Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:09 AM

Chapter 190

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In another room, action director Cheng Yezheng is talking to Hu Ming, the deputy director.

Both of them are from Hongda entertainment company. They have a very good relationship with each other. They belong to the kind of friendship that can be called out to drink directly when they have nothing to do.

Hu Ming's face turned a little red because he was given a lot of wine by the crew. He took a sip of tea and said, "Lao Cheng, Xia always called me. Let's drive Xiao Yunhai away in three days."

Cheng Ye frowned and said, "three days? How could that be possible. Xiao Yunhai is a big star. Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun are all in favor of him. Even Hong Dao looks at him differently. If he wants to make small moves on him, he can't hide it. "

Hu Ming sighed and said, "there's no way for Xia. You know, every scene you shoot now costs the company. Not to mention anything else, the two thousand soldiers on loan alone need to spend at least 1 million a day. The company's current capital flow is very tight, and it can't support it. If we can't let Xiao Yunhai go in a short time, then we can only do our best to help him finish his part as soon as possible. "

"How about that? You promised to let my nephew play Lu Bu, otherwise, I would not find someone to... "

" Lao Cheng, shut up and be careful that the walls have ears. We'd better rot in our stomachs. Once we let the outside world know, we'll have to talk about whether we have a life or not. "

"Well, who the hell would have thought it would have such a big impact."

"I have already told Mr. Xia about your nephew. But Hong Dao didn't agree at all. They were determined Xiao Yunhai, or these people would go on strike. What do you want President Xia to do. For now, only if you find a way to let Xiao Yunhai have an accident, your nephew can take over his role as Lv Bu. Fortunately, in order to save costs, Hong will focus on shooting martial arts in the next few days. You are a martial arts instructor. What should you do

Cheng Ye nodded and said, "OK, I'll go back and think about it."

After Cheng Ye left, Hu Ming's face changed. He snorted and said sarcastically, "Lao Cheng, Lao Cheng, do you regard me as a fool? Wang shangqun Ruo is just a cousin of you. He can make you care so much. What a joke. Ha ha, the big star Wang shangqun is actually the illegitimate son of the famous action director Cheng Ye. This news is really hot. However, how can I be willing to report such a good handle to those unscrupulous media. Ha ha...

at five o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai got up and followed the crew to Zhuozhou film and television city.

There is no part of Zhao Wanqing today, so Xiao Yunhai did not call her. She was tossed by Xiao Yunhai last night. It's estimated that it's less than nine o'clock. She can't remember.

In the past life, Zhuozhou film and television city was famous for shooting the old three kingdoms. However, in this world, due to the fierce competition among the major film and television cities, the fame of Zhuozhou film and television city has not been established, and it is still in the second class.

Xiao Yunhai has been to Zhuozhou film and Television City in his previous life. He stayed there for half a year, and he is very clear about every brick and tile in it.

And Zhuozhou film and television city is completely changed.

It has a larger scale, covering an area of 6000 mu, more than three times the size of the earth. There are many city walls, high and low. The high one is 30 meters, and the low one is only ten meters. The number is very large, which can fully meet the requirements of filming.

This shows how developed the entertainment industry in the world is.

Hong Tianchi, with a serious face, led his party to the gate of the city.

Although the sky was not bright and the wind was biting, there was a lot of people before the Hulao pass. Under the arrangement of Hu Ming, the deputy director, Hu Ming, arranged the scene of the battle.

It has to be said that Hu Ming can become the deputy director of such a super large production group. He has two brushes in his hand. He arranges the film in an orderly way. Everyone knows what he should do.

Seeing this scene, Hong Tiancai nodded with satisfaction. Although he has a good opinion of Hongda entertainment company, he still appreciates Hu Ming's ability.

"Well, teachers, let's go to make up. The conditions are limited. Please bear with us. Yunhai, is your full-time makeup artist here? "

Seeing Su Yingxue and Zhao Yan, Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "they have come"

"that's good. Xiao Liu, you take Yunhai to the make-up car that the crew has prepared for him. "

A young man in a dog skin hat came up and said, "OK, Hong. Please follow me, Miss Xiao

Xiao Yunhai and others followed Xiao Liu to a small cosmetic car.

Looking around, Xiao Liu secretly took out a pen and a brand-new "Xiao Li Throwing Knife" from his arms and said to Xiao Yunhai, "Mr. Xiao, can you sign my name. I'm your most loyal fan. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai took up his pen and wrote down the six characters of tianwaike Xiao Yunhai on the title page. He has practiced calligraphy under the guidance of his father since he was a child. He has been very skilled for more than ten years.Xiao Liu thanks again and again happily.

