Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:51 AM

Chapter 1913

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At 7:00 p.m., Xiao Yunhai came to the hotel with the deputy director and relevant persons in charge to have dinner with the stars, which excited the bottom of the entertainment circle.

Xiao Yunhai received a phone call, and the person sent to Jiahong martial arts school to pick up the child came back and waited for him outside the hotel.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing quickly went out and saw the lovely and beautiful little girl Xinxin in the hall.

"Xinxin, do you know my sister?" Zhao Wanqing asked the timid little girl.

Xinxin's face showed a smile and said politely, "sister Wanqing, brother Yunhai, hello."

The sound is clear and pleasant to the ear, and it is very pleasant to hear.

Xiao Yunhai touched her hair and said, "Xinxin, I haven't seen you for half a year. You've grown quite beautiful."

Xinxin's face turned red, holding the corner of her clothes, standing there did not know what to say.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing smile, one left and one right, take the little girl's hand and walk into the box.

As for the bodyguards who escorted the children over, hotel staff naturally took them to dinner.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our princess Xinxin. "Love children's day," she said. "She is a little music genius in my grandpa Jiahong school. She has a very pleasant voice. She sang a song on June 1 children's day and got the love of countless children."

Xiao Yunhai picked up Xinxin and introduced it to the public.

We all applaud, welcome the arrival of Xinxin, especially the female artists, like it very much.

"What a beautiful little girl."

"It's so cute."

"Xinxin, after recording the MV, I will take you to my home to play."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "OK, don't scare her. Xinxin, come on. You sit next to me. Let's eat first. "

Xinxin nodded and cleverly said, "thank you, sister Wanqing."

"What's Xinxin's family name?" Chen Huan looked at the little girl and liked it more and more. Suddenly, she asked like Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said softly: "they are all orphans. They didn't have names before. The orphanage only gave them nicknames. After coming to our school, all changed to my grandfather's surname. Xinxin's name is Chen Xinran. "

Chen Huan sighed and said, "what an unfortunate child. Yunhai, you know, I have only one son. I live abroad all the year round, and I can't come back several times a year. I want to adopt Xinxin. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "Mr. Chen, it's the best that you can raise her. It's just that these children are my grandfather's treasures, which need the consent of both the old man and the child himself. There should be no problem with my grandfather. The key is whether the child is willing or not. "

Chen Huan nodded and said, "tomorrow I will bring my wife to take care of Xinxin and cultivate her feelings. I hope we can get her love. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you are sincere, gold and stone will open up. I'm sure Xinxin will feel your kindness. "

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing took Xinxin to Yanjing's villa, and used the recording studio there to finish the first sentence of the lyrics in less than five minutes.

Zhao Wanqing said, "Xinxin, would you like to sleep with your sister tonight?"

Xinxin nodded and said, "OK, sister."

Xiao Yunhai on one side showed a helpless look.

He had not seen Zhao Wanqing for a week. He had wanted to have a good intimate relationship, but now he can only feel disappointed.

Zhao Wanqing naturally saw Xiao Yunhai's expression, his mouth slightly tilted, and said nothing.

After Xinxin went to sleep, Zhao Wanqing came to Xiao Yunhai's bedroom in a lace pajamas. Her face was full of charm and said, "handsome boy, do you want me to accompany you?"

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing's delicate body, ha ha, with a smile, and said, "it's really necessary."

It goes without saying.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai started shooting the MV of "welcome to China" with all the stars. Because the studio had been completed and there were three photography teams, the progress was very fast.

It can be done almost instantaneously in every place.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the MV of welcome to China was finished.

During the shooting, Chen Huan and his wife have been on the set with Xinxin.

They took her to have a meal, went to marvel children's paradise for a whole afternoon, and bought her a lot of toys, which made Xinxin very happy and happy.

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai held a banquet to thank all the stars.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Chen Huan winked at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai got to know him and nodded gently. He followed Chen Huan to a corner and said, "Mr. Chen, it seems that you really like Xinxin."

