Published at 11th of May 2022 05:08:04 AM

Chapter 1902

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Time flies. After the fifth episode of power was broadcast, almost 12 minutes of advertising was added, and the live broadcast of "the rise of actors" began.

The host is Zhang Xinxing, an old acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai.

Finish the opening remarks, Zhang Xinxing said with a smile: "you should all know it? Today, there are three distinguished guests. They are all famous. Zhao Chuanji, a famous star of film and TV songs, and the other two are Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Miss Zhao Wanqing, the boss of our TV station. Let's give them the warmest applause to welcome them in. "

In the applause and screams, Zhao Chuanqi, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the stage together.

Because of their age, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are a little behind Zhao Chuanji, which makes people who see this detail can't help admiring it.

With their identities and positions, even if they are at the forefront, no one will say anything. But they are still so polite, that is really very rare.

Zhang Xinxing said: "the three teachers will be the guests of this program to comment on the performances of the three groups of players. OK, please sit down for three teachers. Let's invite the first group. Who are they? Please look at the big screen. "

Their appearance immediately appeared on the big screen. One of them was a middle-aged man in his 40s, named Xie Kun, an old actor. He entered the film and television circle at the age of 18, always acting as a supporting role, and his acting skills were very high. The other is Wang Siying, only 19 years old, very beautiful. He entered the circle at the age of 16 and made a lot of advertisements. Now he has become one of the representatives of idol drama.

Old drama bone against small fresh meat, two people can be said to represent two extremes.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and whispered to Zhao Wanqing, "wife, do you think they can play well?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "I feel suspended. Wang Siying is not a professional. In addition to advertising, she has only made two or three idol dramas. The gap between the two is too big. I'm afraid it will be very embarrassing to match them. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what did the program group do? They even let them play together. Is that worrying about not enough topics? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "don't worry. Let's have a look. Maybe our worries are unnecessary."

Xiao Yunhai nodded.

Unfortunately, Zhao Wanqing's worries are not unnecessary. Xie Kun's father and Wang Siying's daughter are not on the same channel at all.

Their plays mainly show the father and daughter's father daughter love.

Xie Kun's father is introverted and deep. He loves his daughter deeply, but he doesn't know how to express it. But his daughter doesn't understand his father's pains, which causes many misunderstandings. Finally, father and daughter are reconciled.

Xie Kun's acting skills are really not enough. Her eyes, movements and emotional expressions are very infectious. However, Wang Siying's daughter is far behind. She seems to be a little nervous. The first half of the play is hardly in the play, and she almost forgot her words. If Xie Kunyuan had not passed away, I'm afraid there would have been no way to perform.

The second part is regular, tears are easy to stay out, but Xiao Yunhai just can't find any moving place.

Fifteen minutes later, they finally finished.

Host Zhang Xinxing stepped onto the stage and said: "in 15 seconds, please judge the teacher and audience friends to make their own choice."

"Good. The result has appeared on my mobile phone, now please comment on it. First listen to the teacher's opinion. "

Ling Su Su Su, a four-star film critic, helped her glasses and said, "let me say something. Embarrassment, the whole play gave me the feeling of embarrassment from the beginning to the end. Actors are both opponents and teammates on the stage, but I feel that you are almost people living in two worlds, without any intersection. In my eyes, the play just now is totally unqualified, and it is the worst one in these issues. "

Ling Su Su Su's words were very direct and did not leave any affection for them. Wang Siying was about to cry.

The air seemed to condense throughout the scene.

"I'll say something. From the simple performance, Xie Kun is much better than Siying. The gap is so big that it's even beyond my expectation. Siying's stage performance experience is very poor, which can be seen from her nervousness on the stage. Mr. Xie Kun, who has played a drama with rich experience, plays the role of father with great connotation. Unfortunately, Siying failed to catch it. Actors and actresses rely on cooperation and communication. Xie Kun only cares about himself, but he fails to play a leading role. It's a pity. " Another film critic expressed his opinion.

No one spoke, and even the ordinary audience felt the embarrassment.

Zhang Xinxing said in a hurry: "what do the four tutors want to say?"

Huang Peiqi said: "actors and actresses are not afraid of the poor level of directors who make films. What they fear most is that they do not have an equal opponent. Xie Kun and I acted in the drama ten years ago, and then he performed well. See you today, it's still good. Unfortunately, your infectivity is not enough to bring Siying into your world. Embarrassment, it's really embarrassing. I didn't vote for both of you. In my eyes, it's not the responsibility of one actor to make a bad performance. It's a matter of two actors. "

Xie Kun pursed her lips and nodded, but Wang Siying's eyes were hazy, and she had to endure that she didn't shed any tears.Zhang Xinxing said: "what else do the other three teachers have to say?"

When they saw this, they all shook their heads.

"Well, let's invite three reviewers to share their views. Miss Zhao, what do you say? "

Zhao Chuanqi waved his hand and said, "what the teachers in front of me said is what I want to say. There is nothing to add. It's the most difficult part to play young and old. If I'm Xie Kun, I'm afraid the result is the same. Siying needs to calm down and learn to perform well in the following days. "

"Wanqing, what do you say?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "I was very worried about them before they came on the stage. Xie Kun's age is longer than Siying's, no matter from any aspect, there is no comparability. Originally, I also hoped that there would be a miracle, but it did not happen. Forget it, I didn't make any choice just like Mr. Huang. Sorry. "

"And you, boss? Who did you choose? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I chose Mr. Xie Kun. This is a competition, there must be a result, and the responsibility of the judges is to select the winner even though it is difficult. "

Zhao Wanqing was not willing to listen and said, "Xiao Yunhai, are you saying that Mr. Huang and I are irresponsible?"


seeing that Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunhai had a dispute, everyone began to make a fuss.

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile: "boss, your courage is really big. It is estimated that after the program is over, you will kneel and kneel on the washboard."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you misunderstood me. I mean the judge should give a result. Of course, no result is also a result." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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