Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:11 AM

Chapter 1897

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"Toad, didn't you go from the golden age? Why did you come to our flourishing age again

"We are also the people of emperor Yun. If you can come, why can't we come?"

"You boy is now the writer of magic wolf. What's the relationship between you and Emperor Yun?"

"Am I still a writer in dream app? Why don't you say that? "

"This time, I think something important will happen. Otherwise, the emperor is so busy, how could he have free time to let us have a meeting."

"I heard from the grapevine that the relationship between cloud emperor and magic wolf is good. Do you think they will cooperate?"

"Is it possible, boss? In the past, it was the three websites and the cloud emperor's dream to jointly deal with the prosperous age. Now the prosperous age is the cloud emperor's. If they can cooperate, unless the sow can climb the tree. "

Xiao Yunhai and Chu Wenqing have done a very good job in confidentiality of their agreement. So far, no news has been heard.

At 9:30, the door of the meeting room was opened and everyone was quiet.

Under the guidance of Zheng Dong, Xiao Yun appeared in the conference room with a smile on the sea.


seeing Xiao Yunhai, all the online writers stood up, clapping, screaming and shouting all over the room.

"Cloud emperor, I love you." Several female fans cried while shouting.

Xiao Yunhai waved to them, then sat down on the rostrum and said to the microphone, "brothers and sisters, this is not a concert. Please sit down. I have a lot of things that affect your income to announce."

When they heard this, they immediately sat down.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to them and said with a smile, "you, when it comes to income, you will be quiet immediately. It's too realistic. "

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, I just made a joke. There is nothing wrong with the reality. We should be paid for our labor. It is a matter of course. A few days ago, when I was busy promoting "power", you asked me to enter the golden age on the Internet. Now, as you wish, I have become the president of Shengshi, holding 98% of the shares. However, two days ago, an agreement was signed, so only 68% of the shares were left, and 30% of the shares went to the other three people. "

"I rely on, I know, those three people should be magic wolf, book sea, Tenglong three big website boss, they really merged."

"Yes, no wonder the authors of all three websites have arrived. It turns out that we have become a family. "

"God, in this way, isn't Shengshi monopolizing the whole network culture world? That's amazing. "

"I hope the emperor will not bully us, or we will die."

Hearing everyone's comments, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it seems that everyone has guessed. Yes, magic wolf, book sea and Tenglong have become the sub websites of our flourishing age, which means that all the writers here are family members. Let's welcome Mr. Chu of magic wolf, Mr. Cai of Shuhai and Mr. Zeng of Tenglong with the warmest applause. They will be the shareholders of our flourishing age and create brilliance together with us. "

In the applause of the crowd, Chu Wenqing, Zeng Jiang and Cai Pei came in with smiles and clapping hands.

After they sat down, Xiao Yunhai continued: "the new Shengshi novel website, which is composed of three websites of Shengshi, will be renamed Yunqing literature website. We should not object to naming it after me and my wife? "

"No They all answered in unison.

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. The second news is about your income. I saw the welfare that Wang Yangqiu gave you when he was in office. To tell you the truth, the only good thing he did was to give you a good contribution price. This price is already very high, I can't add much money on this basis. However, I want to say that as long as you write well, the copyright income will probably be higher than you think in the future. In particular, there will be a big explosion in the six types of history, martial arts, immortal swordsmen, city, love and fantasy. We Hanhai film and television investment company has focused on this, and the editorial department has also found several good novels, ready to be made into TV works, to try. The author of the novel is here. Five people have been confirmed, and more than ten are to be determined. "

"Mr. Xiao, can we get the copyright fee if we buy it out?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "according to the contract, it can't be, but I won't be so stingy. After the TV play is broadcast, the company will give you one percent of the revenue. Don't think that 1% is very low. If you get 100 million films and TV works, you can get one million. If it's less than 100 million, I'll give you one million directly. "

" OK. " The scene burst into applause.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "this is the second thing. There is another thing that is more beneficial to you. I hope you don't get too excited. The market value of our Shengshi novel network has exceeded one trillion yuan. If we include the magic wolf, the sea of books and Teng long, it is estimated that there should be no problem breaking through 1.2 billion yuan. There are only two percent of the shares left on the market, and investors can't buy them even if they want to. But now you will have this opportunity. Next, I will take out 8% of the shares to sell to you and the employees of the website. The share price is 80% of the market price, and each person is limited to purchase 20 million yuan. ""Boom."

Xiao Yunhai's words just dropped, and everyone was crazy.

"God, to be a shareholder of Shengshi, how can I feel that there is some heavenly night talk."

"So we'll be the boss in the future."

"That's great. It's still the arrogance of the emperor."

"Yes, I must. I'll ask my dad for money when I go back. It's OK for 20 million. "

"All my assets add up to only two million yuan. Where can I go to raise money to buy shares?"

One of the most clever writers suddenly stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, first of all, thank you for selling us the shares of Shengshi at a low price. Secondly, I would like to ask if your Barker bank can give us a loan? I only have 200000, which is too little. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "brother, you are very economical. Go to my bank to get a loan and buy my shares. The risk is in me, and you can enjoy it. Ha ha, no wonder it's smart to be the God of online novels. "

"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "OK, do good things to the end. Who wants a loan? I can ask Barker bank to lend it to you. But the interest rate will be much higher than the commercial interest rate because the risk they take is very high. "

"No problem. Just lend it to us. "

"It is inevitable that we will succeed in a prosperous age. In the future, we only need to wait for the end of the year to collect money."

"Ha ha, I am also a shareholder now."

Seeing the excited appearance of these network gods and little gods, Xiao Yunhai smiles in his heart. By doing so, he is to tie these people with shares, so that even if there are rivals in the future, they will not change jobs to the greatest extent.

Xiao Yunhai said: "however, there is an important thing I want to tell you. That is to say, your shares only have the right to share dividends, not the right to buy and sell. If you want to sell it in the future, you can only sell it to Shengshi at the current price. What's more, you can think about it carefully, and don't loan too much money. If the money you get from the dividend at the end of the year is not enough to repay the loan, it will be a big trouble. "

"Ha ha ha."

"Yes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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