the family can also report, then I will take my wife and children with me

"Damn it, I can do it. The editor replied to me that the emperor had promised to take his wife and children to the past. He said in advance that there was no problem with meals and accommodation. It's just the money for play. It's up to you. "

"My God, that's great. The emperor is the emperor of cloud, which is different from those stingy bosses. I'm going to take my wife and children to climb the great wall and visit the Forbidden City

The writers of Shengshi novel network sing and dance one by one, which makes the writers of other websites very envious.

In particular, those who have been dug up to the three magic wolf website God, do not know what to do.

At a five-star hotel in Xi'an, Xiao Yunhai, who is preparing to rest, received a call from Chu Wenqing.

"Mr. Chu, I guess you'll call me soon?"

When Xiao Yunhai took over the flourishing age, it was undoubtedly the biggest blow to the novel websites of the three of Chu Wenqing, and there was no counterattack.

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai united with them to fight against Shengshi and avoid its dominance. Now Shengshi is his own and has a dream chasing app. The sum of the two can occupy more than 80% of the market share.

If you want to kill them and dominate the cultural world, it's absolutely a piece of cake for Xiao Yunhai.

Chu Wenqing didn't know how many phone calls they had made in the past two days. Unfortunately, they didn't come up with a solution. They knew that they were only dispensable people. Unless Xiao Yunhai wanted them to live, they would have to die.

Chu Wenqing said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xiao, you are the master of the prosperous age now. I don't know what to do with our past collaborators?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, you are still the boss of the fantasy wolf novel website. It's not appropriate to deal with such words."

Chu Wenqing said: "Mr. Xiao, the current situation is that if you make our novels unable to reach the golden age or dream app, then our future is death. Dealing with this word, used at this time, is very appropriate

Xiao Yunhai said: "I once said in a media conference that my business philosophy is win-win cooperation. At the beginning, Wang Yang, no, it should be Wang Yangqiu. I cooperated with you to fight against him. Now that he is not here, it would be inhumane for me to ignore the friendship of cooperation and do what you say. So I have come up with a way to invite you to be shareholders of Shengshi. "

Chu Wenqing was shocked. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunhai's ideas were the same as theirs. He quickly asked, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by this? If we become shareholders of Shengshi, what about magic wolf, Tenglong and Shuhai? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, they are all included in the flourishing age. Let them become the sub websites of the flourishing age."

Chu Wenqing was silent. After a long time, he said, "Mr. Xiao, if so, how many shares are you going to give us?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "taking advantage of Wang Yangqiu's incident, I have bought 98% of the shares. In my plan, the three of you will account for 10% respectively, I will account for 61%, and the other 7% will be reserved for the employees of the company and those big and small gods. This is undoubtedly the most reliable way to keep them on the site. General manager Chu, I will hold a meeting in Yanjing in three days. At that time, I will give the author a lot of profits. On the home page, you can't compete with me at all. On app, it's even worse. It's not a small matter. You can think it over. "

"By the way, the market value will certainly increase many times when I have the prosperous age. My economic team told me that if there were no accidents, the market value of Shengshi would probably exceed trillion yuan. If you can come, trillions are sure. At that time, we will have the entire Chinese online text market in our hands. This is not a year or two, but five, ten, and twenty years... Mr. Chu, please think about it. If you agree, call those qualified authors on your website and share the victory with Shengshi. "

Chu Wenqing took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Xiao, we will consider it carefully. Whatever the outcome, I'm very grateful that you didn't leave us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm not a person who forgets righteousness for gain. Mr. Chu, to tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to your participation. I hope you can bring me good news. "

Chu Wenqing thanks again and hangs up.

In a villa in Yanjing, Chu Wenqing sat still on the sofa with his eyes closed after talking to Xiao Yunhai.They had discussed before that they wanted to buy some shares of Shengshi, but they didn't want to sell their website.

Xiao Yunhai has just made clear his attitude and wants to merge the website if he wants to enter the flourishing age, which makes Chu Wenqing in a dilemma.

"Old Chu, what's the matter? Is it all over with Mr. Xiao? " A middle-aged woman poured a glass of water for Chu Wenqing and asked.

Chu Wenqing opened his eyes, took the tea cup, shook his head and said, "Mr. Xiao is a rare good man in this shopping mall. Wife, you help me to sum up, what should I do? "

Chu Wenqing said the conditions proposed by Xiao Yunhai and asked, "if it was you, how would you choose?"

"What to choose? Lao Chu, you are stupid. According to your opinion, Mr. Xiao's heyday will definitely dominate the Internet culture world in the future. If you don't integrate into it, within a year, all the authors of fantasy wolf will enter the flourishing age. Don't hesitate. The situation is irreversible. "

"But I'm a little reluctant."

"Not reconciled? I ask you, when did you hear that Mr. Xiao would sell his shares? Mr. Xiao holds more than 90% of the shares of those super large companies with a market value of several trillion yuan or more. Only in this prosperous age, he felt a little sorry for you, which made an exception to invite you into the game. If you don't take this opportunity and wait for the flourishing age to become bigger and stronger, you can't become its shareholder again. Ten percent shares will bring you tens of billions of wealth every year. You can use this money to do other business. Do you have to hang yourself in a tree? "

His wife's words made Chu Wenqing energetic and said, "what did you just say?"

"Do I have to hang myself in a tree? You can do other business with the tens of billions of dividends that Shengshi brings every year. "

Chu Wenqing snapped his fingers and said happily, "yes, wife, you are right. There is Mr. Xiao in the field of online culture. No one can compete with him, but I can do other industries. OK, I know what to do. I'm calling Mr. Zeng and Mr. Cai to ask them about their attitude? " As like as two peas Chu Wenqing and

, the two men responded almost exactly the same way. They first took a while and then expressed their consideration. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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