Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:53 AM

Chapter 1911

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Driving to the General Administration of sports, the receptionist took Xiao Yunhai to a conference room where 12 people were already sitting.

Hou Yixiu introduced Xiao Yunhai, who was the director of Xiao Yunhai. Among them, Wang Chengliang gave Xiao Yunhai a deep impression.

It's not because of how handsome he looks, but when he shakes hands with Xiao Yunhai, his face still looks defiant, which makes Xiao Yunhai very surprised.

You know, with Xiao Yunhai's identity and background, not to mention them, even if a full-time ministry official met him, he would be three points short. Is it said that the people behind him did not warn him?

Xiao Yunhai looked at him deeply, his face was silent, and he sat on the director's seat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, from today on, we are colleagues. The main purpose of getting together is to work towards the same goal, which is the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games. Before that, the three ministers were severely reprimanded by their leaders because our action progress was too slow. I went to the hospital yesterday, met with Mo, and listened to his introduction. I don't care what he's like when he's here. I'm looking at how you'll behave in the future. "

"Comrades, we don't have much time. The top priority now is to complete all the program flow of the opening and closing ceremonies, and at the same time do a good job in the publicity of the Olympic Games. I have written a song. My wife will make the score today, and then find dozens of stars to sing together. After recording, it will be broadcast on TV station and network. Foreign language songs will be on line a few days before the opening of the Olympic Games, and will be sung by our couple. "

Xiao Yunhai said here, immediately aroused Wang Chengliang's dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Xiao, is it against the rules for you to do so? The songs of the Olympic Games are still being solicited, and we haven't made a decision yet. You can't have a conversation. " Wang Chengliang said.

Yesterday, his uncle Yang Jianye had already said hello to him and told him not to confront Xiao Yunhai. Wang Chengliang, who is proud of himself, obviously didn't listen to his words. Seeing Xiao Yunhai so overbearing, he couldn't help it on the spot.

Other people saw a bird, all happy to see the excitement.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "director Wang, do you have any questions?"

Wang Chengliang said: "Mr. Xiao, the importance of the Olympic Games is self-evident. When director Mo is in, we discuss everything together. Isn't it inappropriate for you to do so? "

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "because of the discussion, the progress has been extremely slow. If we continue to discuss it, the Olympic Games will begin. Since Xiao Yunhai has taken over the position of director, everything should be centered on me. When I'm not used to working, someone is pointing at me

Obviously, they didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to be so impolite. They all looked at each other and did not speak.

Only Wang Cheng Liang was discontented and said: "Mr. Xiao, you are too overbearing."

Xiao Yunhai said: "in an extraordinary period, we should do extraordinary things. If director Wang thinks I am too overbearing and can leave, I will never stop him. "

Xiao Yunhai's words did not give Wang Cheng a little face. He was so angry that his face turned pale and his chest heaved violently. Fortunately, he still knew the identity of Xiao Yunhai. At the moment, he said, "Mr. Xiao, I will report your words to the leaders in the original."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "whatever you like. Director Wang, you can go now. "

Wang Cheng Liang pursed his lips and took a hard look at Xiao Yunhai. He left angrily.

Not affected by Wang Chengliang, Xiao Yunhai said: "well, the annoying flies are gone. Let's start talking about the program of the opening ceremony. My plan is like this... "

In the next half an hour, Xiao Yunhai talked about the program designed by Zhang Yimou in his previous life from the very beginning to the right place. He was very detailed, and everyone's eyes were shining with admiration.

After the introduction, Xiao Yunhai asked, "what do you think of the program flow?"

The crowd cheered, much better than what they had already decided on.

"I know you are government officials, and a large part of the reason you are here is for your achievements."

Seeing that everyone's face changed, Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "you don't have to feel embarrassed. Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. Similarly, officials who don't want to be leaders are not good officials. It's normal. I have just divided several links. You will be responsible for the specific work. Each of you will be responsible for one link. If you have any questions you don't understand, you can ask me. After you have finished, I promise to report your achievements to the government truthfully. "

These people come to the Olympic Games for promotion. If they want to work hard for themselves, their political achievements are the most important part.

As long as we grasp this point, all people will serve themselves.

