Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:11 AM

Chapter 19

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The recommendation comments are still as exaggerated as ever, while Cai pingya just smiles faintly, and then opens "mouse loves rice" to listen.

Soon, after listening to all the three songs, Cai pingya sat there quietly and did not speak.

Cami on the other side said, "is it amazing that three simple songs beat us?"

Cai pingya sipped her attractive lips and solemnly said: "these three songs are the saliva songs of many orthodox musicians in the entertainment industry nowadays. The words, songs and tones are very simple. They are not artificial, boastful or gorgeous. However, they can directly rush into people's hearts and make people's hearts beat with the songs, or be happy, or sad, or warm. No wonder I will Lose. "

When she heard Cai pingya say this, she thought she was a little frustrated. She quickly comforted her and said, "Xiaoya, don't lose your confidence. Until the end of the day, no one is sure that the emperor will win."

Cai pingya turned her head and showed a smile that reversed all sentient beings. She said confidently, "sister Cami, I am not so vulnerable. I lost this time and won next time. Sister Cami, I want to recommend these three songs to my fans in * *, what do you think? "

As soon as Cami heard this, she quickly stopped him and said, "absolutely not. The company will definitely agree with you to do this. This is equivalent to using your own popularity to fund the enemy. During the war, you are a typical traitor. Once you do, the company will not let you go. It's possible to snow if you can't do it well. "

Cai pingya, with a shrunken mouth, said, "music is only good or bad. There is no difference between the two. Look at it. Even if I don't recommend it, the cloud emperor will be very popular. "

Cami was speechless for a while.

When Xia Chengfeng looked at the increasing number of downloads of mouse loves rice, he once again dropped his glass of water on the ground.

The assistant on one side was silent, not to mention the past cleaning, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe for a while, for fear that he would become the outlet of this person in front of him.

"It's just a slut. I didn't expect a cloud emperor. Bah, I'm just a newcomer. I happen to write two good songs, and I dare to call myself the emperor of cloud. It's wishful thinking. "

Xia Chengfeng's face was iron blue, and there was a trace of ferocity on his handsome face, which was quite different from the elegant image in front of the public.

This morning, Xia Chengfeng turned on the computer and looked at the new online song charts, and found that his main song was actually ranked fifth. Not only that bitch Cai pingya surpassed herself, but also a guy who didn't change his name and passed on his own. Since the beginning of my career, when did I suffer from this anger. This just can't help but lose his temper, hit a full six water glasses, the assistant beside him has got a disaster free.

Xia Chengfeng also knew that it would not help, so he took a deep breath and restored his former shrewdness. He said, "How Can Xue Renji say that?"

The assistant replied respectfully, "watch the change. Originally just began to black his forum, but for a long time music network quickly took measures, no way, can only hire the network water army to withdraw down. "

"Do you know who this man is?" Xia Chengfeng asked.

"I only know that this man is in Beijing. Yang Bin of the music network has been looking for him secretly for a long time

"That's all?"

The assistant nodded gently.

"Waste, a bunch of rubbish." Xia Chengfeng roared.

The network can't compare with others. In reality, even the shadow of this person can't be found. This makes Xia Chengfeng, who has always been quite scheming, suddenly feels powerless.

"Cai pingya, yunhuang, wait for me. I will trample you all under my feet one day. "

After a few days, the premiere of the new play "Emperor Kangxi" finally arrived.

Xiao Yunhai received a call from Chen Qingqing and asked him to rehearse in CCTV studio.

Xiao Yunhai came to the TV station and came to the studio with the help of a guide. At this time, there were many people inside. A female singer was seriously rehearsing. Xiao Yunhai took a closer look and recognized that the person on the stage was Yao Na, a pop star.

It is said that her personality is very straightforward and courageous, similar to Na Ying in her previous life. Her representative works are "snow sea" and "love is hard to predict" and so on.

after listening to a few words, Xiao Yunhai had to admire each other's singing skills. Her feelings, skills and cooperation with the band have reached a perfect level. She deserves the position of Queen of heaven.

Under the stage, there were many people sitting there listening to Yao Na's singing.

After two minutes, Yao Na finished her singing, and she was applauded and applauded by all the artists and band teachers. Xiao Yunhai also applauded at the door.

Yao Na saw the praise of her peers, her face was full of joy, and she couldn't stop to thank her. You know, it's really a very proud thing for an artist to be recognized by his peers.

Yao Na saw Xiao Yunhai smiling and clapping at the door from the stage, and said to Chen Qingqing, who is sitting at the bottom, "Chen director, is that young man the music genius Xiao Yunhai you and Mr. Han said?"Chen Qingqing looked back and said with a smile, "yes, it's him. Yunhai, come here quickly. I'll introduce you to the singers. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and comes forward. Before he can speak, Han Shilei shouts: "good boy, I heard you wrote a new song, which surprised Meng Fei. He said that you have created a new music form. Fast, fast, fast, often come to listen to it."

Xiao Yunhai said modestly: "it's just a new song. Teacher Meng praises me too much."

Yao Na, who came down from the stage, said, "Mr. Meng is so stubborn that he won't praise others casually."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "this is Yao Na. You should know each other. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm afraid not many people in China don't know Mr. Yao. Hello, Mr. Yao. I'm Xiao Yunhai, a student of Beijing Film Academy. "

Yao Na has been observing Xiao Yunhai since she saw him. She finds that although she is young, she has a calm, free and easy manner, and her temperament is very unique. In the face of these big stars, there is no restraint, no loss of respect in the random, the heart is very appreciative.

She said frankly: "don't what teacher Yao, just call me sister Na. Later, if you need to report my name, sister Na will cover you

"Thank you very much

"Come on, Yunhai, let me introduce you to you. This is teacher Xia Chengfeng, a popular singer in the music world. You are not unfamiliar with playing a prince in the play."

Xiao Yunhai looked at a young man in his thirties with a famous brand. He stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Xia. I'm glad to meet you."

Xia Chengfeng nods haughtily and turns a blind eye to Xiao Yunhai's outstretched hand. A trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.

Yao Na next to her frowns and coldly looks at Xia Chengfeng. She just said that she would cover Xiao Yunhai, and the other side let Xiao Yunhai down. Isn't she even losing her face.

Although Xia Chengfeng is the son of the boss of the entertainment company, he is just a junior in the eyes of Tianwang Tiantian.

Yao Na is not afraid of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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