Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:35 AM

Chapter 1924

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After chatting with Xiao Yunhai for a while, George saw Zhao Wanqing coming over and left.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai said: "business, of course. He wants to sell us the Walson supermarket in Europe. What about you and Annie? I see that you are talking and laughing. They are not all superficial phenomena, are they? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's a secret. I won't tell you."

The dinner time of the golden cup film festival is only one and a half hours, but it is just to give everyone a chance to communicate.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing left ten minutes in advance and were surrounded by reporters as soon as they went out.

"Mr. Xiao, congratulations on winning the best director award. Are you satisfied with this golden cup film festival?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "what is satisfaction? What is dissatisfaction? It's like I'm the leader of jinzung organizing committee. As long as the golden cup film festival adheres to the principle of fairness and justice, both filmmakers and fans will be very satisfied. "

"Both lost the best actor and best actress awards. What do you think of that?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "the two films do not give us much room to play. It's normal to lose the movie king."

"Mr. Xiao, can you disclose to what extent the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games are going on now? We all know that you are in danger, and we are very worried about it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "time is really tight. The program has been determined. The actors alone need more than 10000 people. If they want to make them like fingers, they need hard training. Thank you for your relationship. I promise to bring an incredible opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to China and even the world

After answering several questions, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to the villa together.

At this time, the Internet is very busy.

"It's still that we, the emperor of cloud, know that it's not easy for the hostess to dress her. I saw that the host's eyes were red. "

"Yes. The emperor is definitely a warm man. "

"Congratulations to yunhuang for winning five awards: best screenwriter, best visual effect, best supporting actress, best supporting actor and best director."

"It's a pity that yunhuangqing didn't win the movie queen."

"When it comes to yunhuangqing, awards don't matter at all. As emperor Yun said, what he cares about most is word-of-mouth, not box office and awards. "

"Yunhuang is so humorous. At the awards ceremony, I was made to laugh by him. I don't know how many times. "

"Looking forward to the new film" Forrest Gump ", although I don't like the name very much, I will go to the cinema to support it."

"Cloud emperor, come on, you are the best."

The news of the golden cup film festival has also been reported in the headlines on the Internet.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai came to the Olympic Stadium and watched the scenes of 2006 actors performing Taijiquan. It was not bad at first glance, but it would be a thousand miles away if we used a close-up view. The coordination and unity of movements were very problematic.

Xiao Yunhai personally explained to everyone that the effect is very good, at least the expansibility has been improved, as for the unity still needs to be strengthened.

At twelve o'clock, Xiao Yunhai drove to a hotel and saw Wu Yong, President of Great Wall Motors Company, who asked him to come over.

Wu Yong stood up, shook hands with Xiao Yunhai, and said with a smile, "welcome, Mr. Xiao. Please sit down."

Xiao Yunhai glanced around, sat on the chair and said, "Mr. Wu, are you alone?"

Wu Yong nodded and said, "yes. My assistant and driver were both driven out by me. Mr. Xiao, I have something to ask for today

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what kind of big event can make you so formal."

Wu Yongdao: "a matter of life and death. However, the world is big and the meal is the biggest. Let's let the waiter serve the food first. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's the best. I've been busy all morning, and I'm really hungry. "

After a while, twelve excellent dishes were served.

Xiao Yunhai was not polite at all. After a big meal, he relieved his empty stomach and then said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, can you say it now?"

Wu Yongdao: "Mr. Xiao, can I ask why you don't become the spokesman of Great Wall Motors?"

Last week, Great Wall Motor approached Sima Qian to discuss Xiao Yunhai's renewal, but Sima Qian refused. No matter how high the price is, Sima Qian just doesn't agree.

Finally, there was no way to be entangled. Sima Qian told them that this was what Mr. Xiao himself meant.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Wu Yong's heart is pounding, and his intuition is going to have an accident.

He was a man who planned to move after the incident. Instead of calling Xiao Yunhai directly, he sent someone to investigate. As a result, he found something that he found hard to accept. Xiao Yunhai actually wanted to build a car base in Shaanxi Gansu Province.

Wu Yong knows that with Xiao Yunhai's powerful financial resources and background, there is no difficulty in establishing an automobile company.As long as he gives orders, it is absolutely necessary to have technology and talents. The key is to build a car factory in the West. I'm afraid the government will do its best to help.

In a few years, a brand-new car will appear in the market. By then, whether Great Wall automobile can win in the competition is not sure at all.

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, picked up a paper towel, wiped a mouth, said: "Wu, since you know, still use to ask?"

Wu Yong flashed a little heavy on his face and said, "Mr. Xiao, why are you suddenly interested in the car?"

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "of course, it's for money. My economic team told me that the automotive industry will be one of the best investment projects in the future. Mr. Wu, not only the automobile industry, but also the other industries, I will also have some concerns. You don't have to be too nervous. "

"The past facts tell me that as long as you hold the enterprise, there will be no unsuccessful," Wu Yong said with a bitter smile. And if you succeed, there will be someone who fails. Great Wall Motor sells well abroad, but it is just good. Its biggest markets are China and Asia. Once your Changjiang automobile company is completed, it will have a strong impact on us. Can I not be nervous, you said

Wu Yong is right. The Yezhou electronic technology company was in bankruptcy, almost was eaten by the whirlwind. After xiaoyunhai became its boss, it quickly reversed the situation, and now it has become the world's first electronic company.

Yunqing oil and gas company, once reduced its oil reserves to hundreds of millions of barrels, but now it is a super large energy company with a reserve of more than 100 billion barrels.

It turns out that no project that Xiao Yunhai sees will not take off.

Now he wants to make Yangtze River automobile, let alone the Great Wall. Even Volkswagen, Toyota, Ford and GM will be very nervous.

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "Mr. Wu, I don't know how to answer the words if you say that. You come to me, not just to inquire about the Yangtze River automobile? "

Wu shook his head and said, "of course not. Mr. Xiao, I want to invest in your car company. I don't know if it is OK? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "what do you say? Invest in my Yangtze River car? Mr. Wu, aren't you kidding? "

Wu Yongdao: "I'm not kidding. Mr. Xiao, we Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. have been among the top five in the world. A large part of the reason is the help of the government or the fact that the senior leader Xiao was in office, who was personally in charge. Shame, our sales volume has been OK in these years, but we have not done anything in technology. The company is full of a large number of idle personnel, each background is deep, even I dare not move. Alas, sometimes, even without the Yangtze River, Great Wall Automobile will probably go down the slope. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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