An official asked, "what about director Wang Chengliang?"

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "since he has gone out, he doesn't have to come back."

On hearing this, they all paid a silent tribute to Wang Chengliang.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "let me talk about the program flow of the closing ceremony. Compared with the opening ceremony, the process of the closing ceremony is much less, and the number of programs does not need to be too much. First of all .”While Xiao Yunhai was discussing relevant matters with you, Wang Chengliang came to the office of Yang Jianye, Minister of publicity department.

After waiting for more than half an hour, he walked in under the guidance of the secretary.

Yang Jianye waved his hand and let the secretary go out. Looking at Wang Chengliang's eyes, he said coldly, "don't tell me that you offended Xiao Yunhai."

Wang Chengliang didn't expect that his uncle would ask this question. He suddenly felt a trace of panic in his heart and said, "uncle, it's not that I offended him, it's that he has done too much. He didn't give us a chance at all. I was so angry that I quarreled with him

"Stupid." Yang Jianye got up and pointed to his nose and said, "I told you yesterday to cooperate with Xiao Yunhai. You promised very well at that time, but left ear in, right ear out, take my words as a side wind. Wang Chengliang, you are a fool. "

Wang Cheng Liang didn't expect that his uncle would be so angry. He even said, "uncle, don't be angry. Let me finish the matter."

Wang Chengliang added a little bit of embellishment to Xiao Yunhai's arrogance and how to treat people as nothing in the conference room. Finally, he said, "uncle, he didn't even ask for our opinions on the propaganda song, and directly finalized his own song. This is really too much."

Yang Jianye asked coldly, "what else? Is that all? "

Wang Cheng Liang nodded his head and said, "uncle, are these few?"

Seeing that his nephew was still there, Yang Jianye immediately burst into fury and said, "Wang Chengliang, get out of here. I thought you could have some future, but I was wrong. You're just a doodle that can't be helped. Get out of here, now. "

Wang Chengliang said, "uncle, what's wrong with me? Xiao Yunhai is so overbearing. How can we tolerate him like this

Yang Jianye breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "OK, let me ask you, why are so many people in the meeting room that others don't jump up like you? Do you think you're a cow? "

Wang Chengliang said: "they are afraid of Xiao Yunhai. They are all some counsellors."

Yang Jianye was directly angry and said, "I am also a counsellor because I am afraid of him."

Wang Cheng Liang said in surprise, "uncle, don't make such a joke."

"Joke? I'm not in the mood to joke now Mr. Yang's nephew, Mr. Yang's nephew, is one of the top leaders in the world. Even the government has something to discuss with him. Listen, it's a discussion. Do you think he's not terrible? Xiao Yunhai, the director of the Olympic Games, did not want to take over. We went to ask the No. 2 chief to invite him, but they were unwilling to accept it. How can such a person be domineering? Who dares to control him? Even the chief will not say anything at the scene. Who are you? "

Wang Chengliang said: "uncle, if he does this, he will damage the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games."

"Fart." Yang Jianye was very angry and said: "Xiao Yunhai will not accept it. Since he has accepted it, with his global identity and status, how could he possibly damage it. He can't afford to lose the man. As for the promotional songs, he is a globally recognized musical genius with numerous fans. How can you question his songs. Wang Chengliang, you are stupid. You have to be the chicken he used to make an example. I'm sure Xiao Yunhai will never let you go back

Wang Cheng Liang was stunned and exclaimed, "how dare he?"

Yang Jianye sneered: "why didn't he dare? I tell you, he is the indispensable person for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, not you. "

Wang Chengliang said, "I'll find him."

Yang Jianye said, "are you going to fight with him? There are personal phones of several leaders in his mobile phone. I have seen with my own eyes that in order to answer his call, the No.1 chief delayed an important meeting for ten minutes. If you offend him completely, he only needs to touch the upper lip with the lower lip, and your career will be over. No one can save you. Are you afraid now? "

Hearing this, Wang Cheng Liang suddenly turned pale and said, "uncle, what should I do?"

Yang Jianye thought for a while and said, "I'll call him and hope he can give me this face."

Yang Jianye picked up his private mobile phone and dialed Xiao Yunhai's number. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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