Chen Huan said, "yes. My wife loved it at the first sight. Yunhai, I can assure you that Xinxin will be very happy and happy to be our daughter. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course I believe you. But still that sentence, the key to this matter is Xin Xin, and it's easy to say anything else. "Chen Huan said, "I see. Yunhai, one day is too short. In this case, you can give us two more days to let my wife and her cultivate a good relationship. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK."

At the end of the banquet, Xiao Yunhai sent everyone away and said to Xinxin, "Xinxin, these two days, my brother and sister have something to do, so I can't send you back to school. Can you just play in Yanjing for two days?"

Xinxin's face darkened, but she nodded with understanding and said, "good."

Zhao Wanqing had known for a long time that Chen Huan and his wife wanted to take Xinxin as their adopted daughter. She pointed to them and said, "Xinxin, you'll live with granddad Chen and grandma Zhang these two days. They like you very much and will take you everywhere. Two days later, my sister will take you back to Feicheng by plane. "

Chen Huan's wife Zhang Lan said happily, "that's great. Xinxin, didn't you play enough in Marvel children's paradise? Shall we go on there tomorrow? "

Xinxin eyes a bright, heavily nodded, way: "thank you grandma."

In this way, Chen Huan and his wife took Xinxin's hand and went home.

Looking at the car slowly leaving, Zhao Wanqing asked, "husband, do you think Xinxin will agree?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't know. Children's heart is the most difficult to understand, especially orphans like Xinxin. Let it be

Zhao Wanqing said: "if Xinxin can accept Mr. and Mrs. Chen, it will be the best result for everyone."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. By the way, wife, shall we record the English Promo of the Olympic games tonight? "

Xiao Yunhai had already given Zhao Wanqing the song "forever friends" in his previous life, but he never took time to record it.

Now taking advantage of the free time, Xiao Yunhai wants to get it out quickly, so as not to delay the publicity of the Olympic Games.

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK. By the way, husband, "Forrest Gump" has already set a screening date. It will be on April 20, and there will be less than a month left. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "a month later, it is the time for the rehearsal of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games. I am sure I can't spare time."

Zhao Wanqing sighed, put her arm around Xiao Yunhai's neck and said, "husband, I'm sorry, I shouldn't force you to take this job."

Xiao Yunhai scraped her Qiong nose and said with a smile, "fool. If I really don't want to be the director, there are countless reasons to refuse, and I won't accept it at all. Besides, wife, there are at least a dozen media reporters hidden around us. If you do, we will make headlines tomorrow. "

Zhao Wanqing not only didn't let go, but also held it tighter. She said without any care: "the headlines are on the headlines. My husband and I are intimate. Are you afraid of the outside world to know? Honey, kiss me

Xiao Yunhai laughs, holding Zhao Wanqing in his backhand, and gives a French kiss.

All of a sudden, the distant reporters press the shutter sound, crackling spread to Xiao Yunhai's ears, but Xiao Yunhai turned a deaf ear, his wife did not care, is he a big man still care.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt a cool breath rising from his heart, his whole body was shaking and his scalp was numb, and a strong and extreme danger was rapidly approaching him.

Without saying a word, Xiao Yunhai holds Zhao Wanqing and moves to the left, intending to hide behind a big tree at the door of the hotel.

He had just run five meters, a black military jeep, two submachine guns out of the window, "bang bang bang bang", dozens of bullets toward Xiao Yunhai then shot past.

The other side is obviously a master with a gun. One aims at Xiao Yunhai in running, and the other shoots at the empty air in front of Xiao Yunhai.

More than a dozen reporters hiding in the dark were stunned. They obviously didn't expect that someone would assassinate the richest man in the world with submachine guns in the capital of China.

A few reporters took a few photos and left quickly.

But more reporters stayed and took photos with camera.

They are the ones who want money but not their lives. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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