Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:57 AM

Chapter 1908

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In the early morning of the next day, the three people dressed up and came to the government office together.

Knowing that the three ministerial officials were coming together, Xiao Chongyang immediately thought that it must be the Olympic Games. He asked his secretary to push back other things and let them in.

Xiao Chongyang looked serious and said, "go ahead, what are you going to do about the Olympic Games?"

Xiao Chongyang is not satisfied with the progress of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games. After half a year's hard work, I didn't even come up with the final plan. It's just a big piece of cake.

Now there are only two months left. Even Xiao Chongyang is a little worried.

Liang Qianqiu pursed his lips and said, "chief, we need to review. Some time ago, we didn't pay much attention to the work of the Olympic Games

Xiao Chongyang waved his hand and said, "don't talk about this nonsense. What I want to know is what you should do next? Although the time of two months is short, as long as the work efficiency is raised, there should be no problem. "

Yanjing sports facilities are very complete, the hardware is safe, the key is software.

Yang Jianye said: "chief executive, director Mo Kaixuan is a little old. He can't keep up with his energy and health. I'm afraid he can no longer direct the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games."

Xiao Chongyang frowned slightly and said: "to change generals in battle is a big taboo for strategists."

Liang Qianqiu said: "the problem is that the general's body has been unable to control the overall situation, we can only change."

"For whom? At this juncture, who can afford this Eh, do you want Xiao Yunhai to do this? "

What kind of character is Xiao Chongyang? In this case, I don't know the three people's plans.

Liang Qianqiu nodded and said, "chief, we all agree that Mr. Xiao is the best candidate today."

Xiao Chongyang said with a smile, "so you didn't invite him?"

Liang Qianqiu said with a bitter smile: "yes. Chief, Mr. Xiao's status is too high. The three of us can't do anything he doesn't want to do. "

Xiao Chongyang said, "so you came to me. Do you want me to persuade him?"

The three men turned red and nodded at the same time.

Xiao Chongyang thought for a moment and said, "to tell you the truth, I'm not sure that I'll let him be the director. But there's one person who can. "

Xiao took out his private mobile phone and dialed a phone call.

"Uncle, this is Wanqing. Aren't you busy with your work?"

It turns out that the person Xiao Chongyang said was Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Chongyang said with a smile, "Wanqing, are you with the sea of clouds?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "we are at Feicheng airport, he is not beside me. What can I do for you, uncle

Xiao Chongyang said: "Wanqing, I want to ask you one thing. Please help me persuade Yunhai to take over the responsibility of directing the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games. My two ministers, a director, said that he was the only one who was most suitable for China. Now time is running out, and the country needs him very much at the moment. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "uncle, why don't you tell him directly?"

Xiao Chongyang helplessly said: "I look for cloud sea to help too many times, make me a little embarrassed."

Zhao Wanqing said, "uncle, what you said is a family. I'm sorry. OK, I see. He's coming right now. I'll discuss it with him. "

"Good," said Xiao Chongyang

Put down the mobile phone, Xiao Chongyang said with a bitter smile: "this boy even my face is not necessarily given, so it's better to find someone who can control him."

Hou Yixiu asked, "chief, can Miss Zhao really persuade Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Chongyang said with a smile: "eight nine does not leave ten."

At Feicheng airport, Xiao Yunhai came to Zhao Wanqing with two bottles of water and asked, "who did you talk to just now?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "it's uncle."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "how can he have time to chat with you? Did you say something? "

Zhao Wanqing showed a deep smile and said, "guess?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed, pondered for a while and said, "don't you say it's about the Olympic Games?"

Last night, Liang Qianqiu couldn't call him. He probably found his uncle Xiao Chongyang directly. Then he called Zhao Wanqing and asked her to persuade him.

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said with a smile, "it's really smart."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "wife, you won't agree? I can tell you, it's not negotiable. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "uncle called me for the first time to ask me such a small matter, do you think I can not agree?"

"Such a small thing?" Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said, "boss, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games will be finished in two months. Do you think this is a small matter?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "for others, it may be a big problem. But to you, it's just a matter of hand, isn't it? "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy, pointed to Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile: "wife, you are not wearing such a high hat. If only it was so easy. This form of performance is important for people, and people are the most difficult to manipulate. It will take a little longer, but two months is not enough. Anyway, I don't have any confidence. "Zhao Wanqing said, "but I have confidence in you. Husband, in my eyes, you are omnipotent. The Olympic Games is a big event in China. Only you can turn the tide back. Don't you often talk about social responsibility? Now is the time for you to fulfill your sense of responsibility. "

Xiao Yunhai looked up and down Zhao Wanqing, as if it was the first time to know her, and said with a smile: "wife, how can I suddenly find that you are very much like the Virgin Mary today?"

Zhao Wanqing hit him and scolded, "don't come. Are you going or not? "

"No," Xiao Yunhai said

Zhao Wanqing began to talk and said, "no, you don't want to go to my bed for half a year."

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "don't be so cruel? Good, good. Can't I go yet? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, are you kidding?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. But I'm not so good, please. Later, I'll call uncle Liang and get the broadcasting right of the Olympic Games first

Zhao Wanqing's eyes brightened and said, "can you do it?"

The broadcasting rights of the Olympic Games have not been auctioned yet. Judging from the previous situation, at least it can be sold to tens of billions of dollars, and it is possible to break through 100 billion dollars.

This big cake must have been eaten by CCTV, but it still needs a partner. This is a regulation of the Olympic Committee, so as not to make the TV station out of sight.

Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing TV station and manway TV station have already covered the whole world and fully meet all the requirements of the Olympic Committee.

If we can take it, I'm afraid Chen Zhan and Robert will wake up laughing.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "why not? It's not just TV broadcasting right, network broadcasting right, I want it too. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "you really can't get up early without profit. It's better to talk about such a big thing face-to-face. Mobile phones are too informal. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Well, my Forrest Gump can only wait until the end of the Olympic Games. "

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said, "husband, when do you care about the publicity of the film?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes. Well, I'm going to give David Harnett full control over the release of Forrest Gump, with Marvel's full support. I'll just go to the premiere. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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