Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:36 AM

Chapter 1923

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At the dinner party, hundreds of movie stars from home and abroad gathered together, chatting and laughing, expanding their contacts.

The entertainment circle is a personal circle. Money is not necessarily better than someone else. Of course, if you have money to a certain extent, it is another matter.

Ye Yongren finds the besieged Xiao Yunhai and says, "Yunhai, I'm sorry. When presenting the best director, he didn't discuss with you, so he got you to the front desk. It's mainly because Wanqing and I have no way out. "

Xiao Yunhai touched him with his glass and said with a smile, "my wife told me that this is a good way to delay time. I'm not the kind of person who can't afford to joke. It's nothing. By the way, Mr. Ye, are you free recently

Ye Yongren was stunned, nodded and said, "yes. What's the matter? "

Xiao Yunhai pulled Ye Yongren aside and said, "the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games needs some stars to perform on the stage. I want to invite you to go up. How about it?"

As a young king of heaven, ye Yongren's popularity in Asia can definitely rank in the top five, and he is quite famous all over the world. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai thought of him.

Ye Yongren said happily, "this is absolutely a thing that I can't get. OK, that's settled. By the way, what is the show? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "singing, of course. Not only you, but also several singers to sing together. It's a big stage. It's not suitable to sing alone. As for the song, there is no clue. I'll call you then

Ye Yongren nodded and said, "OK, I'm on call."

After chatting with Ye Yongren for a while, Shen Qiu, vice chairman of Jinzun, came to Ye Yongren and said, "Mr. Ye, can I talk to Mr. Xiao alone?"

"Help yourself." Ye Yongren nodded and left.

"We fell out with CCTV," Shen Qiu said

Xiao Yunhai had heard from his Uncle Chen Zhan about this matter.

At the last dinner of Jinzun Film Festival, Xiao Yunhai and Shen Qiu discussed the issue that Jinzun International Film Festival should not rely too much on the Ministry of culture and CCTV.

Shen Qiu obviously listened to his words. After careful planning, he firmly grasped the hosting right of jinzung in his own hands.

The Golden Cup International Film Festival was jointly organized by Yunqing TV station, MGM TV station and Xianyue video network, which caused serious losses to CCTV.

Their leaders even went to Shen Qiu, and the two people's congresses had a fight and broke up completely.

Xiao Yunhai was not surprised at all and said, "CCTV is a bit stingy. What's the big deal? By the way, how much money did you make this time? Can we be self-sufficient in the future? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai ask about the income, Shen Qiu's face showed a comfortable smile and said: "according to the contract, we can get at least two billion dollars, self-sufficient, more than enough."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's not in vain that you quarrel with CCTV."

"So we want to thank you for the idea," Shen Qiu said

Xiao Yunhai said: "this has nothing to do with me. It's all your own decision."

Shen Qiu showed a sly smile and said, "but what I told them is that you are behind the scenes. Coincidentally, you Yunqing TV station is the sponsor of this time. Well, that's even harder to explain. "

Xiao Yunhai Leng for a moment, pointing to Shen Qiu, said: "chairman Shen, it's not kind of you to do so. That's what I said. It's up to you to do it or not. Now, I've become the chief culprit. Now, CCTV has to hate me too. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile: "CCTV is a giant to me, but to you, it's just a TV station. If I don't pull you up, I'll be under too much pressure. Maybe even the Minister of culture will talk to me. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "well, you are fierce. I am lying gun."

Shen Qiu said with a smile, "you should make contributions to the entertainment industry of China."

After chatting with Shen Qiu for a while, Xiao Yunhai suddenly saw that Zhao Wanqing and Annie were chatting with each other warmly. With a smile on his face, he couldn't help but feel a little stunned. He said to Shen Qiu, "chairman Shen, I'll go there."

Shen Qiu looked at the past along his eyes, but also found this thing. He was surprised and said, "a woman's heart, a sea needle, is really right at all. However, Yunhai, I advise you not to use the past. Things between women, once men get involved, will become extremely complex, understand

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "chairman Shen, I can't see that you are still an old hand in love. You're right. I'd better stay away. "

Xiao Yunhai took up a glass of wine, took some things, came to a corner to eat.

In order to walk the red carpet, Xiao Yunhai ate at more than four o'clock. After such a long time, he was really hungry.

"Mr. Xiao, long time no see. Do you remember me?" A handsome young man came to Xiao Yunhai and asked with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai raised his head and said with a smile, "Mr. George, how could I possibly forget you? Congratulations. You've got what you want. Please have a seatIt was George Trollope, who was just engaged to Anne Winslet, CEO of Walson sales company.

For a long time, he cleaned himself up, pursued hard, and finally achieved his wish.

George sat next to Xiao Yunhai and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xiao, I know that Annie still loves you."

Xiao Yunhai even said, "Mr. George, don't talk nonsense. Annie is your fiancee. It's very inappropriate for you to say that. "

George said with a smile, "there's nothing wrong with it. I told Annie that. But I'm confident that Annie will fall in love with me as soon as she marries me

Looking at George's confident eyes, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. George, do you know? You are really a very strange person

George said, "are you trying to say I'm stupid?"

"No Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it should be said that it is persistent. Every successful person should have such personality and characteristics. Some people say that as wide as the heart is, the stage will be as big. I believe there is no limit to your future. "

George said, "don't you say that. We can't go to Walson supermarket express camp any more."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you must not say it is because of our Yunyi supermarket chain."

George nodded and said seriously: "the appearance of Yunyi has a great impact on all supermarkets. However, we are taking a high-end route, which has a relatively small impact. The reason why I said that the express camp could not go down was because of the last attack on the euro. My father also participated, and he was the main force, helping 300 billion dollars. Before, our supermarket was smashed and suffered heavy losses. Later, we renovated it and tried to operate it secretly for two days. As a result, it was smashed again when people went in at night. Well, my father is dying, and I can't do anything about it

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is really a big problem."

"Mr. Xiao, I know you and Mr. Wu want to enter Europe. We have been unable to operate there for a short time. We are going to sell more than 300 supermarkets in Europe. Do you know if Mr. Xiao is interested

"Mr. George, you should ask Wu Yifa, not me. Yunyi shopping network and Yunyi supermarket chain are in charge of him

"Will Mr. Xiao introduce me?"

"Of course. It's just a phone call. "

"Thank you."

Xiao Yunhai called Wu Yifa in front of him and led them a line. The rest had nothing to do with him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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