Zhao Yan had a discussion with the art director last night, and had a good idea of Xiao Yunhai's Lv Bu modeling.

She opened the make-up box. There were some tools and high-grade cosmetics and skin care products that Xiao Yunhai had to pay for.

Anyway, he didn't lack money, so he bought the best. The two boxes of imported cosmetics alone cost him 200000 yuan.

Xiao Yunhai was sitting in front of the mirror and smiling to Su Yingxue, who had been holding her shoulder to keep warm, she said with a smile, "sister Xue, didn't I tell you yesterday that you don't need you to come here? Do you think it's freezing? "

Su Yingxue said, "am I not worried? You said that this crew is also, so they have prepared a make-up car for you. The conditions are too bad. Besides, can't they turn on the heating ahead of time? I'm freezing to death. The heating is not warm either

"OK, sister Xue, this is a good condition. When I was practicing martial arts with elder martial brother Meng, I walked barehanded in a cold day more than ten degrees below zero. It was really sour. Don't do it. "


Zhao Yan and Su Yingxue are both amused by Xiao Yunhai's words. Su Yingxue says, "it's sour and refreshing? You're talking about snot, right

"Ha ha ha ha."

Just then, a middle-aged woman in her thirties, with light makeup on her face, came in and said with a smile, "you look in a good mood."

Su Ying snow covered her mouth and said with a smile: "it's not funny by this guy. Yunhai, let me introduce you to you. This is sister Zhou Yun, the art director of our drama group. She was my senior sister when I was in University. She was one level higher than me. Sister Zhou, this is Xiao Yunhai, the boss of swallow and me. "

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "to the famous cloud emperor, I have been like a thunderbolt for a long time. Today, I see that it is really...... "

" he is a charming, handsome and charming man who is loved by everyone. Sister Zhou, you don't have to praise me so much. I'll be embarrassed. " Xiao Yunhai interface.

Seeing that Su Yingxue and Zhou Yun have a good relationship, he makes a joke.

Sure enough, Zhou Yun was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words and said, "did you miss a sentence?"


"That's the line about a flat tire."

"Ha ha ha."

There was a lot of laughter in the make-up car again.

After a long time, Zhou Yun stopped smiling and sighed: "to be honest, I have seen a lot of big stars like you in the crew. Although many of them look very approachable on the surface, in fact, I can feel the sense of distance they radiate. But you really don't have any airs, just like a little brother next door. If you can have this temperament, your future is absolutely limitless. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Yun, don't praise me. Don't you see my face is red? "

"Come on, you'll still blush, unless the sun comes out in the West." Su Yingxue said.

Several people chatted in the car, and from time to time a burst of laughter.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai's Lv Bu model was freshly made, and an ancient man with extraordinary bravery and sword eyebrows appeared in the mirror.

Zhou Yun looked up and down at Xiao Yunhai, and praised Zhao Yan: "swallow, your level is absolutely enough to be a top makeup artist. If I had known you had such a skill, I would not have come here. To tell you the truth, it's really a bit of a talent to only make up for Yunhai. It's better to follow me in the future. "

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "sister Yun, I'm flattered."

Zhao Yan is not a career oriented woman. She will not throw her family aside for her own career. As Xiao Yunhai's full-time make-up artist, on the one hand, the salary is high, which is more than twice that of the ordinary makeup artist, which is not considered as a bonus; secondly, she has a lot of time to take care of her daughter because she has a lot of time to take care of her daughter, so Zhao Yan is totally indifferent to Zhou Yun's recruitment.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Yun, it's not true that you do this. It's too unscrupulous to dig my corner in front of me. "

Zhou Yun snorted and pretended to be angry: "what? You have a problem. I can tell you, we swallow this ability, in the entire entertainment industry is worth counting. If you treat us ill, I will not let you go.

Zhou Yun was originally a man of temperament. After chatting with Xiao Yunhai for half an hour, Zhou Yun had a very good impression of him. When he chatted with him, he was very congenial and felt relaxed.

So, although they only met for a while, they were able to play a joke.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "look at what Yunjie said, I dare not have any opinion on you. You see, I'm not bad. I can just recruit me. "

Zhou Yun was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words, and said, "I don't accept it for you. OK, I'm not poor with you. I'm going to be busy. I remember to change my clothes and let the director have a look. He said, "OK, that's the way to pass."

Zhou Yun walked forward two steps, suddenly stopped again, turned his head and looked at Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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