Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:09 AM

Chapter 1898

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After finishing the important thing, Xiao Yunhai encouraged everyone to say a few more words, and finally said, "if you have any questions, you can ask them now."

A great God writer got up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, how can we stipulate our recommended position?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Shengshi app, zhumeng app, Yunqing social networking website and four website homepages have at least 150 recommenders every day. You don't need to worry about recommendation."

"Mr. Xiao, what are the most important referrals?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "after the meeting, I will ask Shengshi editorial department to issue relevant measures as soon as possible. If you have any opinions and suggestions, you can put them forward. Now let me answer. I really can't give you an answer. "

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me the name of the movie

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'm so worried. The key point is that you want to know that doesn't mean the five writers are willing to publish it. "

"It doesn't matter. We all agree."

"Yes, who doesn't agree, please raise your hand?"

"Well, there is no raising of hands to show that everyone agrees. Mr. Xiao, you can say it now

Xiao Yunhai said speechless: "your way is not very good, but it is very effective. Well, I'll make it public. The first one is... "

Xiao Yunhai's pause has raised everyone's heart.

A name is worth at least one million, so they are not nervous.

"Sorry, I didn't remember. I need to look at my cell phone." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

"Ho." The crowd roared.

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone, looked at it, and said: "the first author's pseudonym is very strange, called Ye Fengliu. If there is no accident, his fantasy novel "the world" will be remade into more than 50 episodes of TV drama

"Oh, ye Fengliu, stand up."

"Let's see where you are."

In the roar of the crowd, a young man in his twenties, with acne on his face, stood up, seemed somewhat shy, and soon sat down.

Xiao Yunhai said: "the second book is a fairy Knight love work, named after generations, the author is a dream butterfly."

"Yeah, it's me." A very lovely girl stood up and said happily.

"The third one is an aerial historical work..."

"the fourth one..."

after finishing the five works, Xiao Yunhai said, "this afternoon, Hanhai film and television investment company will come to talk with you about copyright issues. Your novels are very important. They represent five different types of films and TV works. This can be said to be an attempt. If you have achieved brilliant success, then not only Hanhai, but all film and television companies in China will pay attention to our website. At that time, all the authors will have your light. On the contrary, if your type fails, other similar subjects are likely to enter the freezing period, understand? "


Xiao Yunhai's words made the scene lively again.

"Wow, this is the beginning. Dream butterfly, your immortal knight errant must succeed. The happiness of my friend lies in you. '

"I think the novels of overhead history are good. The original" Langya Bang "by Emperor Yun is such a subject matter

"Fantasy is the most difficult. If you want to succeed, you can just throw in the special effects

"I think the city is good. It's easy to shoot, it costs less, and it's a great fit. "

Xiao Yunhai coughed, and the scene immediately became quiet.

"You don't need to be so excited. Writing your own novel is the key. Excellent works naturally attract companies to come to you. "

Mengdie got up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, are TV dramas like our fantasy and Xianxia special expensive? Is competitiveness much worse than urban, love and historical themes? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. This is an unavoidable problem, mainly in the context of your settings. If you want to make a movie like "flower thousand bones", the special effects alone will be more than one billion. A little bit more, more than 500 million. However, you also have an advantage, which is the game. China's game market is becoming more and more popular. If you have a good mass base of Fantasy Fairy novels, then these game companies will also buy your copyright and make them into games to attract the attention of novel fans. This is something that urban and historical novels can't do. "

"In that sentence, don't worry about the copyright of video games any more. Writing a good novel is better than anything. Well, that's all for our meeting. The car is ready. Let's take the bus to the hotel for dinner. "

"OK, let's go."

In this way, all the novels, such as the dream of dragon and the dream of Shengshi, appear in front of Shengshi.

As soon as the news came out, the market value of Yunqing novel network broke through 1.3 billion crazily, ranking the eighth among all the network companies.

At the same time, five popular novels on the Internet will be remade into TV works, which have attracted the attention of novel fans, and countless people are looking forward to it.Three days later, a grand Premiere of "Quan Quan", which was invested by Hanhai and starred by more than ten movie queens, was held at Yunqing TV station.

More than 50 first-line and above stars came to attend the premiere ceremony. More than 10 wonderful clips cut by Du Hongtai were played on the large screen of the party, winning bursts of applause.

The crew of "power" had a unique idea, and arranged the first two episodes directly after the premiere ceremony, that is, from 10:00 pm to 11:30 PM.

Generally speaking, TV plays are held the day before and premiered the next day, because the best time must be from 7:30 to 9:30, and at 10:00, many people go to rest.

And "power" does this, no doubt shows their self-confidence.

In an ordinary residential building in modu, Zhang Huang, who is more than 50 years old, goes to the kitchen to make a pot of tea and sits on the sofa waiting for the beginning of power.

After playing the game, his son, Zhang pin Xing, came out of his room. Seeing that his father had not had a rest, he was surprised and asked, "Dad, don't you always go to bed at nine o'clock? How come it's ten o'clock and still don't sleep. "

Zhang Huang pointed to the TV set and said, "wait for a TV play. Conduct, don't fight the battle of Kings all day long. It's the right thing for you to go out and find a job. "

"I see. You can rest assured that it is absolutely easy to find a job as a graduate of Huaqing University. " Without waiting for Zhang Huang to scold him, Zhang pin Xing quickly changed the topic and said, "Dad, do you want to see power?"

Zhang Huang nodded and said, "yes. Yes? Do you, a game fan, know about the show

Zhang pinxing said with a smile: "there are more than ten empresses in Huaxia who are starring, and more than 20 are guest stars. After Yun Huangqing, she plays the villain for the first time. All of China knows such a big news. How can I not know. Hehe, I also want to watch this TV play on TV

Zhang Huang's serious face showed a smile for the first time and said, "it's rare that our father and son have the same hobby. Come and sit down. "

Zhang pin Xing agreed and sat next to Zhang Huang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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