Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:38 AM

Chapter 1921

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The first person to give her speech was dalina, who said in fluent English: "I want to thank my company Marvel very much for winning this award. I was originally an ordinary actor in Hollywood. It was Marvel who found me as the heroine of Captain America. You know me now. Under the wise leadership of Mr. Xiao, marvel has developed faster and better. Along with me, I have been given many opportunities to hone my acting skills. Today, I finally stand on this stage. Thank you, thank you marvel. I want to say to marvel that I will always be a marvel actor. "

With that, dalina was already crying with excitement.

The scene applause thunderous, the camera from time to time to shine is clapping at Xiao Yunhai.

The next Bai binglu also expressed her thanks to Xiao Yunhai: "like miss dalina, I was just an actor who couldn't get the chance to perform before. After the news of "Zhuxian" looking for actors was uploaded on the Internet, I came to Hanhai with a try mentality and was honored to be favored by Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. Not only gave me the role of Lu Xueqi, but also let me join Hanhai film and television investment company. There, I met a lot of good actors and learned a lot from them. Thanks to Hanhai, to Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, to my family for all they have done for me, to the golden cup jury for awarding this award to me, and to all the fans who have supported me. In the future, I will work harder to create better roles. "

There was another round of applause.

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and whispered, "wife, are they trying to butter up? I'm a little embarrassed about what I said

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "don't be sentimental here. People are grateful to the company. Although you are the boss, everything is done by the company. What have you done? "

Xiao Yunhai was speechless for a while and said, "well, I'm wrong."

The best supporting actress is followed by the best supporting actor. In this award, there are two actors in Xiao Yunhai's "Twelve citizens", one is Ge Wuyou, the other is Wang Guoan.

The best supporting actor was awarded by Yu Yuexian and Wu Zixu.

They were old friends. After a few jokes on the stage, they directly entered the announcement link.

Wu Zixu tore open the envelope, looked at the list, and whispered, "how could this happen?"

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "director Wu, you must not say that the best male match and the best female match are the same, but also two."

Wu Zixu looked at her in surprise. Yu Yuexian's face was stunned, and he said, "can't it be true?"

In the end, Yu Xuxian announced that he was surprised to see a lot of people in the audience

Yu Yuexian opened the list and looked at it and said with a smile, "it's so. Congratulations to Mr. Wang Guoan who won the best supporting actor of golden cup. However, there is a very interesting special case to tell you about. "

Wang Guoan showed such an expression that he did not move.

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "this time in the selection of the best supporting actor, almost the same situation as the best female supporting role. Wang Guoan has only one vote difference with Wang Guoan

"I'm not. Who is it. "

" the golden cup award is really special because it is difficult to distinguish Bo Xuan twice in a row. "

"It's just one vote short. It's really scary."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "he is Mr. Ge Wuyou who acted in the same film with Wang Guoan. He got 108 votes and Wang Guoan got 109 votes. "

Ge Wuyou immediately shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

Wang Guoan got up and hugged him. He even hugged his bald head and gave him a kiss, which made people laugh.

Wang Guoan came to the stage and took the trophy from Yu Yuexian's hand and said happily, "109:108, this feeling is really good. Don't be sad, Lao Ge. It's the will of God. "

Ge Wuyou touched his bald head with a bitter smile on his face.

Wang Guoan continued: "thank you, Jinzun jury, for giving me one more vote than Lao Ge, thank Yunhai for writing such a good film, and thank the fans for enjoying our film."

The best supporting actors and actresses have been won by Chinese actors, which makes Chinese artists very proud.

Unfortunately, the good time is not long. The best actress and best actor in the following are all got by Hollywood actors.

What's more, Xiao Yunhai knows both the winners, one is Anne Winslet, the other is Todd Wagner.

When Annie Winslet delivered her speech on the stage, Xiao Yunhai gently took Zhao Wanqing's hand and whispered, "wife, don't be sad. In my eyes, you are the best actor."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, do you think I will be sad for an award? "Zhuxian" is a commercial film. It is basically impossible to get the best actor and heroine. "Xiao Yunhai shrugged his nose and said, "do you mean that my best man is also hanging?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "I dare not say" Twelve citizens ", but" Zhu Xian "certainly can not."

Sure enough, the next best actor was won by the old movie emperor Todd Wagner. Fortunately, he was an actor of marvel, which made Xiao Yunhai feel much better.

After the best actor, ye Yongren came to the stage and sang three songs in one breath, and then began to present the best director and best film, with Zhao Wanqing and ye Yongren as the awarding guests.

"Wanqing, how is your husband feeling now?" Ye Yongren asked.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it should be pretty good."

The camera lens came to Xiao Yunhai's face. Xiao Yunhai showed a smiling face and made a V-shaped gesture.

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "how can I feel that I am forced to smile. You know, he just lost his best actor. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "he really did not become the film emperor, but you should not forget that the best actor is the actor of our Marvel Comics company, and the best supporting actor and actress have not escaped from our company and the film. Don't you think this is also our victory?"

Ye Yongren suddenly realized and said, "this is true. Here are the awards for the best directors. A total of eight directors have been shortlisted. Now the trophy is in your hand. Who would you like to present it to? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course, it's my husband. However, the opponent is too strong, even he does not have sufficient confidence. Mr. Ye, don't torture us any more. Let's take a look at the big screen. "

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "good."

After the introduction of the eight directors in turn, ye Yongren opened the envelope, but did not open the list. Instead, he said, "I remember that your husband and you hosted a golden cup film festival. At that time, you played us a lot. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to revenge. What do you think?"

"Good." The audience were watching the excitement, and they were not afraid of big things. Ye Yongren just agreed with them.

Zhao Wanqing said with a wry smile: "teacher ye, the director just let us delay for three minutes. Now it's almost all over."

Ye Yongren said: "then I'll send the director three more minutes, and ask the photography teacher to hit Yunhai's face on the big screen, and other directors will forget it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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