Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:59 AM

Chapter 1907

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The Internet is bustling up.

"The performance after Yun Huangqing was really wonderful."

"Convergence is more infectious than open acting."

"The script is invincible. In this short play written by Emperor Yun, the leading role and the leading role are almost the same. It's just that the space for performance is obviously much bigger after sunny days. "

"I agree with you upstairs. Especially at the end of the day, the performance after Qinghou can be regarded as a classic. I have a deep memory of that beautiful smile. "

"The cloud emperor is so pitiful. 1013:10, too sad. However, compared to kneeling on the kneeling kneeling kneeling kneeling kneeling board at home, the ratio is still OK

"What I really want to know is, will yunhuangqing really invite you to dinner?"

"Shit, it's true. The audience has already photographed everyone sitting in the hotel lobby. It's a cow. "

"I envy the audience. Changsha brothers and sisters, quick look where this is? Let's go together. "

While Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were having dinner, there were five or six high-ranking leaders in the conference room of the Publicity Department of Yanjing, Liang Qianqiu, Minister of culture, Yang Jianye, director of the General Administration of sports, Hou Yixiu.

"How is mo Dao's condition? Can you still direct the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games? " Yang Jianye took a deep breath of smoke and asked.

One leader said, "the condition is not optimistic. He has been suffering from physical problems. These days, he may be tired and his hair has turned grey. In addition, he has been working hard every day, so he can no longer come out to take charge of the overall situation

"With all my might?" Hou Yixiu, director of the General Administration of sports, frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "he worked hard to make this look like this. Is he still the national teacher who is good at big scenes? It's disappointing. "

Hou Yixiu was reprimanded in front of his subordinates by Xiao chongbian, the second Chief Executive. Therefore, he was very dissatisfied with Mo Kaixuan's work in recent months.

Liang Qianqiu waved his hand and said, "director Hou, don't put all the responsibility on Mo Kaixuan. We also have problems. In particular, those officials who went to assist in the work were really out of line. Not only did not cooperate closely, on the contrary, they demolished each other, which seriously interfered with the progress of the work, but also put Mo Kaixuan under great pressure. "

Yang Jianye narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Minister Liang, I think they have done a good job. Wang Chengliang, in particular, performed very well. Without them, it could have been worse. "

Liang Qianqiu looked at him and said, "is that right? I don't think so. "

There are many overlaps between the Ministry of culture and the Propaganda Department, which leads to the poor relationship between Liang Qianqiu and Yang Jianye.

Wang Chengliang and Yang Jianye are distant relatives. Yang Jianye is worried that Liang Qianqiu will kick him out for such reasons, so that he can defend them everywhere.

Hou Yixiu also knows their gratitude and resentment, and says: "Minister Liang and Minister Yang, we will talk about the responsibility later. Now the key is who to replace Mo Kaixuan? "

Yang Jianye said: "director Hou, didn't you call other famous directors? Have they all answered? "

Hou Yixiu said with a wry smile, "none of them agreed. Those guys who competed with Mo Kaixuan for the director have started to withdraw. The reasons are all the same. They are filming and have no time. "

Liang Qianqiu sighed and said, "they are wise to protect themselves. There are only two months left. Who dares to take over the baton? "

Yang Jianye said: "soft is not good, then come hard. We don't have time. Someone has to carry the flag. "

The Yanjing Olympic Games are just around the corner, but they haven't finished 30% of their work. They have written a lot of planning books, but most of them have been rejected by the public.

I can't help it. These ideas are old-fashioned and can't work at all.

Liang Qianqiu said, "you can't make a husband and wife by binding them. When the moment comes, they will make a big loss. "

Yang Jianye frowned and said, "but time does not wait. What we lack most is time."

There was silence in the conference room, and the air seemed to condense.

Three minutes later, Hou Yixiu suddenly opened his mouth and said, "I think there may be someone who can, but I don't know if we can get it?"

Yang Jianye was stunned, and Liang Qianqiu showed a knowing look and said, "you mean Xiao Yunhai, right?"

Hou Yixiu nodded and said, "yes. When I was choosing the director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, I spoke with Mr. Xiao. He didn't think about it at that time, so he said no. In the whole of China, only Mr. Xiao did not apply

Looking at Liang Qianqiu, Yang Jianye said, "Minister Liang, it seems that you and Mr. Xiao have a good relationship. It's better for you to ask him out of the mountain. "

Liang Qianqiu shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "it's hard. Mr. Xiao is not an ordinary director. He wants him to take over Mo Kaixuan's class, and there is only two months left. In my face, there is basically no possibility of success. Otherwise, I would have called him

Hou Yi said, "try it. If it can be done, it will be a great joy to all. Minister Liang, we don't have enough time. "Liang Qianqiu knew that the matter had reached a point of great urgency. He had no choice but to say, "well, I'll call him now, hoping he hasn't had a rest."

Soon, the phone went through.

"Uncle Liang, what can I do for you?" Xiao Yunhai's voice came from the microphone.

Liang Qianqiu heard some noise outside and said with a smile, "are you drinking with others?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. There are more than a thousand people. "

"Can you find a quiet place to talk?"

"Of course, you wait a moment."

A minute later, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK. Uncle Liang, what instructions can I say now? "

Liang Qianqiu said with a bitter smile: "how dare I give you any instructions? Yunhai, how about doing me a favor? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "Uncle Liang, you talk to me with this tone, which makes me feel a little nervous? What's the matter? "

Liang Qianqiu said something about the director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games and said, "Yunhai, now only you can help us in China."

Xiao Yunhai even said, "Uncle Liang, don't put on such a big hat for me. I can't stand it. Now it's only two months before the opening of the Olympic Games. Even I can't do anything about it. What's more, my first pure literary and artistic film "Forrest Gump" has been made, so I don't have time to direct the Olympic Games. "

Liang Qianqiu said: "Yunhai, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games represent the dignity of China. I hope you'll think about it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Uncle Liang, I don't have any experience in large-scale parties. Do you think you can rest assured that you let me do such a big opening ceremony? I don't feel at ease myself

Liang Qianqiu solemnly said: "I have enough confidence in you."

Uncle Xiao, I don't have any problem shooting me. But I'm going to have a party. You're really in a bit of a bind. "

Liang Qianqiu advised a few words, but Xiao Yunhai refused.

However, Liang Qianqiu had to hang up the phone.

"No. He didn't mean to be a director at all Liang Qianqiu sighed.

Yang Jianye's eyebrows all twisted into a Sichuan character, and said, "it's really not possible. Let's go and invite the three of us together."

Liang Qianqiu thought for a moment and said, "it's definitely not good to be strong, but we can report to chief executive Xiao, saying that only Xiao Yunhai can succeed Mo Kaixuan. The chief is his uncle. It is better to say a word than to say a hundred. "

Hou Yixiu nodded and said, "that's it. Tomorrow morning, we will report to the chief executive. Even if he gives us a lecture, we will let Mr. Xiao be the director. "

Yang Jianye pondered for a while and said: "Mr. Xiao is the nephew of the chief executive. He is also a super rich man who is in charge of 50 trillion US dollars. There are more than one billion fans in the world. If he is willing to make a move, it will not be much for the Olympic Games or for us. Yes, I agree. "

After the discussion, they went home to rest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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